hi all, like to share this issue close to my heart as I am in need of some advice.
We have been together for 10 years, married for 4. We have 2 children (2yo, 7mo). When I delivered my first one, I was doing confinement at my mom's house and because of that, there was a lot of tension between my husband and mom. Subsequently, I found out through his messages/email exchanges that he confided in this colleague of his. Their texts got to the point of being flirty, and my husband being the social butterfly that he is, made a lot of suggestive remarks. Of course I blew my top, but that issue got quickly forgotten as we moved on with our daily lives. But that episode was always at the back of my mind. Fast forward this year, I delivered my second one in May. During this time, we stopped being intimate around 3months into my 2nd pregnancy. Two weeks before I was about to deliver, he did not come home for one whole night. I was suspicious and kept questioning him, but he didn't reply my message from 12am till around 4am, where he said he went to his mom's house to spend the night. it was labour day PH. The next morning, he appeared without any explanation, just say he went to his mom house. Of course I didn't buy it, but because I did not have enough evidence to point fingers at him, I had to shutup. I began to suspect he was doing something fishy but couldn't point my fingers to it as I had not enough evidence. Later, I will go on to find out from his credit card bill that he actually paid for KTV and a hotel stay at Fragrance Hotel on that very day. And I just recently found out (from his WeChat messages) that he was actually helping 2 china ladies (one of whom he was having affair with) for a stay there as their air-conditioning broke down that very day.
So, I found out over 2 weeks ago, that he was having affair with this China masseuse, and also with another ex-colleague of his. I believe that ex-col was just a fling, no real feelings attached. But when I saw the messages he had with this China masseuse, it seems that he has put some real feelings inside. He even got her gold necklace, lipstick, bag etc. No wonder I saw all these transactions on his CC bills, which he has now stopped paper statements to our house. When I questioned him about all these, he vehemently denied. I will soon find out from their conversations, that he asked the China girl to deny knowing him, to deny everything and I will not have a case against them. Up till the day I found out, they were still in contact. And the girl even asked him to delete the messages so I will not have chance to find out.
I asked my siblings, family, church friends. They advised me that a leopard never change its spots. Furthermore, he is always emotionally and verbally abusive towards me and my helper. My helper can testify that he is always shouting vulgarities at her (due to her pimply face) when he is angry/did not get things done his way. This happened since marriage. Whenever he is stressed out, he will vent his frustrations on me. When I was pregnant with both kids, he never gave me a lot of care, and always returned home late. Now I know why - he's been seeing other people behind my back, and I was no longer interesting to him. When I vomited due to nausea at home, he asked me not to dirty the toilet bowl and go down to the condo toilet to do my dirty business. And said that if I go on vomiting, he is so scared to have another child with me. He will scold me vulgarities whenever we are quarreling, and even criticised my job, saying that it is in some ulu place and I have to wake up so early everyday just to get to work. Mind him, I still had to pump and makeup etc at 7am. He wakes at 8am and complains as he works in town. We contribute almost 50-50 to the joint account!
I know it might seem abit one-sided coming from me, but trust me these are all facts. I was a princess before marriage, but since then, I became mild as I did not want to aggravate situation and affect the kids. Now, I just want to divorce peacefully with him, but he said he will surely contest. Not so sure whether he will do that, as ultimately both sides will have to fork out more from contested divorce, which I am sure he will not want to pay. Could someone advise me how to deal with the China girl and him? Thanks in advance!!
We have been together for 10 years, married for 4. We have 2 children (2yo, 7mo). When I delivered my first one, I was doing confinement at my mom's house and because of that, there was a lot of tension between my husband and mom. Subsequently, I found out through his messages/email exchanges that he confided in this colleague of his. Their texts got to the point of being flirty, and my husband being the social butterfly that he is, made a lot of suggestive remarks. Of course I blew my top, but that issue got quickly forgotten as we moved on with our daily lives. But that episode was always at the back of my mind. Fast forward this year, I delivered my second one in May. During this time, we stopped being intimate around 3months into my 2nd pregnancy. Two weeks before I was about to deliver, he did not come home for one whole night. I was suspicious and kept questioning him, but he didn't reply my message from 12am till around 4am, where he said he went to his mom's house to spend the night. it was labour day PH. The next morning, he appeared without any explanation, just say he went to his mom house. Of course I didn't buy it, but because I did not have enough evidence to point fingers at him, I had to shutup. I began to suspect he was doing something fishy but couldn't point my fingers to it as I had not enough evidence. Later, I will go on to find out from his credit card bill that he actually paid for KTV and a hotel stay at Fragrance Hotel on that very day. And I just recently found out (from his WeChat messages) that he was actually helping 2 china ladies (one of whom he was having affair with) for a stay there as their air-conditioning broke down that very day.
So, I found out over 2 weeks ago, that he was having affair with this China masseuse, and also with another ex-colleague of his. I believe that ex-col was just a fling, no real feelings attached. But when I saw the messages he had with this China masseuse, it seems that he has put some real feelings inside. He even got her gold necklace, lipstick, bag etc. No wonder I saw all these transactions on his CC bills, which he has now stopped paper statements to our house. When I questioned him about all these, he vehemently denied. I will soon find out from their conversations, that he asked the China girl to deny knowing him, to deny everything and I will not have a case against them. Up till the day I found out, they were still in contact. And the girl even asked him to delete the messages so I will not have chance to find out.
I asked my siblings, family, church friends. They advised me that a leopard never change its spots. Furthermore, he is always emotionally and verbally abusive towards me and my helper. My helper can testify that he is always shouting vulgarities at her (due to her pimply face) when he is angry/did not get things done his way. This happened since marriage. Whenever he is stressed out, he will vent his frustrations on me. When I was pregnant with both kids, he never gave me a lot of care, and always returned home late. Now I know why - he's been seeing other people behind my back, and I was no longer interesting to him. When I vomited due to nausea at home, he asked me not to dirty the toilet bowl and go down to the condo toilet to do my dirty business. And said that if I go on vomiting, he is so scared to have another child with me. He will scold me vulgarities whenever we are quarreling, and even criticised my job, saying that it is in some ulu place and I have to wake up so early everyday just to get to work. Mind him, I still had to pump and makeup etc at 7am. He wakes at 8am and complains as he works in town. We contribute almost 50-50 to the joint account!
I know it might seem abit one-sided coming from me, but trust me these are all facts. I was a princess before marriage, but since then, I became mild as I did not want to aggravate situation and affect the kids. Now, I just want to divorce peacefully with him, but he said he will surely contest. Not so sure whether he will do that, as ultimately both sides will have to fork out more from contested divorce, which I am sure he will not want to pay. Could someone advise me how to deal with the China girl and him? Thanks in advance!!