Do post your order with payment so I can place order once we have enough to qualify for free shipping.
Waiting time: Approx 1.5-2 weeks from the date parcel is shipped.
<font color="ff0000"><u><font size="+1">Ex Rate: Please transfer the amount as on the web first.Do note that prices on the web is an estimate,not the exact/final price. Will advise the top-up when the sandals arrive. </font></u></font>
3) Postage recommended if you can't make it for the above timing OR
<font color="ff0000">For meetup, maximum will be 3 pairs of Madrid OR 2 pairs of other sandals.</font>
4) Taqbin Courier - $6-$12 (Up to about 3 pairs). Flexible timing. Have to be pre –arranged. No last minute arrangement.
<font color="ff0000">**Meet-Up Time/ Day Subject to Change.</font>
<u>Please use this format: </u>
Nick/ Name:
Collection: Please Indicate
• ContactNo: Please PM if opt for meet-up
• Style:
• Size: <font color="0000ff">Please also indicate Narrow or Regular </font>
• Item No: please make sure its correct.e.g: Art.Nr:40301
• Price:
• Alt if OOS:
• <font color="0000ff">*Do indicate an alternative especially if its a Bargain Buy cos quantity/size may be limited. To check if the size is available, jus t click on the “Size” and it’ll show the size s available.
• ** Some designs only has Narrow. </font>
<blink><font color="0000ff">** Please join only if you are comfortable with the terms and collection point/timing. </font></blink>
Just consolidate the order for #119, can't include the additional pair in this batch cos total amount is quite high..if EURO goes up we may incur GST. I'll order the additional pair in #120, okie?
* 4 Mar 2012 ITR I-BANK Stepxh S$132.03
* 13 Mar 2012 ITR I-BANK Jenny Ong S$74.54
* 13 Mar 2012 CAM S$60.00
* 13 Mar 2012 ATR S$57.96
* 13 Mar 2012 ATR S$60.00
* 13 Mar 2012 ITR I-BANK SMH_Mrs_Loh S$57.96