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Anyone opted for the cordbanking?

Understand there are two private ones.

Stemcord and cordlife. Any suggestion which one to take up?




Anyone opted for cordbanking?

Understand that there are 2 private ones.

Stemcord and cordlife.

Which one is better?


My gynae say it's the same.

pick the one that is cheaper will do.

if price wise, stemcord is cheaper but you can only use the CDA acct to pay for the first 5 years only.

cordlife has a package that last till your child reach 21yo. but not sure if CDA can be use to pay for 21yrs straight.

whichever you choose, get a referral and sign up at roadshows.

Hi, i think it's possible to pay for all 21 years using CDA a/c. I paid for my girl's till 10 years old. =) Yep. Its better to wait for promo during roadshows. Can get better deal and get referral. Got more perks. If u need referee for cordlife can get me!! Haha.. Cos i will get some shopping vouchers too! =)

Hi ladies. i had recently signed up with CordLife for my unborn for the 21 years package. As of what I know, u can use CDA to pay for full 21 years. And that is what I m going to do. Indeed, you will get better pricing if there is a referral. do let me know if you need any assistance. i can get my coordinator to get in touch with you.

Hi there, i am working in pharma line and i had asked my OG dr about Cordlife and Stemcord. She was saying SC is cheaper by alot but the service, technology and quality standard r way backward and less superior. If can afford i will definitely go for the better quality as this is considered a long term medical plan for my baby to be. [IMG=]

Hi. I am looking for a referral for Cordlife so we may split the goodies at TMC. let me know if anyone is keen.

Kindly sms me at 96982363 Esther.

Can someone explain the benefits of banking baby's cord? Of cos we all hope that we don't have to use it at all but I think it'd be good to know what they might be useful for? Esp. when I've read that there had been cases where it's not helpful at all...

Those whom have clear ideas like what illnesses they might come in handy to give hope of cure, pls share.


mum05, CL has an event on 08 Jan. Y dont u go there and hear abt it? more accurate. i saw the flyer and a dr will be talking on Cordblood banking. its good to know more also. its free anyway!

We r quite keen to know more about cordblood as well, actually how much for the package


Yes. Depend on how you feel. I took stemcord as they are kept in 2 separate places. Its a Pte Ltd - singapore company run by Mt E docs. for Cordlife its an Aust company (if i'm not wrong).

You can attend their monthly talks to know more. If you need referral for Stemcord, pls pm me.

lynnette, i took up Cordlife for my bb becos its more recoganized and they also advertise aggressive. as my SIL has a referee and she got 50 bucks Capitalmall vouchers or NTUC voucher, (cannot rem which voucher), so we took it. becos she returned the voucher to us

I pay about $200+ per year for my son's package. I opted for the yearly package. He is under Cordlife. Cos technology wise, better. Will likely do the same for my coming girl [IMG=]

i got for both my kids under stemcord... will likely do the same for my #3... let me koe if anyone is interested to get the package under stemcord... we can share the cash rebates under referral scheme. pm me pls. thanks


My gynae'a advice is to use Stemcord due to the mgt style.

His advice is that SC is run bt docs and medical professinal whose goals are to provide cord blood banking and not those 'technology breakthrough stuff' whereas for CordLfe, they are consistently looking for breakthrough via research (which is a good thing to!) and they have a researcher (costing them tons of money!!!) @ their research lab doing this.

Ultimately, is based on your preference lah! ;-) Just my 2cents worth.... i will be usin Stemcord

my bb also using cordlife too. seems like its a more popular choice bah. and they've got more agressive marketing everywhere.

Stemcord is having a talk this sat 22nd Jan.

Need to sign up - check their website.

If you wanna sign up, PM me for referral and both of us each get $50 off



i'm also using Stemcord, anybody needs referral can pm me. [IMG=]

i am expecting my second bb.. my boy who is 3 this year i did not save his cord.. not sure whether i should do so for my girl? i read the website it says may not be useful in the end, depends on the illness. should i??

Ya, there is some limitation to the usage but I still saved for both my child. Diff company for each one...hahaha

My daughter cordblood almost cannot saved cos her cord too short, can't extract enough cells...

Personal experience...Stemcord reveals more info than Cordlife. If interested, I suggest you talk to both company and find out more and see which one you more comfortable with. Pricing is more or less the same.I think annual fee is the same, abt $250.

Hi mommies,

Looking for a referral for cordlife as I'm going to sign with them this week. Anyone willing pls PM me. Thanks

Hi Megan, do you still need referral? If so, you can PM me.

I signed up for cordlife for my first bb and stemcord for my second bb. So if anyone need referral, can PM me ok.

Hi limc29,

Stemcord having their promo at $980 for sub fee and $225 x 5 yrs plus 1 yrs free. Promo only till end of this mth. Hope may help u.. :)

what is this referral thing? i am reading up on cordblood banking. some ppl say its useful some ppl say its not really useful.

i even read some website saying clamping of cordblood is harmful to baby and lead to brain damage or autism etc.

quite unsure now whether is it worthy to keep the cordblood or shld spend it on insurance instead?

saving the cord blood is like buying insurance, so still considering. And these companies normally don't tell you the full risks & benefits...

