Drugstore Promotions - 20% beauty & personal care depts (14Dec)

hi snowrain

the order will be US$32.99 x 0.9 x 1.33 = S$39.49.
shipping charge will be betw S$5-8.
do transfer payment soon if u r keen :)

hi burberry,
Nick/Name: Uribo
Collection Mode: AMK Hub/Courier (pending)
Email: [email protected]

1.Item Name: Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula, Nursing Cream with Pure Cocoa Butter & Pro Vitamin B5 1.1 oz (30 g)
URL: http://www.drugstore.com/palmers-co...tter-and-pro-vitamin-b5/qxp72304?catid=183044
Quantity: 1
Price (US$): 4.99
2.Item Name: Desitin Rapid Relief Diaper Rash Ointment, Creamy 4 oz (113 g)
URL: http://www.drugstore.com/desitin-rapid-relief-diaper-rash-ointment-creamy/qxp10747?catid=182979
Quantity: 4
Price (US$): 5.29, 2nd at 50%
Total(US$): 15.88
3. Item Name: One With Nature Dead Sea Mineral Soap, Sea Mud 7 oz (200 g)
URL: http://www.drugstore.com/one-with-nature-dead-sea-mineral-soap-sea-mud/qxp319658?catid=185616
Quantity: 3
Price (US$): 3.99
Total(US$): 11.97
4. Item Name: One With Nature Dead Sea Mineral Soap, Lemon Verbana 7 oz (200 g)
URL: http://www.drugstore.com/one-with-nature-dead-sea-mineral-soap-lemon-verbana/qxp319645?catid=185616
Quantity: 1
Price (US$): 3.99
5. Item Name: Orajel Toddler Sesame Street Training Toothpaste, Berry Fun 2 oz
URL: http://www.drugstore.com/orajel-toddler-sesame-street-training-toothpaste-berry-fun/qxp507661
Quantity: 1
Price (US$): 3.99
6. Item Name: Orajel Toddler My Way! Non-Fluoride Toothpaste, Berry Burst 1.5 oz (42.5 g)
URL: http://www.drugstore.com/orajel-tod...toothpaste-berry-burst/qxp405773?catid=183827
Quantity: 1
Price (US$): 3.99
7. Item Name: Colgate Kids My First, Toddler, Floride Free Toothpaste, Mild Fruit 1.75 oz (49.6 g)
URL: http://www.drugstore.com/colgate-ki...-toothpaste-mild-fruit/qxp241492?catid=183827
Quantity: 2
Price (US$): 3.99
Total(US$): 7.98
Total quantity: 13
Total item cost (US$): 52.79
Total amt (S$): US$52.79 x 0.90 x 1.33 = S$63.19
Let me know if the discount rate & exchange rate is correct? Thanks!
hi uribo

order calculation is correct.
pls proceed to transfer payment soon.
pls give me yr contact no too
hi starrycanopy

shipments will be arriving nxt wk
will email u after i've sorted the loots

hey burberry you said shipment will be arriving last week but till date I've not received any email from you, it's been almost 1.5 mths since I placed my order and I really hope to get them soon.
hi missydawn

thks for yr order & payment.
the exchange rate is 1.33.
no worries, can top-up the diff together with shipping

browse here : http://www.drugstore.com/gnc-store/qxg10974-0
Promo expiry date : 24 Jan 11am
Order total : US$ x 0.75 x 1.33
hi anneneo78, dsmom and puea,

lotos hv arrived and ready for colleciton.
hv sent u the shipping details too
