~ Birkenstock (Footshopping) ~ Mickey

Like to order the followings:

Style: Aruba Scatter Pink(Birkis)
Size: 29
Item No: Art.Nr.:107623
Colour: pink
Price: 56.65 SGD
Alt if OOS: Drop

Style: Haiti Soccer Black(Birkis)
Size: 33
Item No: Art.Nr.
Colour: black
Price: 56.65 SGD
Alt if OOS: Drop

Collection to be confirm upon goods arrival.
<font size="+1">Mummies in Batch #1, I've emailed the top-up amount. Do transfer ASAP.

Payment made!

To Account POSB Savings
037-69595-5 MickeyCubeez
Amount S$43.39
Transaction Reference 3007300230

Pls acknowledge my order and payment. Thanks.
Like to order the followings:

Style: Florida Black (Birkenstock)
Size: 41
Item No: Art.Nr.:54791
Colour: Black
Price: 63.75SGD
Alt if OOS: Drop

Collection to be confirm upon goods arrival.

Nick: mincin
Email: [email protected]
Contact: 81577152

Do let me know if this order is captured b4 i tt the amt. Thanks!
Posting for Loonwilliam:

Nick/ Name: loonwilliam
Email: On File
Collection: Tanjong Pagar Station, 8.30am(either mon, tues or fri TBC)
Phone: On File

Style: Madrid Madreperla Violet(Madrid)
Size: Regular 36
Item No: Art.Nr.:132311
Colour: purple
Price: SGD 79.71
Alt if OOS: Drop

I-BANK William Loon-S$79.71
<font size="+1">Mincin,</font>

Please proceed to transfer ASAP.

Btw, you forgot to indicate the width, Regular or Narrow.
<font size="+1">ylyj, </font>

Do proceed to transfer ASAP if you still keen. Once receive all the payment, I'll proceed to place order.

my order"

Nick/ Name: leo26
Email: will pm u
Collection: cck mrt

Style: Madrid Square Box Pink(Papillio)
Size:37 Narrow
Item No: Art.Nr.:241253
Colour: Pink
Price: $49.58
Alt if OOS: Drop

To Account POSB Savings
037-69595-5 birken mickey
Amount S$49.58
Transaction Reference 3009539223

Apologise for the delay...

Fund details:

btw, is there no option for regular size for birkis kids?
Payment Received from:

* I-BANK leo26- S$49.58
* I-BANK ylyj- S$113.30

<font size="+1"> ylyj,</font>

No problem! Hope your kids are well now.

There is no regular width for kids.
<font size="+1">Batch 3 Closed..

Rest of the of the orders will be in Batch 4. Will update again tonight.</font>
Thks, one is recovering, the other still feverish with bad cough..

Understood, narrow should fit their feet.
Nick : christinayeo
Email: [email protected]
By registered postage

Style: Madrid Golden Brown (Birkenstock)
Size: 38 Regular
Item No: (Art.Nr.:40401)
Colour: Brown
Material: Birko-Flor
Price: SGD53,46
Alt if OOS:
Had made the transfer of $63.75 on 20 Jul 2010 11:15 PM
Transaction Ref: 3011675118
Please verify. ;)
Thanks alot!!

Style: Florida Black (Birkenstock)
Size: 41 (REGULAR)
Item No: Art.Nr.:54791
Colour: Black
Price: 63.75SGD
Alt if OOS: Drop

Collection to be confirm upon goods arrival.

Nick: mincin
Email: [email protected]
Contact: 81577152
<font size="+1">Batch 3 Order Placed for :</font>


Left my thumbdrive in the office, will post up the table tomorrow.
<font size="+1">Waiwai,</font>

Madrid Happiness Cream(Papillio) no longer have 39 Regular. You want to choose another design or refund?
<font size="+1">Mamajudy,</font>

Payment received!

* I-BANK mamajudy- S$60.00

<font size="+1">Mincin,</font>

Payment received! Your order will be in Batch 4.

* I-BANK mincin- S$63.75
<font size="+1">Christinayeo,</font>

Order Noted! Do proceed to transfer. Your order will be in Batch 4.
Batch 4:

Nick : mavis78
Email: [email protected]
By registered postage

Style:Ramses White (Birkenstock)
Size: 43 Regular
Item No: (Art.Nr.:44731)
Colour: White
Material: Birko-Flor
Price: SGD71.31
Alt if OOS: Drop

To Account POSB Savings
037-69595-5 Mickey
Amount S$71.31
Transaction Reference 3011854087

please do check.

Hi Mickey, I'll take another design...

Nick/ Name: Waiwai
Email: [email protected]
Collection: Self-collect, location TBA

Style: Madrid Primula Blue(Papillio)
Size: 39 Regular
Item No: Art.Nr.:241161
Item URL: http://www.footshopping.com/papillio-2011-new/suche_WGID_300.html?MID=36704&amp;Schnapp_WGanzeigen=true&amp;suchbegriff=
Colour: Blue
Price: 43.68 SGD
Alt if OOS: Drop

I have paid you S$43.39 on 18 July. Since the exchange rate keeps fluctating, pls let me know the top-up / refund amount after you placed order for me. So my order is under batch 4 right?

Pls acknowledge my new order. Thanks.
Please use this format:

Nick/ Name: Amyel/ Amy
Email:[email protected]
Collection: Postage

Style: Madrid Malachite(Madrid,Birkenstock)
Size:35 (Regular)
Item No: Art.Nr.:440791
Colour: Green
Price: 58,82 SGD
Alt if OOS: Drop

Have transferred $60 to you. The rest will top up during postage charge.

To Account POSB Savings
037-69595-5 Mickey
Amount S$60.00
Transaction Reference 3012454749

Thank you
<font size="+1">Order Summary for Batch 3:</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>FS #4 ~~ Batch 3</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Design/ Size </TD><TD>Article No:</TD><TD>In EURO</TD><TD>Paid (S$)</TD><TD>Collection </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shan</TD><TD>Madrid Patent Black/ 41 regular</TD><TD>40301</TD><TD>28.45 €</TD><TD>$49.66 </TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Loonwilliam</TD><TD> Madrid Madreperla Violet(Madrid)/ 36 Regular</TD><TD>132311</TD><TD>44.95 €</TD><TD>$79.71 </TD><TD>Tg Pagar </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ylyj</TD><TD>Aruba Scatter Pink / 29</TD><TD>107623</TD><TD>31.95 €</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Haiti Soccer Black / 33</TD><TD>108593</TD><TD>31.95 €</TD><TD>$113.30 </TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>leo26</TD><TD>Madrid Square Box Pink / 37 Narrow</TD><TD>241253</TD><TD>27.96 €</TD><TD>49.58</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mamajudy</TD><TD>Madrid Onyx / 35 Narrow</TD><TD>440783</TD><TD>32.95 €</TD><TD>60</TD><TD>Self Collect </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Total EURO: 198,21</TD><TD></td></tr></table>
<font size="+1">Waiwai,</font>

Changes noted. Yes, your order will be in Batch 4. The price on the webpage is an estimate. I need to wait for my CC to be billed then I'll know the exchange rate. Will request for top-up later.
Posting for Bbies:

Nick/ Name: Bbies
Email: [email protected]
Collection: CCK/Yew Tee

Style: Madrid Square Box Pink(Papillio)
Size:please also indicate Narrow or Regular : 35, Regular
Item No: Art.Nr.:241251
Colour: Pink
Price: $43.68
Alt if OOS: Madrid Happiness Cream(Papillio)
<font size="+1">Christina Yeo,</font>

Payment received!

* I-BANK christinayeo- S$53.46

<font size="+1">Mavis78,</font>

Ramses White (Birkenstock Size: 43 is $80.24 not $71.31. I'll collect top-up later.
<font size="+1"> jonreb/Tan Wei Ling,</font>

You can proceed to transfer. Your order will be in Batch 5.
Hi would like to order:

Style: Madrid Black Patent
Size: 40 Regular
Item No: Art.Nr.:40301
Colour: Black (Birko-Flor patent)
Price: $50.78

Please let me know how much to transfer inclusive registered mail


[email protected]
<font size="+1">Hollow,</font>

You can transfer $60 first. Any refund/ top-up will be done when I'm billed.
