Hi all MTB,
I juz happen to come to this thread and it reminds me of what a great help my confinement nanny is. I agree a good confinement nanny is very hard to engaged and i would like to state my experience with my confinement nanny.
Her name is Mei Hua and is about mid forties...from agency-she was recommended from my Boss too)! Initially we have some doubts about her experiences but she soon familiarize herself and is a great help to us.
The she arrived the day I'm discharge from the hospital, aft putting my bb to sleep, she was introduced to my parents-in-law, my elder son, maid and my hubby... next, she prepare my bath water, longan tea and getting ready to cook dinner. I show her around my house and taught her how to use the vacuum cleaner, washing machine, stove and other electrical appliances and show her the kitchen and also the laundry area. Aft my bath, i went to rest and took a nap too. I woke up during my dinner time and was amazed that she cooked for the whole family and while we're having dinner, she took care of my bb and also give me advise on how to breast-feed my bb. During the ngt, my hubby and I had complete rest and Mei Hua took care of everything. As the week goes by, my bb is able to latch well and her confinement food was really superb. B'cos i don take pig trotters and rice wine chix, she encourage me to try and I ate heartily! On the third week, she also taught my maid baby handling skills and show patience towards my elder boy. She also gets along well with my both my parents-in-law. During the last week, I was worried that my bb will get 'hooked' to latching on during feeding, I ask Mei Hua to help me... She show great patience and care during the process and I'm really please with her performance and help rendered greatly.
As our family members really missed her when we realise it was already her last day with us, I gave her a 'big' ang pow and tell her that she 'earned' it herself. Till now, my parents-in-law still mentioned about her during our conversation.
She was indeed a great help and I really wish mummies could get this kinda help during your confinement period. Kindly PM me if any MTB interested in getting her contact. For my second pregnancy next year.. it's gonna be the same agency I'm engaging from again. I hope by sharing information... mummies could get more informative about the choices avail and get 'suitable help' during your vunerable period.
I've engaged my initial first CL (58yrs) thru PEM confinement and she kept complaining about her backache and also muscle ache. I've a hard time putting up with her, she also insist on her 'break time' from 2:15pm to 4:15pm and during that hours she simply does nothing even my bb cries! After four days... I simply let her go and the agency 'persuaded me to get a replacement but wanna charge me S$200!' I said FORGET IT!.
Juz one word of caution... mummies needing an extra help during confinement... pls get a reliable agency (b'cos nannies from agency are still more reliable if compared to freelance CL as freelancer might 'fly kite' the very last min. I agree there are still very 'good' confinement lady out there... afterall, she is still a stranger.
P/s: I don get any commission out of this recommendation.