Egyptian Magic Cream @ US$23 free domestic shipping - Sengkang, Tampines, Postage

Hi Leng Leng,

I nedd 1 tub, pls

LVJ (lvj),
pls rem to PM me your mailing address after payment transfer,
I'll email you when shipment is here & before I post out to you.

<font color="0000ff">Subject : Egyptian Magic Cream - *LVJ (lvj)* Posting</font>

Hi Leng Leng!

I've transferred payment including postage for 1 tub of MC and PMed you details. Please check. Cheers!
patricia low (patricia),
it'll be $38+$1(normal postage),
pls rem to email me your contract numeber &amp; mailing address after payment transfer.

I'll check &amp; reply your email later.
hi can i order 2 tubs.. how long will it be approximately? i understand you mentioned earlier its on the way
Hi Leng Leng,

Would like 1 tub via normal mail.
Have transfered $39 to you and PMed details + address.
Kindly acknowledge. Thanks.
Hi leng

My order as follows

1 tub = $38+ 1 (postage)= $39

Transfer done
ATM Ref=2585
Amt = $39
Date = 8-4-11
Time = 11.26 am

I will pm u my contact now.
pls acknowledge my order and sms me.

many thanks
Hi Leng Leng,

Intend to get 2 tub with normal shipping.
total: $38 * 2 + $1.50 = $77.50
Payment details as below;
To Account POSB Savings
144-02654-3 tan leng leng
Amount S$77.50
Transaction Reference 6683218869

I got your payment, emailed you for your mailing address.

sure, pls proceed with payment,
$38 + $1

Leng Leng
Hi Lengleng,

I'll like to try a tub pls. Pls advice payment.

The thread is too long to backtrace... Pls advice where will collection be?

Thank you.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Still taking orders </font></font>
1st payment of SG$38 per tub to my <font color="ff0000">POSB Saving 144-02654-3</font>, 2nd payment at later time after offset with currency adjustment &amp; shipping charge.
Please rem to PM me your contact number after payment transfer.

Total cost should be around SG$38-$40 depending on the exchange rate &amp; international shipping cost,
So far, no top-up is required.

*Collection method:
245 Compassvale Road – Thursdays 7pm-7.30pm/Weekdays 10pm/Sundays 10-11am (By appointment, pls call b4 coming, no sms pls)
265 Tampines st21 - Thursdays 8.30pm (by email/phone call appointment only, no sms pls)

Normal Postage (I won’t be responsible for lost of normal postage)
(Registered postage, just top-up another $2.24 on-top of normal postage cost)
1 tub - $1
2 tubs - $1.50
3-4 tubs - $2.55

<font color="ff0000">My POSB Saving 144-02654-3 </font>
1st payment of SG$38 a tub to me, (+ postage cost, if any)

Please PM me know the following after you transferred;
SUBJECT: Egyptian Magic Cream Spree - *your nickname here pls*
1. By ATM or internet transfer (If be internet transfer, please include your nickname +MC)
2. Reference number
3. Date &amp; Time of transfer
4. Total amount transfered
5. Your <font color="ff0000">contact number &amp; email address </font>
6. Collection method/s

7. Postage mummies, pls transfer payment with postage cost and email me your mailing address

Kindly transfer payment as soon as you place order to secure your orders,
in the event of stock unavailability, Egyptian Magic Cream will be allocated on 1st payment 1st serve basis.

Thank you all,
Leng Leng
Hi mamamya,
$38 x 2 + $3.74 = $79.74,
pls rem to email me your contact number &amp; mailing address after payment transfer,
I had trf $79.74 to ur acct via ibanking ref:6695802309 @1833hrs. Had pm u my add &amp; contact. Kindly acknowledge receipt thanks
want to order 1 tub + normal postage. have paid and will pm u soon. thanks.

Funds Transfer to Other DBS/POSB A/C
25 Apr 2011 10:09 PM Singapore
To Account POSB Savings
144-02654-3 tanlengleng
Amount S$39.00
Transaction Reference 6696432877
a batch came last sat,
pls give me sometime to pack &amp; post out,
I'll email you when I wrap it for posting,
Waited a week more cause merchant told me there's new stock,

mamamya &amp; Mum2B,
I'll reply you when I get to your email,
sorry I'm quite flooded with emails,
