Confinement NannY/Helper NEEDED


New Member
Help !!! Can any1 recommend any confinement NannY/Helper ? Any1 aunty or mum who can cook confinement food n shower for newborn. i need one who can come in during the day or half a day(weekdays) so that i can spend some time with my girl.

Hi all.. i have a confinement nanny to recommend. She is fanatistic in cooking confinement food. She knows how to cooks the "hong zhao" aka red wine chicken soup or noodle as her dilect is Hockchew.
* Hakka also have HOng zhao. But i personally think hockchew style nicer.

Anyway, her own mum makes the red wine so no need to headache where to find red wine for her to cook for u.

The only thing is .. she dun stay overnite. AND she is a SIngaporean.

Her name is Mdm Ee.

hahaha.. sorry i dunno how to put it properly.. hope u all understand.

For further enquires, pls call Mdm Ee at 94506801

u all no need to pay levy and all for those looking for confinement nanny.. she is singaporean.
hi nanabear & Kk kids Mum,
May I know the charges for the CLs? My friend is looking for one and baby due in Aug. TIA.
Hi hiaweh,

Charges for confinement ladies are not cheap, but the rates are around $1800 - $2500, depending on duration & seasonal period (eg. CNY). I'd mine for $2200 for 30 days, she stays over, does ALL my housework (wash EVERYBODY's clothes, vacuum, mop, wash toilet, windowns, except car, cook for the WHOLE FAMILY, including confinement food for mummy & baby food for my elder boy.

Quite worth it as she's quick, fast, attentive, lotsa initiative AND best of all she ENCOURAGES BREASTFEEDING. She reads during her free time. So quite a quiet lady, not the normal nosy ah-soh kind.

I'm not advertising her or earns any commission. Just that I used her & thought anyone else MUST USE her too. Oh.. by the way, she did for me when I had my elder boy too. She also babysits children (day or night). Quite an all-rounder.

Thus gotta book early. Price neg. too. So can call & try your luck.

Her contact: 67836551
Hi all,

Please let me know if you are looking for a confinement lady for Oct. 'Cos due to HB's reservist, I need to move back to my folks' place. We have 2 maids there hence, my mum did not want a CL (not enuff rooms also). So, I thought to let mine go.

She has more than 10 years of experience and is a M'sian. She speaks Mandarin and Cantonese and has 2 - 3 kids of her own. I was recommended by 2 GFs and they both sang praises of her cooking (she sometimes makes 2 different soups for lunch and dinner!) as well as her easy-going character (good if you are living with ILs!). Hardworking too.

PM me if keen... 'Cos am calling her sometime next week to let her know that I cannot take up her services already. 'Cos she has been really kind (she bought herbs and stuff for me liao), I thought to recommend her to other mummies who many want to take up my slot lor. Please note that I am recommending her not because it is part of any deal with her that I need to find a replacement. I am actually giving her a substantial ang pau as like a token since she was so nice and not even charge me any deposit.

I also personally interviewed her at one of her clients' place where she was doing confinement and her meals really look and smell pretty good. The place was also clean and tidy. The mummy also had good feedback about the CL.

PM me if keen lah!
Hi everyone,

I have a very nice confinement nanny to recommend. Her name is Aunty Chong. I was lucky to find her contact number in another website:

She is a very experienced nanny (18 yrs) and is good at burping baby... She has her own way of doing it which is better than the method taught at TMC. She also taught us how to differentiate babies' cries.. really amazing!!!

She cooks very well too... Very cheerful lady who is really passionate about her job and loves babies. My hubby and I are very assured with her around coz she is also very alert and wakes up immediately in the middle of the night even before we hear our baby cry.

Mdm Chong can be contacted at 8153 5205 if she is in Singapore(this is her new hp number coz her hp was stolen early this yr) or 601 6720 9255.
Hi st,

No prob. U can email me at [email protected]. If u wld like to BF, aunty Chong will help you to cook papaya fish soup to help you increase your milk supply. I BF and FF. She will wake up at night to pass me my baby so that I can BF. After that, she will take over from me to give baby formula if he needs... It's very time consuming but she is very patient (my baby wakes up 2 to 3 times).

She looks after my baby very well. She taught me how to take care of my baby when he has colic. Her method really works!!! With her around, at least I dont feel stressed up.

She will cook different types of confinement food so that I can have variety. She will also give me practical advice eg: not to take chicken for the first two weeks coz I had c section.

It is very apparent that she is passionate abt her job... By the way, I extended her for another 28 days and she will be going back to Malaysia today.
I would like to strongly recommend my confinement nanny (Siew Lin Jie). She can cook a large variety of confinement food well and she also keeps the house very clean. She is also very experienced with babies and gives good advise on baby care. More importantly, she handles the baby with care and love, showing patience and kindness whilst feeding/bathing/carrying the baby. As my baby has mild jaundice, she sat under the hot morning sun to sun-bath him.

She is quite popular and so it is advisible to book her well in advance. You can contact her at 81195431 (if she is in Singapore) or 60137067061 or 60197101198 (if she is in Malaysia). Just tell her that she is recommended by Mrs Wong from Redhill.
Mine was good....I paid 2k...initially was quite reluctant coz my initial CL fly me aeroplane with mth notice is only1.8k. over the tele-interview i find her very experience so i chose her but concern about her young age

but its a blessing in disguise, she is fantastic and coz shes is young, 38 only so shes very nimble and energetic. no need to worry abt not waking up at night to feed bb. and shes very strong and fill many tubs of boiled water, cleaned the whole house, cook very nice food for everyone (my hubby, me, my parents & my brother and gf), wash all the clothes and even clean and pack my cabinet and wardrobe.....not calculative at all... heard some will add per head... so i gave her alot for ang pao coz she really did a goodddd job....take great care of my bb and let me know his characteristic and its really easy for me to take care of him after she left. she do binding for me and she massage my bb too...she will discipline you comfortably and not rudely...

(wow didnt know i got so much to talk about her ...hehe...sorry)
<font color="ff0000">Black listed</font>
Name: Kim (Ah Gam in cantonese)
Contact no: 82299573 or 017 7831457

Im not sure does it happen to me only or what but just share my stories

<font color="ff0000">good about her :</font>
i would say shes quite good at handling baby but not on confinement lo....she will tell me baby character so easier for me to take care....<font color="0000ff">BUT</font> shes realised shes dirty coz she didnt use nappy mat when she change my baby and so the bed all kana shit and urine....

she massage my breast for feeding...she bind my tummy (but later learned from my indo maid how to do the jambu wrap so that she can used it on other mummy if future, imagine learn from unknown sources my god)...

<font color="ff0000">bad about her :</font>
She gave me crab to eat and my mil gave her a dressing...think coz she can eat the crab also ma......she open 2 cans of my abalone to cook soup for me but as you know she eat the same food as us so she gets to eat them too...she can tell me she never eat abalone before, do you believe that? where got people give seafood during confinement right.

She is late on my first day and as a first time mummy i do not know i cant blow the fan so i came home with a sleeveless nursing dress and sleep with fan on coz very hot. when hubby touched me, my body is icy cold. if she has been punctual, such things probably wont happen. and she tells me she took wrong bus and now at jurong. after my confinement, she happen to call me to enquire abt her new confinement place, she also told me she has lost her way and now at jurong. seems like she always take bus to jurong???? btw, she used to work in singapore as a kitchen helper so she prob have friends in singapore. and she left at the end of 28day very promtply too somemore want people to send her to station.

imgaine she broke our kitchen top and kept quiet about it..shes so fat and she stands on it ...oh my god...she ate alot too..shes quite fat...btw, shes very young, about 40 only...but dont really look like 1...good in a sense shes strong and do things very fast...but when i ask her about her age, everytime she tries to avoid subject...her sister is a CL too so probably get some tips from there and go and become 1 liao..well, i guess everyone has to start being young, shes very energetic la. when she came, she started doing everything liao. 1 thing i would say is that she does all housework for us la but guess coz we give her all those good food and she does what she wants of course she also paisei rite. well, being the 1st time doing confinement i also duno what should be done or not so she do whatever she wants...but when i tink abt it now, shit.....

she kept saying 1 2 come over to see my baby but until now still see no face... dont think she dares to come la...

she told me she dun use hot bath water but boil all water but i happen to see her taking from the hot bath 1 of the morning but she denied and said is for her to wash her clothes.

she can charged her handphone and put it above my baby's head...oh my god...and 1 of the day, i saw fan blowing directly at my baby. when i asked her, she said she blocked the wind but when she gets up to make milk, she forgot to turn the fan away..Oh my god, imagine if i didnt get up to take a look...but after i tell her off, these 2 things never happen again..

she always have sms and calls coming in....imagine the radiation...though she never nap, she always watch tv in the afternoon for long hours..she will also on many lights..she used a lot of water too..find her kinda waste water &amp; elec 1...

hhh..after reading so many post abt CL...and exchange views on CL... and thinking back...shes really very jialag...wonder why i gave her so big ang pao...guess shes lucky coz during then i still having my delivery pain and tireness...if she comes now, sure kana from me ....

<font color="ff0000">charges :</font>
heard that the market rate for those staying in upmarket area will be charged higher like 2200 to 2500 seems like CL will starts to choose and will fly kite to those cheap project if happen to get a big fish.... imagine, no good CL also asking for such amount just coz u r staying in up market god...

this nanny claimed to have worked for 3 yrs as CL but in fact within this 3 years, only a few mummies...years doesnt really count man...further more..she always go around telling people bad things about the previous mummies and their families and always talk about how stingy they give ang paos....her family background is very messy too... lucky never carry my baby away when we sleep at night

<font color="ff0000">Blacklist Confinement Nanny</font>
Check this site out first before engaging any confinement nanny
Hi Mummies,

How are you people going on?Firstly,i need to congrats those who already be a new mum n who are going to become new mum soon.Actually my mum n auntie are a confinement lady.They are very experience,friendly n not calculative.Those who are interested,pls feel free to drop me a cal for any info.I m always very glad to hear from you.My contact no:90094481.Always waiting for your cal.Thank you.Have a nice day!

My husband is from Ipoh and we know of some aunties who are doing confinement service. Their charges are reasonable and the soup they cook is really great!(they are cantonese).

Please email me if you need more info.
[email protected]
Hi,I have someone to recommend, I call her auntie “moi zai”, I just finish my confinement with her last 2 weeks… she is from KL, she is recommend to me by my friend’s mother in law. During the confinement period, she cooks a variety of dishes using traditional way, She cooked averagely 3 dishes (included 1 soup) for me every day for every meal, and every night she make tonic soup for me before I went sleep… and she is good at taking care of newborn baby… as I know, some confinement lady can be quite calculative, they will only cook for mummy and take care baby, but this auntie very easy going, sometime my relative coming, she also will cook more for them to eat… The most important thing is the price also reasonable. My hubby and I also very appreciated her so we gave her BIG angpao at her last day of service. Her contact is +60127731218 or you can call his husband mobile no. +60123781318
Hi mummies reading this,

Just to share, as i seldom login... I've indeed engaged from Bliss Confinement and below is the
'real &amp; geniune' testimony' sent to them. I sincerely appreciate their help in recommending me a great CL.

I've engaged Fen Jie in January 2009. I know
bliss confinement had two Fen(s) This is my tesimony of Fen Jie to Bliss Agency.

Dear May,

It was quite tough sitting down to actually penned Fen Jie's performance during my confinement period and therefore, I've taken
some time to sort out (not leaving any details, i could remember)...

We are very please with Fen Jie's overall performance.. she is very tactful and very sensitive towards my infant needs and she had very good hygenic habits which we were quite pleased with her. She was totally very supportive of me trying to latch my baby on both days &amp; nights. She doesn't complain on my baby's tantrums instead, my baby liked her touch. These were on top of her cooking skills, she cooked
fabulous cantonese confinement food &amp; tonic soup in which, i ate heartily and had very 'good figure' after confinement. She helped around with my household chores and manages her own time very systematically. I liked her presence and often talked about her assisgnment experiences. My confinement passed with a breeze and had to thank you for your great recommendation.

Appreciate your sincerity to help me.

Joanna Chen
Admiralty West
1st May 2009

Here is the link to their website
Hi all MTB,
I juz happen to come to this thread and it reminds me of what a great help my confinement nanny is. I doubt i'll be having the 3rd baby but nevertheless... if I do. I will certainly get back the same CL and from the same agency too.

I agree a good confinement nanny is very hard to engaged and i would like to state my experience with my confinement nanny.

Her name is Mei Hua and is about mid forties...from agency-she was recommended from my Boss too! Initially we have some doubts about her experiences but she soon familiarize herself and is a great help to us.

The she arrived the day I'm discharge from the hospital, aft putting my bb to sleep, she was introduced to my parents-in-law, my elder son, maid and my hubby... next, she prepare my bath water, longan tea and getting ready to cook dinner. I show her around my house and taught her how to use the vacuum cleaner, washing machine, stove and other electrical appliances and show her the kitchen and also the laundry area. Aft my bath, i went to rest and took a nap too. I woke up during my dinner time and was amazed that she cooked for the whole family and while we're having dinner, she took care of my bb and also give me advise on how to breast-feed my bb. During the ngt, my hubby and I had complete rest and Mei Hua took care of everything. As the week goes by, my bb is able to latch well and her confinement food was really superb. B'cos i don take pig trotters and rice wine chix, she encourage me to try and I ate heartily! On the third week, she also taught my maid baby handling skills and show patience towards my elder boy. She also gets along well with my both my parents-in-law. During the last week, I was worried that my bb will get 'hooked' to latching on during feeding, I ask Mei Hua to help me... She show great patience and care during the process and I'm really please with her performance.

As our family members really appreciate her help rendered, I gave her a 'big' ang pow on her last day and tell her that she 'earned' it herself. Till now, my parents-in-law still mentioned about her during our conversation.

She was indeed a great help and I really wish mummies could get this kinda help during your confinement period. Kindly PM me if any MTB interested in getting her contact.

I've engaged my first CL (58yrs) thru PEM confinement and she kept complaining about her backache and also muscle ache. I've a hard time
putting up with her &amp; also her nonsense, she also insist on her 'break time' from 2:15pm to 4:15pm and during that hours she simply does nothing even my bb cries!? She keeps saying that it's her right from the agency. Juz one word of caution... mummies pls do not engaged CL >55yrs old and get a reliable agency.

P/s: I don get any commission out of this recommendation.
Hi Sparks,

Ca I have Mei Hua contact number or her agency?
I'm looking for CL now.

Thank you so much!!

Hi yummy,

The CL I had was very experience, she also didn't insist that I do the confinement her way she just give advises when needed. I'm sure there are still good ones avail during CNY esp. when I've booked one for my sis just recently. Nevertheless, the agency i engaged is from Bliss Confinement. I can give u their website and you could see that their nannies were very consistent in their performance by looking at their testimonials. The rate i engaged was S$2k for a duration of 28days. I certainly have no qualms in recommending thie agency to you the person to contact is May HP:82336846. She is reliable and very helpful. But most of all i like their terms &amp; conditions... they took care of their CL's transport and had zero (CL) replacement terms. I have thus send recommendations to many mum in the forum too and they had too great experience... they even feedback to me that their nannies were very hygenic and good cook too... I'm lucky to have met and engaged nannies from this agency which I'm spared of those horror stories. Hope this information helps. Please choose wisely.


I have like to share. This lady in her early 50s to recommend as confinement lady. Her service is good &amp; charges are reasonable. The best thing is she can recommend good malay massage lady too.

I engage her twice for my confinement.

Please email me if you need more info.
[email protected]
Hi Sparks, Fivej, Buffy and Shop4stuff,

Appreciate if you could share the contact of your CL, please send info to [email protected]

I am preparing for twins in January 2010 so really need someone experienced. Have tried a few contacts but they are already booked! Seems like I am late to start looking now.

Thanks for your help...
Anyone got recommendation for confinement lady, for me ? I am looking for one that willing to cook for the family and do household chores. Last of all, the rates be really reasonable .
Please kindly advise.

When are you due? Do you have a helper at home? My CL (i have a pair of twins) and her friend helped me when i delivered and they are very trustworthy. If keen, let me know and u can try to contact them directly yourself.
I managed to get a good cl thru agency, but I know if you book directly with her will be cheaper than go thru agent

She helped me to cook for family &amp; v patient with baby etc share more if you keen

If you interested let me know
I can share her contact
She's malaysian

I'm urgently looking for a confinement lady tat only cater food delivery.. Must cook very well and esp gd for breastfeeding, to boost up milk supply... tight in budget too.. tks.

Pls contact mi at 97360492
My edd 10nov, bt might be earlier...

Location: Toa payoh central
hi, im looking for a CL who knows how to look after twins. most imptly muz encourage breast feeding.
Hi mom to be,
i like to recommend my confinement lady from m'sia with 20 years experience. Apart from the normal confinement service that she provides, she also teach confinement services. The charges is $500 for 7 days of training.

The training includes:
- Baby Care (bathing, massage, feeding, etc)
- Hygiene
- Culinary skills (cooking of confinement food, red dates tea)
- Herbal knowledge

This service is good for those who do not want to hire a confinement nanny or do not want their privacy to be interupt by an outsider. She will teach your family members or maid who will be cooking and taking care of baby. This service can be arranged anytime during your pregnancy (provided that she is not doing any assignment). If after the training, you are still unsure of the things taught, can still call her for queries.

Those who are interested can email me at [email protected] or PM me. Thanks
Hi ladies,

Just want to let you know my auntie Irene is an experienced confinement lady. She is very caring and can cook very well. If anyone of you need a great helper, pls contact her at 8150 4133 or +6019 7070 897. Thank you.
Anyone need CL on Dec? can contact me for my CL, she is really good, friendly, good cook, good with my baby, never grumpy, easygoing personality, i can chit chat during my boring days at home.....and very strong hehe., never fails to wake up at night, she loves my baby and always smile to my bb....

I dun earn any commision i just help her and all mommies here, she's fully book until nov, DEC or next year she still avlbl....

contact me and i will give u her ph no, [email protected]
Hi all,

Just to share some info. I recently had my first confinement with the nanny, auntie Xiubao from Muar. It was quite a bad experience. Would strongly advise against anyone from hiring her.

If you need more specific details, please pm or email me at [email protected].

I would like to caution people about my CL. I had engaged her through the ‘good recommendations’ from SMH. She was highly recommended due to the experience of having taken care of multiples before.

She lied about her working experience, which was only 2-3 years. Did not inform me that she’s a vegetarian, which was causing inconvenience &amp; weird cooking taste.

- Firstly, she didn’t need to do house cores, only needed to take care of my babies and me. But she cooked one big pot of soup for lunch and dinner. Everyday it's the same food!!
- She cooked food that was considered ‘liang’ for me causing me having bad cough.
- It’s the 1st time I have encountered potatoes in pepper intestines soup, she commented that her previous customers had requested. Hey did she ever ask me?
- Instructing my mother-in-law to buy foods in the name for me but it was for her own consumption.

- She kept complaining that she was not getting enough sleep because of my younger one who is crying at night. Always said that babies cry because they are hungry. Always wanted to feed more formula milk eg: 120ml for 1 week old baby within 1 hr!!
- She constantly kept saying tired and sleepy.... and our babies cried the whole night... geez... didn’t my husband and myself helped out??? My husband stayed whole night to rock them to sleep!! I had stayed up the whole night to breast-feed and pump!!
- We always found her sleeping whenever our babies are sleeping or lying on bed reading books rather than doing things.
- My husband and myself ended up taking care of the elder baby and slept with her. Yet this CL was still grumbling! Hello, we paid her to take care of two, now she only needed to take care of ONE!!!! This was getting on my nerves
- The night before my husband fired her, she pushed the younger one to sleep with us and did not bother to come in to assist when the baby wailing like no tomorrow!

Breast Feeding
- She’s not pro breastfeeding even if she claimed to be. Knowing that I am trying very hard to bf, keep giving comments like breast feed got enough milk meh or you got too little milk!!!

- On her 1st night, she used my baby hanky to wipe spilled milk on the floor. I was so horrified that she said is ok, will wash the hanky afterwards.
- She has a very disgusting habit of not washing her hands after going to toilet.
- The room was so smelly because she doesn’t clear the diapers immediately &amp; leave it overnight.

- Use washing machine to wash all our babies clothes without soaking. I confronted her about the bad smell, She dared to retaliate that
i) Bad smell was due to breastfeeding
ii) I had asked her to use net bag so the stains was not unable to remove.
iii) My husband asked her to use the washing machine when SHE’S the one requesting on her 1st day.
iv) She accumulated all the clothes in order to wash by machine.
v) Nappy clothes were damp and cold due to air-conditioning, are we RETARED?
vi) Wanted us to buy more baby clothes because not enough. Of course not enough if she washed every 3 days!
vii) She didn’t wash my clothes and pushed the washing to my part timer maid who comes only twice a week!

I am totally surprised that the "positive" reviews on this CL are so good on the forum, it clearly shocked me that she is a total opposite!
mei chua : poor thing. understand how u feel. i also got very bad experience, somemore am a first time mother and i needed help badly and yet i hav to do everything myself.

is it ok tat u PM me tat CL details so that i can avoid her the next time if i need a CL?
oh mei chua,
how many days u engaged her service? after she left how u manage with ur multiples?
mine didnt complain abt tiring at all and i felt so sad to leave her after one month, we felt like a family already.
Hi all mummies,

My Confinement lady Auntie Lian, is very experience with newborn, a superb cook and she keeps my whole house clean &amp; tidy. Most of all
she does not give us any problems as she is very positive and loves our baby.
Both of my cousins engaged her for their first born and we shares the same sediments.

You can contact her @ 84389919 (SG)/ +60122568732 (MY)/ [email protected]/
Hi all.. my mum is a confinement lady. Modern and english speaking. She is fanatistic in cooking confinement food. She knows how to cooks the "hong zhao" aka red wine chicken soup or noodle and other confinement food.
* Hakka also have HOng zhao. But i personally think hockchew style nicer.

But nowadays dun have difference in dialect la.. everyone wants red rice wine to cook confinement food..

Anyway, my granny makes the red wine so no need to headache where to find red wine for her to cook for u.

The only thing is .. she dun stay overnite. AND she is a SIngaporean. For those who wan overnight one u can ask her.. negotiate with her.. but most of the time she does not stay overnight.
She was on Strait Times Sunday Times for the confinement nanny last year end. Her cooking skills are good I would say and she is experienced.
If interested.. leave me a PM and I will forward ur numbers to her.. or u can sms her @ 8189 3393.

u all no need to pay levy and all for those looking for confinement nanny.. she is singaporean. She does overseas assignments too.. she has been to different parts of the US.

P.S. I dun earn any commission.. but she is knowledgeable and experience .. she does my confinement too of cos 

Hi all i m new here, i got M'sian CL fly me aeroplane after receiving booking $500 and without notice, on my delivery day unable to contact her. I was lucky my friend recommend me this confinement agency, she was doing a good service and within 2days she got me a CL and her nanny not calculative at all she is doing fantastic job keep my house clean and she handles the baby with love and gentle.My hubby and I sincerely appreciate their help in recommending me a great CL. Her contact is 90899426
