Nightmare with Aunty Irene, and with the replacement confinement lady from I-Kare.
This is a message to help warn people of Aunty Irene, and also to let you all know about the bad experience I had with I-Kare confinement lady. I too, was a victim to Aunty Irene's 'fraud' case, and double whammy when I found a replacement from I-Kare that did not turn out to be good. This is my first baby, expected delivery date 10th June.
I engaged Aunty Irene in Jan 2011 upon seeing the good recommendations in the forum. Had a personal meeting with her, and took a copy of her passport and an invoice stating the $400 deposit taken, against the $2200 confinement fee. I asked if she would be the one doing the confinement herself. She said that she would be doing so, unless my baby came out earlier and the previous confinement had not been completed yet, or the previous confinement started later than expected. Then she would find somebody to do my confinement, stating that she worked with a few others.
In Mar, she called to say her mother had just passed away and would like to take an advance of $300 which would come out of the total confinement fee later. I gave her the money under 2 considerations: 1. Did not feel that she would be so horrible as to cook up a story regarding her mother's death just to get $300 extra from everyone. 2. If her mother had really passed away, I sympathized and wanted to help.
Around Apr, she called me and asked how I was doing. I thought that was nice of her. SHe also reassured me that she would do my confinement and take care of me as I had been nice to give her the advance (total of $700). I asked her again if she would confirm that she is the one doing my confinement, and she gave the same answer as she did in Jan.
In late May, My gynae told me to fix a ceasarean date as I was past the 37th week, and baby showed no signs of engaging. I had my ceasarean fixed for 2nd June, and confirmed with the hospital on 25th June. I called Aunty Irene once I confirmed to inform her that I needed her to start my confinement on 5th June when I come out of hospital. This would be earlier than my EDD of 10th June, by only 5 days. Then she told me, her friend Er Jie would be doing my confinement. I was uncomfortable with the arrangement and told her so. I asked for Er Jie's contact (in order to see if it was a bogus person) and called her. I was still uncomfortable with this, so I started searching online for a replacement confinement nanny, which led me to read all these threads about her taking on too many cases. I was still at work that week. On May 27th I called Aunty Irene again, to tell her that I had engaged her services specifically because other persons had gave her good feedback. Then her stories started. She said that she needed to do another confinement in mid June for an expected pair of twins, which her friend was not able to do as her friend had no experience there. I asked her outright that I had engaged her very early, so how come she had another confinement in mid Jun? And she immediately said that she had taken up the mid-Jun confinement earlier than mine. She didn't state when, though I didn't believe her since I had engaged her in Jan, which is quite early already. Also, her friend Er Jie could only start my confinement on 9th June, as she had her son's wedding to attend before that and could not come out earlier. ON the information that my EDD was 10th June, even if Aunty Irene had planned all along for somebody else to take my confinement, this was horrendous as I could have delivered earlier than 10th June, and I'm sure the wedding was planned way in advance. She said she would book the airticket to come out on 3rd June, and be ready to come to my place on 5th June. Then let Er Jie take over from 9th June. All this had already led me to be pretty upset, as my ceasarean was planned only a week earlier than my EDD. And I found out from this forum, that another lady had engaged her services with the same ceasarean date! And I had called I-Kare (May) to find out that she still had one confinement lady available. The supposed good thing about using an agency is a free replacement if you find that the first one does not suit you.
I went into spontaneous labour in the wee hours of 28th May, went to doctor to check at 10am and was told that I was already dilated and should admit to hospital. I delivered via natural birth on 28th May.
When I found that I was going to deliver that day, I called Aunty Irene again, to tell her that I needed her/her friend to come earlier, and asked about her plans. She said she would do my confinement from 30th May to 9th Jun for 10 days, then let Er Jie take over. She also said she would see if she could change her air ticket to an earlier date. I let her go make the arrangements as she said she would inform me once everything was confirmed. I then went into delivery, and my phone was shut off. I delivered that evening at around 8pm, and after that found out that Aunty Irene had called me several times earlier. I was both amused and sceptical because she had tried to call a lady who had told her she was going in to deliver !
My husband was extremely displeased with her (to say the least), but wanted to respect my wishes on that. I was too tired to continue looking for the replacement (I had not confirmed with I-Kare), so wanted to take up Aunty Irene's arrangement. She told me on May 29th, that she was NOT able to change her air ticket, and could only come my place earliest 3rd/4th June. I let it be and after discussion with my hubby, decided to confirm with I-Kare. I was already in a situation where I had to be on my own for 3-4 days, then have Aunty Irene for 5-6 days, then have Er Jie for the rest of the confinement. This was a very bad arrangement.
I confirmed with I-Kare (May) on Monday 30th May, and she said she would bring this lady on 1st Jun to my place herself as she would settle the paperwork on the spot. She would also be collecting full payment up front due to last minute arrangement. I was happy with May over the phone, as she sounded engaging and professional. My husband then called Aunty Irene to let her know that I did not need her services anymore. She said she would refund my deposit in Jul when she comes to Singapore for her next engagement.
Aunty Irene called me in mid Jun, to ask how I was. I believe she was testing waters to see whether I would relent on her to give back the deposit, as she kept emphasizing that the air ticket cost her $400. I told her I was very tired, and would see her in Jul when she returns the deposit ($700). That was the last I heard from her. When I finally settled in and had more energy, I called Aunty Irene in early Aug only to find out that her SG number seems to have been cut, and her MY number seemed to be permanently off. She had not contacted me in Jul as promised.
I am now going to try her new hp number (Thank you Fiona!) and see if she returns my deposit. I will be considering police action if she does not. Will update this thread accordingly.
Regarding the I-Kare confinement lady, the message is shorter. She had been doing nany duties for the past 17th mths (taking care of baby from 0 mth to 17th mth), and had just started on confinement work again with my case. She was competent! She made sure she cooked the soups, food for hubby and I, washed clothes (mine, hubby's and baby's), took care of baby during the night and also during the day, took only small breaks when baby was sleeping etc. The few main issues we had was 1. She used her own method of taking care of baby, doing what we asked her to do in front of us, but many times we caught her doing the exact opposite ! (like not carrying the baby to sleep, or making baby noises when we wanted baby to hear proper words) 2. She was very at odds with our house. In the time she was here, things in our house seem to break. My kitchen tap started leaking, the glass panel of the cabinet loosened and popped out at the corners (Dangerous!), bottle brush broke, door lock spoilt, clothes hanger handle broke (the type you use to lift your clothes rod onto the rack).... 3. She kept saying her experiences with other babies, and that all babies were the same, plus saying that don't listen to the doctors and nurses, because those pple never took care of their babies themselves......??????
Her name is Mei-Jie from I-Kare. I believe there are a couple of the same name. If you want to make sure, remember to ask if she has nannying experience for young babies (she took care of a child from 0 mth to 17th mths old).
Will update this thread later with anything I might find from Aunty Irene.