My son is also turning 1 in dec, i have booked a chalet at Aloha. Have bought some balloons from one of the spree. Now choosing the birthday cake, still can't decide. Saw one of the thread, the 3D cakes are very nice, but quite ex leh. 3kg $180.
I have 30 over guest, mostly relatives and my total bill is around $500, children below 12 eat for free with every adult's meal order. It's really within my budget. There's a play area for children n nanies to help to look after on Sun afternoon. U can check out more details at their website.
U can check under the BP & SPree thread. There is one thread "walking balloon...: n inside, there is a list where u can go n inflate the balloon. There are a few like Centrept, Holland V n Concourse too
Hi Hi
I am planning for my son's 1 yr old party. Do I need to buy a gift for every kid who comes to the party? If yes, what do u recommend as a gift that is not too expensive & suitable for children up to 5yrs. Also, what would u suggest for a 12 yr old?
Tag Lee
it depends on you bah...
how about buying playdoh for children up to 5 yr old? i saw toys R us selling 4 mini tubes at $2.50. for 12 yr old... jigsaw puzzle? board game?
I have some small gifts for those kids who turned up for the party. l bot them from shops in Concourse where there are many low budgets snacks and toys. The kids like them. All the party deco are from there too. My favorite are the plates and cups especially for ONE YEAR OLD party, in sweet pink of course!
Glad to find this thread! I've been looking high and low for number-shaped candles, like the one in the pic that ak posted. Anyone knows where to get it?
Want to check anyone knows the contact for Singapore Kelong cos i am thinking of celebrating my son first year birthday a the Kelong, at least something different