Cup cakes for birthday

Hi Pink,
No lah..not specialised in Fondant.. just interested in trying out.

whao..egg tarts.. do share with me.. tried out once..didn't taste that nice..have yet to try my hands using another recepie.

wow, encrypted wording cuti sxxxx, initially thought is cuti sekolah, but now know already lar, it is cuti sxkxt. Haha, 2 more to be filled. Heee..
ruffybear, me also interested in fondant. How you make it? off the shelf fondant? it is sweet?

the one i made is sweet, and i think our weather too humid then the surface become shinny after some time. Yours?
little pony,

i cant go today coz going back my mum place to fetch my gal home.

can only make it on mon.

i hope to make some fruit tart and egg tart on weekend. maybe i can pass some for u to try?
niko, so you know the code liao hor?
cl, nice candles. time can go there to look look too! another one will be to order from bd direct. they have also right? the last time i order i didn't check. i just ordered what i needed.
when's aden's bd? soon right? see our boys same age but i only just celebrated his 1st b'day last month and this month yours is already 2. hee.....
Foreverfriends Honey,
Sorry for late reply.
Wah, didn't log in since yesterday afternoon and the thread "rocketed"!!

Thank you for your kind words..
The pink coloured on my "bug and butterfly" are just buttercream coloured in pink.

Good start on the fondant cake you made for your son.

Nice cookies made using the Winnie the Pooh cutter range.
I am sure it will be a hit amongst kids even adults too..
Where to buy the cutter from anyway? How much ya?

You made lovely pizza there. Drooling leow..
jj, where u get your fondant? from scratch or ready made?

btw, how much is the fee for the lesson on fondant? me interested ler.
Hi Niko,
I bought ready made fondant from Sun Lik. Brand Bakels Pettinice. $7.20 for a pack of 750gm.

Tried using PH house brand fondant before but find it too difficult to manage, sticky.

However, I don't really like the taste of fondant, nice to see not so nice to eat.

I attended the baking class on x'mas cupcakes conducted by chef Joycelyn. It cost $129.
She is really good in baking and have skill in every bakes she made.
Classy design and really eye-catching..

You may visit her blog:-

During the course, she taught on different cupcakes and ended with fondant making (I find it too short, if only longer will be great).
I wish to learn more too on fondant making.
If only there is lesson solely on fondant will be great as fondant can make wonders to the apprearance of our cakes.

Any mummies know of any fondant class going on? I am interested.
you attended Shermay's Cooking School, under chef Joycelyn Shu?
her fondant skill super good not? u have her webby?

same with niko, me oso interested to learn 3D fondant leh..
how much is her course fee?
hi CL,
you most welcome! so u got yr numeric candle...

some one told me via sms you got it, then now my candle reserved for her liao

RESPECT !!!!!!!
me & hwee are the eldery at tis thread, you are not suppose to break our code..... :p

next round we really need to use our love language liao....
Hi Pink,
Ya, attended once.
Her fondant is good. Too bad she don't only teach fondant class..

That time was during X'mas period so she taught only on X'mas fondant deco for cupcakes.
I find that she is really talented and great skill in all her bakes. Very pro!

Check out her blog as I just posted.

Let us all learn together should there is any on going fondant class going on..
wow, jj, saw your si fu's cup cake. Wonderful. How come her fondant snowman/penguin a bit sink (pushed in) inside one? She taught you to buy fondant from sun lik? Or the fondant use in class is from where? is she conducting any fondant specialized classes? Sorry hor, so many questions for you. You are so popular mar. Hehe..
jj, pink, niko, i asked shermay's liao. they do not have a class specially for fondant. but if they do, they will let me know and i'll inform you all here.
orh, catika, hammie, etc, please bring along tongkat or wheelchair next monday, we have 2 elderly need special care. Haha..
wa, pink, dun lidat to niko la. niko its ok. this code is too simple. pink, time for our la kopi meeting to formulate more codes liao.
tat's better... ya ya, muz stand up and give away seat for us......

btw, yr fondant looks good leh, perhaps u conduct one lesson for us?
hoho03 (hoho03),
me going to make pineapple tarts next week

wanna ensure my standard is still there before my hubby give it to his subordinate...

can share wif u to try lah..... 30pcs enuf? no selling lah..
who knows u dun like my indonesian style pineapple tarts?
She pushed in the fondant snowman/penguin towards the frosting so that it is more steady.
But truly nice hor, her creation?!
Simply wonderful and really respect her talent!!

She bought ready made fondant too, save time.
She told us the brand to buy fondant from; either Bakels Pettinice or Wilton.
Happy trying on the fondant, and don't forget to show your fruits..
Me meantime got to hold on fondant as busy unpacking still.. (hehe, but always glued to pc..)

Me no popular here.. only trying to contribute here..

Thanks so much for helping to ask Shermay Cooking School for any ongoing fondant class.
If there is, THX for keeping us inform ya..
go back to work.... too free issit? keep disturbing eldery.

can subcon for you something?
i hvn't got chance to translate the egg white lapis recipe, you do it for me can?
wah all so good still got time to go baking now no chance liao cos tied down by my boy liao...haiz....

wahahaha...din know my first pizza making so successful...makes u all drool yah...hahaha...
jj, you won't believe what i told shermay's. told her to get the instructor and i'll be in charge of roping in the students! haha! but no chance right now lor. sigh! will sure update everyone here!

peng, once in a while must follow your heart and passion to release steam. you SAHM? congrats on your maiden venture! may you reap success in yr kitchen always!
could i check what's cream of tartar for?
for whipping cream, other than buy it off the shelf, how to DIY our own?
Hi Mummies,
whao so much action today

The fondant I made from recepies. Didn't try the ready mix as heard many mixed reviews about it. Actually much cheaper also to DIY just need the correct tools.

I think one of the mummies also posted some fondant recepie here..can't remember which archives. a WAHM...busy busy everyday...sianz...since have my boy i dun cook as frequent as b4 ....ah lao complaining of missing homecooked food liao...i can only do my baking at nite after putting my boy to bed.
You are champion!!
But then hor, Shermay's guest chef class, Joycelyn normally full accomodating 30-35 students!!

The previous time I called in for her class but was put on waiting list and lucky thing someone can't make it to put me into that slot, else can't even attend.

I am sure most here wants to learn fondant from Shi-Fu like her too..

your first attempt Pizza already so successful and tasted yummy!
I can order too..
How is the texture of your self made fondant?
Ya, buying ready made is expensive but easier..
Already moulding a bit difficult for 1st timer like me.. (cold sweat ah..)

So, good to attend class for my standand..
peng, lucky you to be WAHM.
envy, envy! hmm....seems like we same same huh? i also bake after the kids go to bed. usually around midnight there'll be cake smell for my neighbours. haha!
jj, haha! i hao lian only la! she told me got other ppl asking for the same class too! but chef jocelyn may not be the instructor for fondant class. so we jus have to wait la! hopefully we'll hear something in mar or apr. then we quickly go chope all the seats!
Peng, I will ask my hubby to put my girl to bed when I busy baking cake. I also bake cake after work, start at 9pm, stop at 11pm.
Thanks got my candle. Ha ha your candle so popular ha ha.

Yes yes can task me to buy for you. Me working at cityhall. Ha ha can got anson road to pass you when I pick my kids. Yes yes , my son 2 years old next week. Ha ha you can recycle my stuff ha ha but must wait for 11 months to use

What is WAHM ?
yes, got yr PM liao...

cream of tartar usually helping stabilize and give more volume to beaten egg whites.
It is the acidic ingredient in some brands of baking powder. It is also used to produce a creamier texture in sugary desserts such as candy and frosting. It is used commercially in some soft drinks, candies, bakery products, gelatin desserts, and photography products.

for whipping cream,
i usually use TOPPIN PRIDE, the quality is quite good, the result of whipped cream is much more firm than PH red man. price abt the same. S$5 for 1 litre.
I tried 3 different type of fondant.
1.rolled out fondant- this one is in between for the texture. not as stiff and not so soft as MMF
2. MMF- easiest and fastest to mix..however it is the can see in the cupcake pics on my blog.
3. Sugarpaste used to make my son's cake and the red sofa cake. IT breaks easily and hardens very fast
cl, i hear very cunning laugh lor! :p ya, our sons same age yet so many months apart. mine just passed so no need so soon. yr girl which month huh? i forgot liao. no need to pass at work la. pass near our home also can. haha!

WAHM means working at home mum. right, peng?
thanks a lot!
looks like cream of tartar is not a must though it's stated in some recipe, right?
where to buy toppin pride? NTUC got?
yes you can omit it if you want, i usually omit it cos my texture of egg white with sugar quite ok

Toppin pride can get it from sunlik, NTUC didn't carry tis item...

I'm going home liao....

have a blessed weekend to all!
Hwee, ok I am set!

Me also bake at night if possible, when the kids are asleep else quickly bake when they were taking a nap in the afternoon.
Else bake early in the morning.. (so cham hor..)

Wow, you tried 3 types of fondant?
Superb! Which you prefer actually?
Can share recipes, maybe will try one fine day doing the fondant on my own.
Saw your blog, not bad your fondant creation for a start. Keep it up ya and do share your fruits here..

I have seen Sun Lik selling Topping Pride too but not sure NTUC though.

thanks pink, jj.

next week is my gal's birthday, trying hard to find an easy recipe to bake a small cake for her. that would be my another 1st attempt of baking cake after that last round of slightly burnt cup cake. haha... hope i can make it this round.
