Craving Ice blended during pregnancy - not ideal?


New Member

Any mommies here crave for ice/ice blended during their pregnancy?

I find myself craving for crushed ice from chinese desserts lately. initially i thought it was just a normal craving. If i could not get it, i would settled for any drinks that are ice blended. Am into the end of my second trimester when i suddenly had this craving a couple of weeks ago. I know about it was bad to want ice during pregnancy but was told that it was not good to want crushed ice as well? i didnt crave to chew on ice cubes, i just want to chew on the ice blend/crush ice.

My colleague had craving for bubble tea from KOI etv during pregnancy and regretted giving in to cravings for cold studd. The anby always fall sick. .and a lot of phlegm. TCM calls it 寒。or cold constitution. I was diligently avoiding cold stuff. .only in last trimester. .some ice cream n tsil end some coconut water. U feel more heaty in last trimester.

My mum actually craved ice kacang and often ate them during pregnancy of my eldest sister. My eldest sister was born with asthma and have very poor lungs and "qi". She cannot run for long and is very prone to cough due to all the cold desserts my mum had during her pregnancy.

I hope you try to avoid eating too cold desserts like ice kacang or crushed ice in protection of your baby.. Keep urself busy and talk to "yourself" to be firm on this.. Hope this helps..

Ya, it is not advisable to have cold drink or dessert during this period but exceptional times is fine. I can understand how you feel especially when I had my sugar level too high and I was forced to avoid all these even though I craved for it. Also, it is truthfully good for your baby too.

Any mommies here crave for ice/ice blended during their pregnancy?

I find myself craving for crushed ice from chinese desserts lately. initially i thought it was just a normal craving. If i could not get it, i would settled for any drinks that are ice blended. Am into the end of my second trimester when i suddenly had this craving a couple of weeks ago. I know about it was bad to want ice during pregnancy but was told that it was not good to want crushed ice as well? i didnt crave to chew on ice cubes, i just want to chew on the ice blend/crush ice.

Please ignore toblerone, I think he or she is incredibily rude. My advise is to ask your gynae. I had bubble tea, ice cream n all kinds of cold drinks during my pregnancy and my boy is fine, naughtyn rambuctious as any kid of his age. Just make sure you r eating well balance diet. Remember everything in moderation.
Thanks al for the advice.
I've been taking ice cold water every single day. i cant rem when is the last time i had hot drinks. :eek: oh dear!!!
will stop it from now onwards.
I craved for ice only in my last trimester. Coincidentally, my gynae told me I was low in iron. Perhaps what is written in the link you posted might be true!
