Cup cakes for birthday

Same same lah. Which month she born in ? My is Aug 02. Ha ha looks like 2002 many girls then 2005,2006 and 2007 many many boys born. Which school you registering for ? Me oso stress and my gal is lazy so dunno if want to go for Nanyang or not

cl, not bad wor, yr cakes nice!
so quick quick go buy that oven and start baking!

catika, forgot to ask yr princess's name... she's so adorable! i love babies!

shook, yes, flourless cake is no flour. use more eggs. i shall not say too much since everyone is so afraid of eggs from the lapis recipe. :p
caramum, if pink does come to cck, i'll let you know. but hor, from the look of it, pink doesn't want to! sigh!

sngiam, ya, me and cl same same have a 02 girl. ya, next yr P1! :p
you are welcome. I stay at Taman Jurong near lakeside MRT. U can take bus 98 to visit me, hehe!

May Wong
Thanks for yr recipe.

xiau ling
I bought the chilli shrimp floss (glass bottle) n spring roll skin(small one) from NTUC. One cut into 4pcs, then put in some shrimp floss n roll it up. I will leave it in the fridge then fry it later.
Hi CL / Hwee

My girl is Nov 02.

I am registering her at Red Swastika cos me old girl there. But stress man. She is a bit lazy and Chinese so so only. Thinking of signing her up at Eduplus which is near to my hse.
same lor I oso old gal of nanyang lor. I have a native Chinese teacher to come my place once a week to teacher my gal and a few of her friends. Her word recognition has improved a lot since started with the teacher after a few months
cl, sngiam, wow, so yr girls already confirmed got place liao. me still have to ballot even tho i've got affiliation to Pei Hwa cos i'm outside 2km range! i'm more worried abt my girls english! after 1 yr of phonics still cant read! sigh! her kindie is quite strong in Chinese, so she can recognise quite a number of characters liao.
cl, sngiam, hwee,
so my boy need to choose one from three of you princess??? ha ha ha! my prince is nov'02....
he still like baby... sigh!

sngiam73 (snhn),
dun remind me next year p1 leh.... my heart beat beri fast liao.... stresssss.......
he shd be in ST hilda's, my girl P3 now...

talk abt kids school, i stress.....
my girl kena higher chinese, me dunno how to teach.. sigh!
how to overnite at yr pl? me got family lei

if u willing to send me back after the lapis baking time, then ok, i can comeover.
yr request is quite impossible leh... my request is reasonable leh
Hee.. I thought of St Hilda but think think if do volunteer also not 100% confirm. So go back to my old school after persuding my hubby. Cos he keeps thinking it is a Chinese School. Furthermore, me no luck in lucky draw one so can forget abt balloting. Die la.. think I m the most lazy mum here lei. Haven't send her to phonics yet!

Pink - yr boy also Nov 02? I thought he likes in Pr1 already.

This Sat, I am trying to bake the Sugi Cookies. 1st attempt. If nice, I will post here. And the testers will be my family and colleagues. hee....

Wanted to try bake so many things but 1 day only 24hrs plus working.
how to slow down? everybody move very fast

ok ok, will post the zebra cake recipe by today..

me dunno got workshop not, will let u know if hv

oke.. c u next thurs...

xiau ling,
ON.... wanna let my office colleague try yr layang layang...

nice hair cut.... more cute liao..

your hair style so trendy now
Pink - i try first. Ask my hubby whether can attend morning Church instead of afternoon. My heart wanted to join lei but me not very good in talking one hor. Quiet girl lei..
ur gal in st hilda's? im old gal leh but my boys just started P1 in st andrew's. hubby old boy and he wanted them there. and i want my gal in gals sch. st hilda's now mixed leh.
sngiam73 (snhn),
ha ha! tat's why how i wish 1day=48hrs....
okie... wait for your "fruits" ya?

me ST hilda's oso ballot..., but by God grace, thru church letter, i got the seat.
me no luck person oso, but hor, no choice, go ST hilda's phase 2B, go outside worst, 2C, cos my former sch is in indonesia mah....

ya lor... my boy big size.... ha ha ha!
I don't know when to cook the pineapple fillings. One of sil will arrange it n teach me. U want to join me in cooking? Will take very very long hours lor! I will updated u all the method if I learn from her.
My fren coming to assess my gal to see what she is weak in English. You want to come do it together ?

My hb oso not willing to register at Nanyang. He says too far and then juz any neighbourhood school can liao. But the school downstairs oso need to ballot I thot I rather get one i confirm can then dun stress. If she cannot make it, later I think can easily transfer to other school

See you
pink, hwee, niko, hammie and catika
It's really nice to meet you all ladies for lunch... looking forward to the next lunching again....

thks for ur yummy "goody bag".

where u stay? Me oso plan to send my elder ger to pei wah but not easy leh cos i dun stay there but my ger is take care by my parents near there. Got to wait for last phase leh... chances v v v low...
pink, one weeknight, no problem la. hee hee....

eileen, think you can open house for your pineapple tart session liao.

cl, wat? assess english? got such thing? my girl sure fail one. hee hee....when? fees? ya, better get confirmed seat so no need to stress. de la salle also super hot one!

mamato5, ya why no co-ed sch?
ice, i stay in cck. i attend church service so got affiliation. maybe i'll ask my sis to go wif me to MOE to say she take care of my girl so that i can fall into the within 2km category so less stress. and best, mixed sch so no need to worry abt my boy later.
where do you stay? yr parents stay in toh yi?
I was telling her I preparing my gal for Maths using MPM then Chinese is covered by that native Chinese. So English, she can speak but not sure on academic. So I need to know what she is weak in then find the right enrichment for her instead of just signing her up to the school which people say is good. Dun need money lah, just come my place, let the girls play, then my friend will just talk to them and see what they lack in lor. Otherwise hor, before you sign up at I can read, they have free assessment too, ha ha can go there and ask that teacher to check ? ha ha
cl, you are very prepared lei. i didn't prepare my girl in anyway lei. i tot she needs to know the sounds of alphabets only so send her to phonics. now really got to send her to i can read liao. you send yr girl there too? still got maths ar?! i faint liao!
Pink darling,ok onsss next thursday 17Jan my lunch at 12.30pm can? But my lunch hour very strict 1hour and have to be back to office. CL also meeting? Luckily on thursday then i can bake on wednesday night. Coz i got class on every tue and thurs night.

CL you working in city hall? Me in Raffles City Tower lei.
We can meet liao, me at odeon towers besides bras basah complex. Then ha ha I prepared something Japanese if not pai seh bring 2 "banana".

Chinese I only start mid last year. For 3 months send my gal for phonics she says boring so stop. But she knows her sounds as confirmed by her cc teachers. Maths only started last week nia. The teachers says her maths only 1 hour attention span ask me to bring her on 2 days 1 hour each instead of 1. for i can read quite exp, so I thinking. ha ha maybe bring them for assessment together first
cl, ya, if you bringing, let me know, can bring together. i won't be sending her to anything academic anymore except for i can read or another phonics class. will let her carry on her swimming and start her ballet again. was thinking of something related to music but maybe too much liao for now... :p

michelle, cl, pink, hmmm, you all bringing something for the lunch next week huh? tot of gatecrashing also cannot liao. need to bring more than 2 'bananas' huh?
Hi mummies,

any mummies can teach me how to do decoration (is that call frosting?) on top of cupcakes?

and how to prevent cupcakes from cracking on top and not sink?
haha why this baking thread become our kids schooling thread.

pink & hwee
no particular reason la just my personal preference. i was from gals school thats why i also want my gal in girls sch also hehe... and moreover my boys r in boys sch mah.

how is MPM. my boys r with sakamoto.
n2inpink...ok now i truely think i should stay away from lapis..haha.

re: cakes
never like to bake cakes cos i dun like to do folding and rubbing methods. haha. failed terribly during home econs in sch last time..:p

have been wanting to bake cookies but never get to buying cookie trays. used to bake famous amos cookies though when i was working with them..haha
oh yes just wanna say, the pound cake which i made taste nicer overnight. and today the 3rd day taste even better n more moist. thank god all gone already.
Ok we go together to access. Music and ballet my gal give up. Lazy lah , ballet leg pain, music, finger tired. ha ha. But she ask I let her go but she ask to stop I oso never force her juz tell her no more. By the way, limbang got 1 yamaha now.

juz started cannot comment much but the books quite interesting to me but not sure for my gal ha ha.

Ya lor got the recipe or not. I walk past sure want to buy one
wow, doink, you definitely make super yummy cookies!

mamato5, ya now suddenly become schooling thread.
i just dun wan headache when #2 goes to sch next time so i dun min co-ed. and pei hwa is the only school i have affiliation and its a good sch, thus i guess, my choice is pretty clear. btw, how old are your children?
cl, my gal joined and gave up ballet twice liao. now asking me to enrol her again. will give her the last chance.
lot 1 has yamaha. limbang has? ok me go check it out. dun like cos they only start with keyboard lei. piano or violin will be good. let me know how yr girl progressing with mpm maths.
oh. my 4 yr old just started YJC at yamaha. wah so much singing haha!

my eldest (twins) are in P1 this year, my 3rd boy just turned 4, my 4th boy is in heaven (left 2 yrs ago) and my youngest gal is 16 mths.

u made a wise choice by putting in co ed school. pei hwa is a good sch! and so in nanyang. u and CL good lor cos direct admission no need stress
haha..i wish i had the recipe of the famous amos cookies too. but too bad. their batter comes in a box already mixed and all i had to do was to split the dough up and do "droppings" and put them in the oven. so no recipe or mixing involved. sigh.
chicken little, my girl olso born in Aug02. Looks like year 2002 mostly girls, huh...

hwee, my gals also gave up ballet after 5yrs. And now wanted to rejoin. But I do not allow cos too many activities from school liao...since she gave up, she has putting on quite a lot of weight. Do your gal face such problem?
Hi mummies, sorry that I have to withdraw my name from the portluck party. My 2 girls are having extra training for badminton competition from 3-5pm every Sunday. So me cannot attend liao...sobsob..

Potluck before CNY :-

Date: 20th Jan 2008, Sunday, 2-6pm
Venue: (1) Function Room @ Eden (Tampines)
Food: Pls indicate your speciality

1) n2inpink (1+2) bring: rendang chicken, spinach and ham frittata, assorted sushi (simple one), risoles (indonesian finger food), onde onde
2) Js'Mum (1 + 2)
3) angel
4) xiau ling
5) sweetie_hamster
6) Dearie_e
7) mdl (tentatively: tiger strips peppermin choco cake)
8) hwee (2+2) will bring desserts (let me know wat you all like)
9) nikonnet : Drinks
10) Catika (2+2) finger food
11) Ruffy_happy( cream puffs)

Hi jj, lollie,

mee 2 in UR classmate's list

J is a superb! she is so talented n answers back every qerry, with proper reasons.

3 cheers for Joycelyn !
