New Member
Hey aaa111,
Sure will do. Ok so, I had my cvs booked on a Wednesday after receiving my oscars high-risk result on Monday. My appointment was at 1.30pm and we were advised to go into the clinic 15 minutes earlier for registration. Queue number was issued, and when we were called, the nurse brought us to a private room and had the procedure explained to us, including the risks and the additional $300-400 if we opted for the 'express result' which was what we did.
During the procedure, the doctor first sanitize the tummy area, and injected a local anesthesia to numb the area where he was going to insert the needle used to extract the fluid. He explained to me that the first needle is gonna be hollow, followed by the second one which will do the pumping. Now, I'll be lying if I say the inserting part didn't hurt. It hurts when it touches the placenta area, but it's bearable in my opinion. Another sonographer scanned the tummy to get the right directions for the doctor and also to ensure baby heartbeat is still beating. The whole process took less than 10 minutes, and the pumping out part didn't hurt for me. After it was over, they spray antiseptic lotion over and have a plaster over the wound. And once again the sonographer reassured me that the baby heartbeat is still beating. I was prescribed with progesterone and antibiotics and advised to bed rest for at least 2-3 days, no lifting of my daughter and using strength.
Right now I'm still on bed rest from the procedure and I actually had the side effect from the progesterone which is drowsiness and dizziness
So for mummies who are deciding whether to go ahead with the procedure, I hope I had painted a better picture for you before you make your decision. Personally I felt that the test did gave me a great peace of mind after knowing that everything is going well for this pregnancy but yet again, I have to say it's your decision after all because it's your body and no one knows it better than you do.
Sure will do. Ok so, I had my cvs booked on a Wednesday after receiving my oscars high-risk result on Monday. My appointment was at 1.30pm and we were advised to go into the clinic 15 minutes earlier for registration. Queue number was issued, and when we were called, the nurse brought us to a private room and had the procedure explained to us, including the risks and the additional $300-400 if we opted for the 'express result' which was what we did.
During the procedure, the doctor first sanitize the tummy area, and injected a local anesthesia to numb the area where he was going to insert the needle used to extract the fluid. He explained to me that the first needle is gonna be hollow, followed by the second one which will do the pumping. Now, I'll be lying if I say the inserting part didn't hurt. It hurts when it touches the placenta area, but it's bearable in my opinion. Another sonographer scanned the tummy to get the right directions for the doctor and also to ensure baby heartbeat is still beating. The whole process took less than 10 minutes, and the pumping out part didn't hurt for me. After it was over, they spray antiseptic lotion over and have a plaster over the wound. And once again the sonographer reassured me that the baby heartbeat is still beating. I was prescribed with progesterone and antibiotics and advised to bed rest for at least 2-3 days, no lifting of my daughter and using strength.
Right now I'm still on bed rest from the procedure and I actually had the side effect from the progesterone which is drowsiness and dizziness
So for mummies who are deciding whether to go ahead with the procedure, I hope I had painted a better picture for you before you make your decision. Personally I felt that the test did gave me a great peace of mind after knowing that everything is going well for this pregnancy but yet again, I have to say it's your decision after all because it's your body and no one knows it better than you do.