Cup cakes for birthday

alamak... shud have log in earlier!!! I have just put AY's pandan chiffon cake into oven!!!


and guess what... my 3 mini chiffon pans are leaking...

Keng, i've just clawed again... heheheh... hopefully this time can succeed!!!

My poor pandan plant outside lost 5 leaves liow... hahahaha...
oh really, thks. But hor this is not a desert rite? Ok before all this, can anyone tell me what are the basic necessities for baking muffin/ cupcakes etc. There so many types of different flour & sugar when i gg supermarket. C until my all my eyes crossed. I know theres a big outlet at JE opp. the mrt. Can get all those necessary stuffs there?
Oh all moomies ZZZZ liao,

hi CatiKa, i m a newbie in this baking biz.
perhaps, i shld start with a simpler one 1st.
what will you or any other recommend?
back.. hi yui... and nite yui...

my pandan chiffon all out 15mins ago... smells very nice... hmm... dunno how is the chiffon-ishness...

will try to post pic tomorrow...
itz a success... very light & chiffony inside - the small ones. the big one still cooling down... a bit warmish still...

good nite!
Gd morning all!!

Catika, wow seh.....2 plus still awake!!! Anyway can see u r really improving on ur folding already. So expect more cakes coming yeah!!!


Its kueh. Very smiple & taste nice.

Cupcake u probably need, baking cup if u do not have any muffin tray. Plain flour, baking powder, bicabornate soda (if making banana muffin/cuppies), corn oil/butter, castor sugar/fine sugar, eggs, vanilla essence, & the main role eg blue berry, banana, oreo, raisin..... and chocolate podwer if u wan make choco flavour
hmm... Success! My claws still wroking... Folding success!
BUT i find the cake TOO sweet... AY's recipe calls for a total of 180gram of sugar...

5 mins, 15 mins, and almost done - 40mins into oven:


Mums and Child galore:


Textures of Big and Minis:

wah seh.. u all so onz wan ar... sooo earli log on to post liao..

cat.. the minis look soo cute!! where can buy the pan huh? got 2 frm daiso long long ago.. need another few more...
WOW catika, u super onz eh... the pandan cake look good... hehe so u r hairless ar... luckily the ones on my hand n leg r rather fine or can't really be seen one... hehe

so folding in with hands work... mm maybe i will do that next time.
Me last week make cheese cake (those freeze type) & a brownie...turn out my sister, brother, sis-inlaw & nephew all say nice...finally found a receipe to do brownie tat dun request using oven...i use microwave to make it...
hi cat,

yr chiffon cake looks so fluffy!! for the folding method, u use yr whole hand to go into the batter??

maybe u can reduce yr heat because the top looks slightly burnt.

last time i did my mini also leak. my mum says me hand not quick enough to put into oven. heat will cause the batter not leak
kathy, got see... but pretty small... and somemore, the edges of the heart not defined, therefore after bake, the shape won't be nice lor...
the size is about 10cm widest...

hammie: ya ya... got it...
morning son and me whack 4 slices and lao gong took a mini go work... muahahahah... finally almost all my bakes are 'okay' lah... hahahahah... the satisfaction all bakers enjoyed when they succeed!

when we lunching? ...
Hi Fatman,

Im new here...and read you have some secret recipe for losing weight...can pm me the recipe?? Appreciate...Cause have been putting on a lot of weight recently after too much sweet stuff..
shers... hmm... yeah... at first i tot chao tar... sure kor kor... but hmm... now it's chia chia leh... still okay... but u r right... i shud down heat a bit.. but then again... scare centre not cook.

this time i tried to 'control' heat already... the top no crack!!! hehehehehhe... *happy*
fat<font color="ff0000">MUM</font> ...
... i still haven't started on the 'diet' yet... dun think i can stick to it lah... very ma fan... i eat what my kids eat normally and I am the GARBAGE bin... leftovers... all i bao...
catika: nw u r making my hand itchy... tinkin i can try it tml den hb come bk on fri can eat but tinking of baking again n my xin qing not tat gd... 50% - 50% wan do dun wan do...
Hi all
here are my mickey mouse waffles. Not easy to control the heat so some got badly burn. Lucky my boy loves to eat it. I tried the egg mould but not succeed, maybe the egg too small?
for egg mold, must use big size of egg to form the shape.

ur chiffon looks good.. wow, the power of claw hehe..

aiyo poor Fatmum, how come became Fatman leh??
i need to ask the mummies here whether u ladies got order from birthday direct before? how long do they take to ship SG?
sher: if i am not wrong, they don't ship directly to sg. I mailed them once. Said got to go through another hand to ship to sg... lagi more ex :s

There's a shop in raffles city selling some of the items tat is on bday direct website
ling, got to go through usa's posting then to sg's posting.. i dont know how to organise spree. else i will order direct.. i was wondering any mummies here tried to organise spree before? i wanted to know the way.. i need to get the things in SG 1st week of June for my gal's 1st bday..
i heard from forum felow organiser, they shipped prettyfast.. but problem is risk of delay may occur from forwarder such as Vpost or comgateway.
so give ample time of 3 weeks if u want to order, safer
u date me lah...hee hee...i still owe u the whip top..

Kendy, then we better schedule one by this month...else changi leh...soooo far. I start the ball rolling..

Early Lunch
Date : 29 April 08
Time : 1130 or 1145
Venue: Anchorpoint

1) Hammie

the organiser can help to organise this spree? because i tot can get more pple to share the shipping costs.
i think there are some organiser currently doing birthday direct.
check on overseas thread, choose the one who almost close the spree so she/he will order soon and u ll get the item earlier too.

I know of someone who just organized a birthday direct spree, you may want to check the overseas spree and look for PMM (Prettymama).

i just received email from prettymama... she took in my order liao.. i'm going to do transfer now! chat later! thnks!!!
Yah, I ordered fm birthday direct through a spree organiser before. Take a total of 3-4wks for items to reach spore. I like their dinnerware and cake toppers. Been using their cake toppers for my gals birthday cakes. If we can have sufficient order, maybe I can organise a spree for fellow bakers of this thread?
I also like their cake toppers &amp; candle but afraid of high shipping cost so didn't order. Is it expensive on the shipping cost?
hammie hammie.. lol.. 29th cant.. japan holiday no work.. 28 can??

Early Lunch
Date : 28 April 08
Time : 1130
Venue: Anchorpoint

1) Hammie
2) Kendy

the bday thing.. got webby??
