I usually go to the one at Hougang. One table with one chair for $8.00. Time from 8am to 3pm.
Hi Stacie's Mom,
You have to go to the RC at Blk 698C Hougang St 52 to register and pay. The flea is on every 1st and 3rd Sun of the month.
Hi Any mummies want to join me ? I am thinking of registering for one stall at the Flea market.

Is there any one nearer to the West side?
Hi, I am keen to set up a weekend stall, but I am selling brand new stationery, is that acceptable for Flea mkts? I also prefer the West. Anyone got lobang?
Hi. I'm having a in-house garage sale on 16th & 17th June from 10am - 11pm.

Please call 94752962 for vewing of items @ Blk 111 Tampines St. 11
<font color="aa00aa">There's a flea market at Khatib Central on 12 August 2012 for National Day event. Only $15 for one stall (2 tables). Registration at Nee Soon South CC</font>
Hihi, I got this info from the Coraltree Rc FB.
Registration will be done at Blk 301C Punggol Central #01-754 at Coraltree RC on 19th (Fri), 20th(Sat), 28th (Sun), 29th (Mon), &amp; 30th (Tue), from 8pm to 9pm. Stall size 2m x 1m. Payment only by cash. $12 for every stall, $3 per table (max only one table per stall), $3 PowerPoint (subj to availability).
Orange: can't say for sure, u can ask the Rc members for feedback. But there was a flea market organized almost every month.. That must say something..
