Hi milkcandy, Harmony test is also take our blood sample and send to US right . My gynae told me harmony test is not that accruate for twins as it is unable to determine which twin is affected. My T21 is 1:774 for T1 and 1:1000 for T2. Cut off is 1000 so I belong to intermediate risk, not low or high, hence amnio is recommended. Also I need to be poke twice for twins so the risk is 2% tog , haiz . Hubby suggested just go for it cos at least we can know the outcome accruately . I really hope I will be fine after the test . By the way, how did u take care yourself on the poking day and how many days u rested?? Just wanna mentally prepared and arrange for any help . Thanks
Yes, Harmony test is done in the lab in US. Yes, Harmony does not detect which twin is affected if the results come back abnormal as I've mentioned in my earlier post - If the results come back normal, that's great. However if the result comes back abnormal, then Amnio is unavoidable. I though the cut off is just 1:300. Your risk doesn't seem that high compared to mine. Mine was 1:5 and 1:61!
Whether or not you will be poked twice depends on the babies' positions and the doctor's skills. I only got poked once. But yes, each sac will be poked to retrieve the respective amniotic fluid.
I just bed rest after the procedure for the rest of the day. As mentioned in my detailed post, the day following the procedure was CNY eve and I still went out for reunion dinner. For the following 2 days, I resumed normal activities, but I took it easy - not much moving around. I was able to go visiting and gatherings but again - I watched what I ate and minimized movements.
If if makes you feel more at ease, you can rest in bed and not move for the next few days, although I was only advised to bed rest for one day.