Cup cakes for birthday

ep will be collecting the scale tomorrow & mail it out. Do u receive her email?

chicken little
I also like onnee but I don't like with pumkin one. I remember I have bought the ready made onnee paste from Guang Sang Tai n quite nice.

hi i lots yr email addy la.. i was tryingto trace u on this thread but it move so fast i cant find u. pls pm me.. i need to email u details & picture of the scale.

i am gonna attempt the roast pork n char siew n tau suan tmrw... wish me luck !!
then i m also gonna attempt oven baked donuts by Jsmum.. never do research on the coating yet
eileen... hmm... tomorrow afternoon i go try the rice mould... and the egg moulds!!! hehehehe...

i realise just now at Giant forgot to buy marshmallow (for mmf) as well as milo for my boy...
keng, hmm... i normally put flour or other things at centre of the bigger bowl (normally the whisked things) and then claw inwards to integrate the flour or egg white into the other ingredients. I will claw in, lift up and 'squeeze' clean hands, claw in and claw out repeatedly, careful not to deflate volume.
sally: hehe thanks. Just managed to finished a few pieces... now struck with many more to finish...

This is my agar agar recipe that i did

1 packet of agar agar powder
a few strip of pandan leaves
800ml water
200ml coconut milk
sugar 140g ( mine is not so swt version) if u can take swtness can add up to 250g as stated on the packet.

Bring to boil the agar agar powder with water n pandan leaves.

When its boiled... add in coconut milk and bring to boil on low heat..

Always keep the heat on if you intend to do layer by layer while the pot is placed on the stove, if not it will harden up very fast.

Just add in any colouring you like as you mix. As my moulds are small... the 1st layer harden rather fast.

Once done, leave it to cool then put in fridge
thank you
will try tomorrow

you use hand to fold egg whites?
need to wear plastic gloves or not?

i use spatula as Pink shifu instructed..

Shers, Akohle
no wonder always fail in chiffon cake.. coz DH always tease me made huat kueh.. haha..
but, i think its my folding skill lousy.

if got lapis surabaya recipe, i also want..
i ll help u translate lah
starlight... nude, naked, bare hands... pink instructed meh? ... hmm... whatever lah... as long as it works.

Got some recipes also must use hand one... to know if the flour is lumpy or not etc.
read her recipes carefullly... ;)

i told u i tried everything possible and every kind of 'Hu Quan, She Xing' also can't work and also every kind of metal spoon and spatula and 'Wu Qi' also can't work... only my claws work...
Gd day with my 3 rascals. 2 down with fever but recovering on his way to join the sibiling.

Shers, I blend my durian flesh. u can add whipping cream and essence if you want stronger fragrance. Tat time i tried 300gm flesh + 150 whipping cream but i did not add the essence.

Pink, mmf sounds really difficult to handle when comes to storage.

My mum is also another one that is very pantang when comes to make huat kueh! Else cannot huat will put the blame on the one who ask her qns while making!
fatmum *5* ... hahaha... mum sayz huat kueh must 'chio chio' open the top like flower, like open mouth smile smile...

last time when i kid... always kena from her... because i always like to question this and that... *sigh*...
catika same here. but now i know her pattern i zip my mouth. This time rd its my boy who will ask her so she will tell them don;t ask so many qns. (",)

I'm now waiting for my walnut carrot cupcake....
i heard abt using hand to mix the cake as well and saw those ang mo doing that BUT the sight of their hairs on the hands -_-"
starlight: u mean seeing those hairy hands inside the batter or the agar agar? hehe agar agar eat le can make again BUT those hairy hand made me -_-" and my shifu can tease me said dun tink of tat lo... *faint*
not agar2 lah, its hairy hands in the batter.. hehe

ok, one of the day i will try using my claw

Btw ladies,
trip to Batam still on??
Ling, starlight. very easy. very moist also. But my abit chao ta on the top.

I used my hand held mixer to do the not yucky. The walnut can be reduce find it too nutty liao. Overall still can. Btw the recipe call for cinammon powder if u don't like the smell then it may not be ur liking.

starlight: hehehe tat is why i always tink twice when i eat the cakes now... scared one day ... i find curly hair in the cake.. OMG
I found it in my kueh before... puke till my face turns green....
carrot cake??? easy??? hb & in laws love carrot cake.. if i can bake fir fil bd.. can score points!! ha ha ha
recipe pls? hope its as easy as butter cake :p
aiyo gal, u said until like that haha..
i think from now on, i will pay attention when eating outside cake/kue leh..

color very nice leh,
i love cinnamon smell..
always add that into my pancake mix, hhmm very fragrant..
pls share recipe hor
hi all mommies, wow this thread really busy & fascinating. I just got a oven recently.
Not gd at making cakey at all. Did try some instant muffins & pudding powder with simple add on like milk or egg etc.

Wonder anyone have nice recipe of pudding & chinese steam carrot cake to share???

I tried the hot signature dish chinese carrot cake from Wah Loke Chinese Cusine at Carlton hotel. They are real superb.
starlight: Hehe sound terrible right... esp the keuh... that is why now watever i eat... i will see carefully... As for cake.. no choice la.. i very scared of hairy thing....
Carrot Walnut cupcakes (recipes frm the cake book I jst bought)

200ml corn oil
260g castor sugar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
2 whole eggs
190gm plain flour }
1 1/2 tsps cinnamon powder }Sieved together
1/2 tsp salt }
1 tsp baking soda }
200gm carrot (grated)
150gm pineapple cube (chopped)
150gm walnuts (toasted & chopped)

1) Preheat oven at 180c
2) In a mixer, beat oil & sugar until well mixed. Add in essence & eggs
3) Gradually add in sieved ingredients and carrot. Lastly mix in pineapple & walnuts
4) Pipe into paper cups. Bake for 35-40 mins for big cupcakes or 30-35 mins for smaller cupcake. If baking as a whole cake it may take longer baking time. Decorate as desire

* I used canned pineapple. Drained the extra syrup. I find the amt of sugar is too much since I’m using canned pineapple so I reduced the sugar amt by 40%. The pineapple is added to give the moist in the cake.

The above 12 cuppies i bake is 1/2 of the recipe
mommy yummy pandan cake


Sugar 140g
plain flour 110g (sift)
eggs (60g) 6 nos - to separate white and yolk
coconut milk 3tbsp
pandan leave juice 3tbsp
cooking oil 3tbsp
pandan paste 1/4 tsp


1) Add egg white and 1/2 portion of sugar in mixer till stiff peak

2) Hand mix egg yolk and remaining 1/2 portion of sugar

3) Add plain flour (1/3 portion) slowly into egg yolk batter

4) Mixed coconut milk, pandan leave juice, cooking oil and pandan paste together. Add 1/3 portion to egg yolk batter

5) Alterate plain flour and wet batter

6) Add yolk batter to egg white batter and hand mix in 1 direction

7) pour in chiffon pan to half (will rise almost half)

8) Place in preheat oven (170C) in centre rack for 40 mins or till nude brown

9) remove from oven once done and invert to cool completely.

Please note different oven has different heating point. so dont stick to exact timing.
Ling, how to go on diet...after bake straight away test test liao!!! haiz....very tam chia.

Tmr maybe try blueberry muffin. Fridge got a box. See got mood or not 1st.

ep, starlight, ling happy baking!!! Its almost the same as banana muffin easy to do.

Shers how r u coping w/o helpers?
mommy yummy oreo cheesecake


oreo 2 packets (to remove cream filling) crushed

butter 45ml melted

whipped cream 125ml

cream cheese 750g

sugar 175g

eggs (60g) 5nos


1) Place baking sheet on baking pan (cut to fit)

2) cover 3 layers of aluminium foil at the bottom and sides of baking pan (to prevent water from spilling in)

3) mixed crushed oreo and butter and place firmly on the base of baking pan

4) use electric mixer, mix cream cheese. Add sugar and beat for 20 mins

5) Add eggs slowly and mix for 10 mins

6) Add whipping cream and mix for 20 mins

7) pour into prepared baking pan and water bath at preheat oven (130C) in centre rack for 2.5hrs

Please note that the top will not turn brownish like the japanese cheesecake. The top will only turn very very light brown

i dont bake frequently as u ladies do. I do housework when my gal is slping. i bake when my gal is at my mama's house
yui, u can try mee sua kueh. Recipe from Pooh. Its a hit among the mummies here.


2 tbsp Oil
2 tsp garlic, Chopped
24g shallots, Chopped
20g mushroom, soaked and chopped
120g minced pork/chicken
120g fresh prawns
1 tsp salt/fish sauce
1 tsp pepper
1 1/2tsp sugar
1 tsp sesame oil
30g spring onions
700g water
500g chicken stock
240g mee sua


1) In a sauce pan, fry the garlic and shallot till fraggrant.
2) Add in the mushroom and continue to fry till fragrant before adding in the minced pork, prawn and spring onions.
3) Add seasoning, water and stock. Bring to a boil.
4) Put in the mee sua and leave it till all the liquid is soaked into the mee sua.
5) Pour into oiled 8" square tray and press it firmly down. Leave it to cool. Refrigerate.
6) Remove from tray. Cut into slices, coat with egg and pan fry.
fatmum: sigh dun tink i am going to bake it for the time being. Bo lang jiak eh... HB gg to be away...
Somemore fixing date for ROM now... super sian.. tink i am going thru a struggle now

Sher: thanks for sharing... muz put it on my must try list...
Shers, glad that u r coping well. I oso bake after my ger sleep. Else she wil be like kola bear sticking to me.

i tot i wldnt be able to make it without helper. few months into it, i realise that its good not having a stranger in house is good. though gal is koala bear, i like the feeling. hehee.. its ok la. spend more time with kid will be good because childhood is only once. baking can be missed and try some other time..

hehee... just my tot la..

oh ya.. i will be trying out durian puff soon.. how many packet of durian i need roughly?? u have puff receipe to share??
fatmum: today got the dates from the shifu... going to pick from there. Have prob with future fil la.. in fact he had prob with all of us...
Yi yan nan jing...

nah he workin.. will be away for 2 - 3 days...

Shers same here. We were not used having stranger too. Other then tat my 1st helper a indon took my things w/o asking me & asked me lots of personal qns. So I change to a Myanmar, then comes language barrier. My philip one fly my kite. So I stop engaging liao. Now my hse is always messy hee...hee...

Try this. Extracted from fenying blog
Puff :
Ingredients A:
125g butter
300g water
15g sugar
¼ tsp salt

Ingredients B:
180g plain flour

Ingredients C:
270g egg
¼ tsp. vanilla oil

Durian Fillings:
Ingredients D:
150g whipping cream
¼ tsp durian essence

Ingredients E: (Blend to paste)
300g Durian flesh

Durian fillings method:
1. Whisk Ingredients D in mixing bowl using low speed till well
combined, switch to high speed and beat till creamy
2. Add durian flesh (Ingredient E), mixed well at low speed
3. Chill in the fridge

Puff Method:
1. Sieve Ingredient B (plain flour) into mixing bowl
2. Boil Ingredients A in a pot over medium heat, mixing well,
turn off fire and pour into Ingredient B immediately,
mixed to a smooth dough
3. Leave dough to cool, transfer to mixing bowl and add eggs
(Ingredients C) gradually, blend well
4. Spoon a suitable quantity of dough mixture, and using another
spoon to push it onto a baking tray
5. Bake at pre-heated oven of 200ºC till golden brown (about 20 mins)
remove and cool
6. When puff cool down, slit an opening at the side using a pair of scissors,
fill with durian fillings

Now gg doze off liao......nite
