Formula Allergy, cow milk allergy or lactose allergy?


New Member
Hi Mummies, my daughter currently 7 weeks and she is unable to ffed with suitable formula milk. We tried Friso (Normal), Isomil (Soy Milk), and Enfa Gentlease (Partially hydrolysed) to her but she will end up with vomiting. We are very confused with her situation. At first, she was ok with normal formula (Friso) since she born in Day 1. Due to viral infection happened on her in Day 7, her little tummy might be getting sensitive, and she was breast feeding until week 3. But myself is low supply, breast milk produced is no longer sufficient for her. Thus, we resume to feed her Friso (normal formula) and she starts to vomit almost every feed. After consulting with doctor, doctor advised to give isomilk (soy milk). In the begining, she is ok with soy milk. But after 2 weeks feeding with soy milk, she starts vomiting again after every feed of the soy milk. The vomiting stop only after feeding her with breast milk which i got from others kind mummies in the middle of the night. Now she is 7 weeks old and we tried Enfa Gentlease (Partially hydrolysed) Formula Last week. Result still end with vomiting after feed and stop vomiting after resume with breast milk after that. Is any mummies encounter same problem as mine? We are not sure is she having cow milk allergy or lactose allergy? We will see doctor again next week but thinking to seek for the advise if any of mummies experience the same problem.
