Foods that boost breast milk

Vivian Chen

Hi mommies,

Does anyone also have low milk supply problem like me? After breastfeeding for 3 months, I found that my milk supply has dropped suddenly, I’m so anxious because I’d like to breastfeed my baby boy until he stops drinking bm naturally. I got lots of information for forum members and I've tried many food recipes to increase my breast milk.

Homemade soups like fish soup, pork knuckle soup with peanuts, fermented rice soup, and mutton soup with dang gui gives me a big hand to boost my breast milk. I also asked my Taiwanese friends to bring me 2 boxes of Tian Yuan Xiang chicken essence because many members suggested me to drink this, especially the flavor of Wang Bu Liu Xing which is suitable for confinement or breastfeeding moms.

Honestly to say, this chicken essence is a little bit expensive but really effective for me. It helps increase my milk supply & tastes really delicious without any canned smell. My mastitis problem also improved a lot. I’m so happy to find this good milk-boosting product!

By the way, lecithin is also a good supplement for increasing bm. Don’t forget to take it during breastfeeding period!

Sharing my experiences with those breastfeeding moms & welcome everyone share other milk-boosting food with me!


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Hi mummy, thank you for sharing your experiences! This is quite helpful for me. Breastfeeding is a long journey for mummies, hard to get through when we are stressed for low milk supply.
I used to drink tian yuan xiang chicken essence to help get pregnant before but haven't tried their Wang Bu Liu Xing flavor. I'd like to try if I have my second baby! Oh, I drank mama nursing tea and fish essence to increase my milk, they're also really good for breastfeeding moms, sharing with you!
I'm still breastfeeding my baby at 8 months! However since 2nd month onwards I've started to feed baby formula milk during lunch and dinner because I think my milk not sufficient for growing baby, always cry to ask for milk.

I maintain a regular good milk supply with food such as
1) drink lots of water and keep going toilet but still it really helps the milk. #1 important
2) I drink a lot of soup during lunch or dinner
3) oats , anything with oats such as oat cookie, or oat bar, or oat cereal. This one works wonders trust me. My breast milk so full until baby hardly drank formula that week. But I decided not to eat too much cookies. Try lactation oat cookies
4) barley, coconut, carrots, spinanch, eat lots of vegetables, garlic, yogurt, Papaya, salmon, eggs

Hope it helps.
Hi Mummies,
Anyone of you interested in ordering some Lactation Cookies to boost your milk supply to PM me or like us on

Cookies price start from SGD6 / 100gm.

Happy Pumping,
Little Darling
Dates Milk is also an effective way to increase milk. I'm selling Dates Milk, fresh from the farm for only $5/bottle. 700ml. Expiry is 2-3 weeks from delivery date. Ongoing preorder. Order today, next week we deliver. Self-Collection is at CCK Ave 1. Min order. 2 bottles.
I have many returning mothers who have shared that it helps to increase. Look out for reviews in my ig @gimmemilksg or FB: GIMME MILK

WA 91205960 to place your orders.


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Yes, heard of papaya too.

You can also try fenugreek (available from GNC or pupsik) and domperidone (my obgyn prescribed this for me).
I think it varies from mom to mom. Lactation cookies helps cos of the herbal ingredients they put in the cookies. So you can try getting the supplements or herb and add them to your diet.
Those that work great for me was fenugreek, blessed thistle, moringa (malunggay) , brewer's yeast, oats, flax seeds.
Try googling : Galactagogues for more info :)
Let me share with you my food that increased my milk in a few days.
My family doctor recommended me to take tea to increase breast-milk of The Spoiled Mama. Because their products are safe and healthy for every mom.
In just a few days the organic tea had increased the breastmilk.
