Boon Keng Mommy's Club

Toycollector: where u stay? Which subject would u be able to help? Any notes or assessment guide book u can pass down? Thanks.
Hello everyone!! I am staying in river vista. A mother of a 5 years old gal and a 3 year old boy. Both kids are attending full day childcare in Bleu castle. Have been there for close to 2 years, so far so good.
Hi mummies

It has been quite a while for me to post messages here. Any mummies are SMH ard this area? My son is studying at HWS and I am looking around, any mummy is keen to do after school care services? Just only for the afternoon times from 2pm to 7pm. Just basic needs, shower and lunch only. If anyone has any recommendation, do drop me a note. Thanks much.
Hi there...

Is Carpe Diem @ Pico good? I intent to schedule for a visit next week..

Am viewing Ameba Schoolhouse & Bleu Castle too. Caelum Junior is FULL for N2 Next year .
Hi there...

Is Carpe Diem @ Pico good? I intent to schedule for a visit next week..

Am viewing Ameba Schoolhouse & Bleu Castle too. Caelum Junior is FULL for N2 Next year .
Hi, my daughter just started at Carpe Diem at Pico 2 days ago.
So far so good.. She used to be from Caelum Junior. but transfer her as husband works at PICO building.
Caelum Junior is really good. As for Carpe Diem just started so still reviewing. One difference i notice is that they are really into independent teaching, as for caelum teachers pamper the kids quite a bit but this could be because daughter is PG in caelum and now in carpe she is N1 and teachers need to stop babying her.
Anyone have experience with mindchamp at csm/zhongshan and learning vision at gentle road?
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My boy attended at Mindchamps @ CMS since PG.
Now is K1.
So far so good! He loves the school, teachers and friends there.
Most of the friends are together since PG.
Very less friend withdrawal from the school unless some of them are foreigner.
Any positive feedback on

I understand that this is next to Mac near Boon Keng MRT.
I am searching for a playgroup for my 18 months old daughter.

Pls advise, thanks.
My boy attended elbrightyears when he was 18 mths till he gotten a place in a CC at N1. The school organized a lot of activities to engage parents as well. If not for the reason that they do not have K1 or K2 classes, I don't think I will switch. Quite happy with them
Hi there mommies..i am new in this forum...will be moving to boon keng next of my boy will start his N2 in Elim kindergarten next month. Anybody has pre-loved EK uniform for sale (XL size)?
As his school will only be in the morning and i am thinking of going back work, anybody knows any cc for pm session?
I am a bit blurr here, does cc also teach academic? If so, is it a better idea to put my son directly to cc if i am thinking of going back to work?
U may want to consider caelum which is full day. Strong in both academic n play. Their class ratio also not to big. My boy is with them now.
Hi there...

Is Carpe Diem @ Pico good? I intent to schedule for a visit next week..

Am viewing Ameba Schoolhouse & Bleu Castle too. Caelum Junior is FULL for N2 Next year .

I have been sending my son to Bleu Castle for the past 2.5 years. I have absolutely no regrets. My son is extremely happy there and this is shown by how eager he is to go to school everyday. He wasn't like this in the previous school, but now he never stops talking about the new friends he made and the activities they did at school etc.

When I was looking for a school for him, it was very important for me to find one that has (1) caring and loving teachers (2) outdoor activities/facilities (3) healthy food and (4) inculcate good habits/manners..... more than just learning "abc and 123". I think, Bleu Castle has delivered more than that. Can't be happier!
Any mommies keen to catch up on Whatapps instead?

My profile:
Mommy of 1 boy @ coming 16 months
Stay in Bendemeer
Pre-register my boy in Blue Castle starting October 2016.

Looking for playdates for my boy too. If yes, PM me. I create a group.

@jol_liu I was browsing this site while looking for childare. My boy is 15 months now.
I also just scheduled an appointment to visit Bleu Castle. Are you a working mother or SAHM?
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Hi hi, im a full time working mom.
intend to place my boy for full day child care. I already visited the center and like it. joined their facebook page and u can see their activities photos.
I wonder the school only take kids who are staying in Potong Pasir. Boon keng is not same catchment as Potong Pasir
I'm sorry Mommies, this will be v lengthy.
I'm thinking to change a playground for my girl. She is now with Caelum for 5 months le, she developed diaper rash & sick very frequently. The center manager cannot express herself over the phone and keep challenging me...
The incident was I fetch my girl from Caelum at 6:30pm, when we sit down in car I found out her pants was wet and overflow, her wet diaper weights about 2kg. Opened up her bag the balance diaper were 5pcs which the school SOP stated to bring 6pcs daily, usually we bought back 2pcs to 3pcs. When I emailed the center director, her prompted replied was to check with the teachers and get back to me, not too long she responded again that they've
fixed timing change the children’s diaper. And
will speak to the teachers and get them to check the diaper before sending the children off to prevent such overflowing cases from happening. And she Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
But still I can't keep my mind clear but thinking 1st, I never been told the school kept diapers for my girl, 2.where they kept it? 3.Hygiene? 4.How many spare diaper they kept? So I asking my helper to request to take next morning when she send my gal to school. Next day 3.21pm I received call from center manager, The center manager did not answer my question at first but she's enjoying telling me about there is a new child who is v naughty kept playing with the spare clothes where they kept in school etc, when I successfully asked her to stop n tell me about the spare diaper her reply is not consistent, I'm upset she simply pushing back to the class teacher and said will get her to explain to me. As a center manager, she don't know where and how the spare diaper were kept...she continued with WhatsApp me. She don't seem wants to resolve the issue at all. May I know how will you respond with this?


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Hi mummies,

Anyone enroll your baby/child in Twinklekidz@Hyflux? Anyone know about these center? Any feedback ? And previously heard is Academic kidz.
Hi mommies
Just an update the center director called me last Thursday, May 26th. She apologizes the incident on they overlooked and missed to change my girl diaper at 5pm during her milk time hence she last charged of diaper is at 3+.
During the entire conversation, she has no intention to explain on the whatsapp from her manager, I'm disappointed that she took 1 week to investigate and I felt that she supported the way her manager text parents. Anyway, my helper highlighted to me that my girl pant and dress were wet with urine today, and it happened 3 times last week. I'm a working mum, already stressed out with daily work yet the childcare center seems to have management issue. Nobody informed about the wet pants and dress when we fetching my girl home, I've just whatsapp the childcare center director, I hope for this incident I don't need to wait 1 week for her reply.
I visited Bleu Castle last Friday, it's 3 bus stop away from my house, I'll withdraw my girl from Caelum Junior and enroll her with bleu castle.
Caelum Junior is just 15min walk from my house but I'm very disappointed with the management although they're convenient, new and clean.
Hi mommies
Just an update the center director called me last Thursday, May 26th. She apologizes the incident on they overlooked and missed to change my girl diaper at 5pm during her milk time hence she last charged of diaper is at 3+.
During the entire conversation, she has no intention to explain on the whatsapp from her manager, I'm disappointed that she took 1 week to investigate and I felt that she supported the way her manager text parents. Anyway, my helper highlighted to me that my girl pant and dress were wet with urine today, and it happened 3 times last week. I'm a working mum, already stressed out with daily work yet the childcare center seems to have management issue. Nobody informed about the wet pants and dress when we fetching my girl home, I've just whatsapp the childcare center director, I hope for this incident I don't need to wait 1 week for her reply.
Ya can understand the stressful
Looking for swimming classes for 4 years old on Sunday morning

Any recommendation?
U can visit the Jalan Besar swimming pool on a weekend morning to check out the swimming classes. There are a few coaches conducting swimming classes. Observe and approach the one you feel is good:)
Any nursery school recommended around St Michael area? Planning for my daughter playgroup class next year when she's 18 months old.
Kinda surprised to read about Caelum Junior's lapses. Any one else who has differing views?

I'm considering my options as we may be moving in to McNair Road next June. I saw that most walkable options seem to be full already so I have to look a bit further I guess..
I cannot believe Yvoone from Caelum acted so unprofessional. My experience with her while my daughter was in Caelum was always pleasant.

So sad to hear someone have such a bad experience. My daughter absolutely love Teacher Go when she was there.
Hi Mummies, any more reviews to Early Learning Bright years at Blk 22 Boon Keng?
I'm thinking of enrolling my son in their N2 directly. What are their fees like? Thanks!
Hello fellow mummies! Im a first time mummy. planning to send my child to infant care at 5months.
I'll be shifting to my new house at McNair road next year. Any suggestions/recommendations for infant care around the area?
Are they under the POP scheme? Thanks in advance!
Hi, Do you have review on bestcare Montessori? Heard there are a number of students transferring out. Do anyone know the cause?
Hi:) I have called bestcare mon admin before and they told me their supervisor will call me back since she was on leave when I called. However no one called me back. Both occasions also like that. So decided to try others. I have since enrolled my Daughter into st James Gilstead.
Early Learning Brightyears Boys uniform for sale. $6 per set. I got 2 sets of size 24 and 2 sets of size 26. Text or whatapps 98738741 if interested.


Early Learning Brightyears Boys uniform for sale. $6 per set. I got 2 sets of size 24 and 2 sets of size 26. Text or whatapps 98738741 if interested.


Also selling Caelum Junior Boys uniform and P.E set. $6 per set. I got 2 sets each Small size.
