Chinese Character Naming for Babies


Well-Known Member

Everybody should know certain occupation is professional.

Doctors are specialised in their own medicine professionalism. Such as General Practitioners, Gynaecologists, Breast Surgeons, Brain & Spine Surgeons, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Cardiologists Urologists, Paediatricians, Psychiatrists, Gastroenterologists, ENT Specialists and etc.

Even TCM Practitioners (or Chinese Physicians 中医师) have their own unique specialty. Such as, 骨科、儿科、针灸科、痔疮科and etc.

While Geomancers (风水师) are no different from the above! There are Geomancers with different capabilities and specialty. It depends on what his/her Master has taught him/her. Some are capable of handling housing (阳宅), while some are good at adjusting tomb for the dead (阴宅). Of course, there are Geomancers who can do both.

There are different geomancy skills/arts (风水派系有别). Example, 玄空风水派, 三合派 and etc. Under 玄空风水派, it is split into 5 or 6 sub-sects. One of these sub-sects comprising 沈氏玄空学. Some Masters claimed to know, some bluff through, few are good.

A Geomancer definitely has his/own specialty “trade” (专长). Based on my years of experience, I strongly do not believe a Fengshui Master is a Master of all trades.

I have seen (专看阴宅) 风水师 do naming(取名/改名)for lots of people while he has not been proficiently been taught by a Master to do Chinese naming! 十传百、百传千. So, everybody assumed he is good and he became famous!

In fact, I knew a Geomancer “kaay-kiang”, did half-past six date selection (择日) for ROM. Unfortunately, this man was killed on the ROM date itself. 害人不浅!

: : : WARNING : : : 
Remember the five points below:
1. Not all Geomancers know everything.
2. An old Geomancer does not mean he knows heaven and earth.
3. An old Geomancer does not mean he is experienced. Supposedly, he is age 70, he may pick up Geomancy at age 65.
4. A famous Geomancer does mean he/she is the best. There are low profile Masters do not do advertising, yet their skills are amazing (功夫练到家). Those good ones, you will not see them in the advertisement.

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A Geomancer may NOT know Chinese naming. 取名字有学问-也有分派系

There are many Fengshui Masters acted as if they knew Chinese naming at the finger tips. (rolling my eyes)

Very often, these Fengshui Masters are
1. lazy to use their hands to calculate Chinese character strokes.
2. using computer software to do holy naming for babies/adults. (*worst of the worst)
3. ordering their kah-kia (employee) to do it.
4. repeat same names from others.
5. giving limited babies names for parents to choose, yet charging hundreds or dollars.
6. giving nice computer print-out (actually done by his kah-kia) and then he (Master) will personally explain to customers.
7. many more... ...

I know who they are and it is not nice for me to tarnish their names.
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I did part-time house “cleansing” while I studied in the United States years ago. Even though I am gifted with “extra-ordinary” human eyes and ears, my Master was initially unhappy and extremely reluctant for me to do house cleansing. In fact, I have to take vow before I have his permission to allow me to do it as a source of part-time allowance supplementing my living cost in the States.

In the United States, there are problematic houses occupied by unknown entities (referring to spirits/“hantu”) which can’t be seen by ordinary human naked eyes. Very often, these houses had underlying historical problems whereby committed suicide cases (hung, gun-shot and etc), being murdered in their home/building and others.

As for house cleansing, there are various approaches and techniques. The job can be hand-tied and troublesome just for me to handle alone. Sometimes, it took weeks and not 100% successful in getting rid of unwanted entity/entities. Refusal to leave was the common unsuccessful cases. Usually, I advised house owner to leave or sell the house.

In Singapore, there are problematic HDB units/offices/shopping malls. I am afraid it is none of my business to handle and no reason to do it.

By the way, I am not a “dtarng-kii” or “ji-tong” (乩童). Yet, I have countless real stories but unable to share in motherhood forum.

Make use of the forum search engine to search for my past postings!
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I am offering free baby naming selectively for low income family. If you are truthfully poor (e.g. you are a single mother), I shall consider help.
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This is ONLY applicable to non-married couples.

A bazi match-make analysis (八字合婚) for any couple about to start a relationship. It is most suitable at the initial phase of getting know of each other.

If you do not want your loved ones to end up in divorce, or hurt in a marriage, bazi match-make analysis can be helpful. It is time consuming and I can do it when I am free.

(1) not suitable for couple in divorcing state.
(2) not suitable for couple who already ROM or married.
(3) not suitable for couple who has been together for many years.
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Hi Jolyn

Are you able to recommend a geomancer whom you think is reliable? Appreciate!


他在风水这行已经超过30年,从来没有打广告,也不喜欢打广告。他也不会鼓吹人买什么水晶、挂八卦、买貔貅and etc. 这些都是赚钱的计量。

他运用风水综合派。顶多(有必要的话)也只叫你找人做屏风(a fixed partition)来聚气。

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Hi Teacher Jolyn,

Can I have the above mentioned master's contact too? Is he a Buddhist too? Would like to try out if rate is affordable. Cos I had decided to 'an shen' Guan yin Bodhisattva in my flat next month. Already ordered the altar table but not sure where to get it 'kai guang' (dot) & the whole blessing procedure.

Thanks so much in advance.
Can I have the above mentioned master's contact too? Is he a Buddhist too? Would like to try out if rate is affordable.


Anyway, 我得找看看他的联系方式。

到时候,你准备HDB floor plan,风水师或许要看。Online HDB floor plan can be downloaded. Pay a fee of S$5.

Cos I had decided to 'an shen' Guan yin Bodhisattva in my flat next month. Already ordered the altar table but not sure where to get it 'kai guang' (dot) & the whole blessing procedure.



只需大悲水天天换、油灯保持亮度、固定的时间献香... 拜久了之后,保证来你家做客!
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Thanks Teacher Joyln for your reply and advices. Actually haven't decided on the auspicious date yet. Only that the altar table arriving next month tentatively cos I am still trying to find out how to go along with it. Tried to goggle on where to get shi fu to 'Kai guang'. All suggested go to temple to get it blessed. Still figuring out where to get it blessed as I prefer like what you had mentioned.. By chance, do you have any master/monk in mind? As I heard that, if it's not correctly blessed, lack of certain elements, foreign spirits may get into the status instead. I am worried of doing the procedure wrongly. Appreciate your recommendation. :)

Hi Teacher Jolyn,

Would you be able to pm me the contact of this geomancer that you mentioned and does he specialised in Baby naming service?


Would you be able to assist with the calculation of the c-sect date and baby naming for me or if there is a master that you can recommend to me please. Thanks in advance.
Would you be able to assist with the calculation of the c-sect date and baby naming for me
1. 胎位不正以及家庭经济状况不好
2. 无论有钱没钱,腹痛紧急,羊水带破(water bag burst)

择日生产有难度,不是看日历/翻通书. With correct date but incorrect time, no use at all.

老师指定的日期和时间,您能做得到吗?Read similar posts in other thread (click here), post #136

孩子命名 see post #4 in this thread. :)
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1. 胎位不正以及家庭经济状况不好
2. 无论有钱没钱,腹痛紧急,羊水带破(water bag burst)

择日生产有难度,不是看日历/翻通书. With correct date but incorrect time, no use at all.

老师指定的日期和时间,您能做得到吗?Read similar posts in other thread (click here), post #136

孩子命名 see post #4 in this thread. :)


Thank you for your reply.

I had an emergency c-sect for my #1, therefore will be going for elective c-sect for this #2 under the recommendation of my gynae. Our family financials is ok so I won't want to mislead you that our 家庭经济状况不好 but am very happy to provide/donate a token of appreciation for your time.

I can follow exactly your instructions on the date/timing unless my waterbag burst earlier. There is no intention to do otherwise since I am already approaching you to seek your advice.

I will really appreciate your time on this matter and can be contacted at [email protected]. Otherwise, will also appreciate if you can let me know who to approach on this matter as I understand the implications of the 八字 and do not wish to make a bad decision. Thank you in advance.
I had an emergency c-sect for my #1, therefore will be going for elective c-sect for this #2 under the recommendation of my gynae. Our family financials is ok so I won't want to mislead you that our 家庭经济状况不好 but am very happy to provide/donate a token of appreciation for your time.

I can follow exactly your instructions on the date/timing unless my waterbag burst earlier. There is no intention to do otherwise since I am already approaching you to seek your advice.

I will really appreciate your time on this matter and can be contacted at Otherwise, will also appreciate if you can let me know who to approach on this matter as I understand the implications of the 八字 and do not wish to make a bad decision. Thank you in advance.

老师鼓励您念经保胎,前提必须吃素。不勉强,考虑哟。I mentioned ‘念经保胎’ in the past, you may search.

Are you able to recommend a geomancer whom you have mentioned above, who is reliable for the creation of my baby name ? Appreciate if you could pm me the contact number. Thank you very much.
Are you able to recommend a geomancer whom you have mentioned above, who is reliable for the creation of my baby name ? Appreciate if you could pm me the contact number. Thank you very much.
Check your inbox.
Hi 老师!Can you PM me the contact too? Thanks a lot! :) Oh ya if you are able to pls let me know where is the location & Price they charge. 谢谢~
Hi teacher, can I have the contact as well? I would like to calculate Csect date and name. My edd is 5th nov.
Hi, i'm new to this forum and my 2 boys are 7 and 5 i'm not sure if this would be the appropriate thread to post my questions but i hope someone can help me out...
1. My boys don't have Chinese names, is it too late to get names now?
2. Is there a reliable geomancer who specializes in Chinese naming?
(Hopefully not one of those overpriced ones with computer generated results/recycled names used by previous clients)
3. I really need a geomancer who can explain all the meanings in english, as i do not read Chinese...
Thanks all ☺️☺️
老师您好。想请问一下你有帮忙space cleaning 吗? 如何判断新家有没有"啊飘"? 十四个月的宝宝时常可说是在家每晚凌晨三四点哭闹是否是家中闹鬼? 宝宝从生日到现在已经生病了两个月。医生却说他敏感。是烟雾造成的。我先生和我搬家候也常常吵架甚至谈离婚。这是否意味着家中风水不好或别的? 我想在家安观音菩萨会有帮助吗? 请您点化。Thank you for your time.
写出来,岂不是要吓死人?曾经有提过一点,use the forum search engine.


我想在家安观音菩萨会有帮助吗? 请您点化。Thank you for your time.

家里能安奉观音观音菩萨非常好!有很多好处。但是,得要有“规矩”。可以问问 @judy_lsk .

不要误解安奉菩萨后会药到病除。Baby生病、和丈夫吵闹是有原因的。很多posts都有提到. Use the forum search engine.

你也说过baby大多是来讨债的。所以会生病让父母操心,花钱等等。也可能是祖父母或父母的karma报在子孙生上吧? 还有baby自己的因果报应?

最好的方法要念什么经呢? 我也尽量吃素或肉边菜。希望将来可以做到完全吃素。

你也说过baby大多是来讨债的。所以会生病让父母操心,花钱等等。也可能是祖父母或父母的karma报在子孙生上吧? 还有baby自己的因果报应?
通通有写下来了。click here.


最好的方法要念什么经呢? 我也尽量吃素或肉边菜。希望将来可以做到完全吃素。

I am offering free baby naming selectively for low income family. If you are truthfully poor (e.g. you are a single mother), I shall consider help.

Hi lao shi, i am going to deliver my bb next tues 9th dec and will need help to choose a suitable chinese name. Would u be able to help? If yes, how may i contact u and how much do u charge?
说过了 - 得想办法送走。




老师, 能给我这位风水师的联络方式吗?我们正在买房子。因为孩子长大,目前住的3 房式嫌小了,所以要换4房式。目前的3房看出去整个裕廊湖及蜿蜒的地铁线与周围的楼房一览无余;而在看的4房式也面湖,但被前面的组屋阻挡,只能看到一半湖和地铁站。。。所以想找一位风水师咨询。非常感谢!!
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他在风水这行已经超过30年,从来没有打广告,也不喜欢打广告。他也不会鼓吹人买什么水晶、挂八卦、买貔貅and etc. 这些都是赚钱的计量。

他运用风水综合派。顶多(有必要的话)也只叫你找人做屏风(a fixed partition)来聚气。


Only saw this thread today. Can PM me for his contact please?

I would like to have the contacts too.. I m giving birth end month. Hope to create Chinese name for my daughter
Hi , is there anyone can please give advice as I'm going to book for my c sec, and hope tat anyone there could intro a master . Not Prices cuz i just Hope for a smooth delivery. thk


他在风水这行已经超过30年,从来没有打广告,也不喜欢打广告。他也不会鼓吹人买什么水晶、挂八卦、买貔貅and etc. 这些都是赚钱的计量。

他运用风水综合派。顶多(有必要的话)也只叫你找人做屏风(a fixed partition)来聚气。


老师, 我和老公结婚5年。。。至到last year via IVF, 今年5 月就快迎接我们的第一个男宝宝了。 我们想name our baby seeking the advice of the above mentioned fengshui master thus 想嘛凡 老师 给我们 这位风水师的address or contact number. 谢谢老师。
Check your inbox.

Hi Toblerone teacher, will you be able to PM me a reliable contact for Chinese naming? Really hope to find a good master who can help in this aspect, and like you mention not someone who uses computer or get his disciple to do the work.

Many thanks!
Are you able to recommend a geomancer who can help for the creation of my baby name ? Appreciate if you could pm me the contact number. Thank you very much.
hi, i'm also looking for a reliable master to name my baby. My EDD is mid may, pls pm me the contact. thank you


他在风水这行已经超过30年,从来没有打广告,也不喜欢打广告。他也不会鼓吹人买什么水晶、挂八卦、买貔貅and etc. 这些都是赚钱的计量。

他运用风水综合派。顶多(有必要的话)也只叫你找人做屏风(a fixed partition)来聚气。

Hi 老师,can u pls pm me this geomancer contact? Many thanks!
Hi Jolyn 老师,


Thanks a lot in advance. :)
Hi Toblerone teacher, will you be able to PM me a reliable contact for Chinese naming? Really hope to find a good master who can help in this aspect, and like you mention not someone who uses computer or get his disciple to do the work.
Are you able to recommend a geomancer who can help for the creation of my baby name ? Appreciate if you could pm me the contact number. Thank you very much.
hi, i'm also looking for a reliable master to name my baby. My EDD is mid may, pls pm me the contact. thank you
Hi 老师,can u pls pm me this geomancer contact? Many thanks!
老师,你好!,can u pls pm me this geomancer contact? thanks!
can u pls pm me this geomancer contact for chinese character naming? thanks!
老师什么时候有给人介绍风水师了?I think most of you forgotten to read post #1 and #2 in this thread.

Also, please read
post #1516 <- click. See answer to question no. 2.
post #1915 <- click. See point 1, 2 and 3.

老师可以为低家庭收入的孩子命名。Mentioned in post #4 of this thread.

Hi teacher, can you PM me a good geomancer for c sec date and name? I am not from the lower income thus not nice to ask you to do it. Thanks!
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