Lately sum giddiness I feel but also whenever i get orgasm it's very smelly.. so I'm not sure whether I should continue or stop...Hey Kasham I'm taking Blackmores for the past few mths since Dec. Ttc still for 3 cycles. So far I found that no side effects other than if I take on empty stomach I can feel quite nauseous. It's also a common feedback. But overall I think it's a good combi of supplements. It even has Coq10 which is good for rejuvenation of egg quality
2 of my friends took and successfully conceived.
1 of them took for 3 months, the other took for 2 weeks.
For me, the pills did not work. Not sure is it the pills or the tcm medicine (or because I took both concurrently), resulting in cysts formed during Day 2 scan, had to cancel that IVF cycle. I have stopped taking them.
I had no pblm on that. But I start to stink wen I make love time... I organism time. Normal time no smell so I'm not sure y.I just started to consume. Anyone can share if it will lead to irregular menses for those who have regular cycle? Thanks!
I just started taking them about 2-3 weeks ago.
Not much side effects.. just that poop became a little darker HAHAHA.
Menses just arrived today.
@risther my cycle remained the same at 28 days.
I stopped ever since I start to have smell virginaHilo
Yes I also notice darker poop. Took for about 2.5 weeks then I got mild UTI so I stop first)
Anyone experience brownish discharge during ovulation while taking the pills? Is it normal as I do not encounter brownish discharge during ovulation period previously and I only took the pills for barely 2 months.