Hi all, I am one of those who benefited from the reviews I read about Dr Tan Kai Lit. There weren't many but all of them were positive reviews. I would like to do my part now and revive this thread.
I've been flying for 6 years, and a habit I developed from the different timezones was drinking several cups of coffee and tea in a day. On top of that, being a thalassemia minor carrier, I wasn't taking my supplements regularly. When I found out I was pregnant in Dec 2016, naturally I was worried about the health of baby and started searching for reviews. First step was to decide on a hospital, then look up their panel of gynaes. Dr Tan is under the panel of consultations of high risk pregnancy too (though I am not such a case).
Throughout the consultations, Dr Tan was fatherly, jovial, friendly and reassuring. My insurance did not go through initially due to low placenta and baby had 2 ecto spots on his heart. Dr Tan reassured me my placenta was not so low that I could not deliver naturally and that the ecto spots on baby will eventually go away. He wrote a note to the insurance company and it went through. During the 2nd trimester, I found out I had borderline diabetes through the OGTT and had to monitor my diet. Dr Tan was still encouraging despite me not following up the glucose checks properly.
I have delivered a healthy baby in August and am thankful to Dr Tan for all his reassurances