~ Birkenstock (Footshopping) ~ Mickey

Nick/ Name: Lindy
Email: [email protected]
Collection: Registered Mail

Style: Madrid Onyx
Size: Regular 36
Item No: Art.Nr:440781
Price: S$69
Alt if OOS: Madrid Black Patent Regular 36

Style: Gizeh Black Patent
Size: Regular 42
Item No: Art.Nr:43661
Price: S$84
Alt if OOS: Gizeh Black Regular 42

Total: $153+ $1 = $154

Transferred! ib lindy ref 16726105267

Order noted and received yr transfer.. :)


Yr order will be in Batch 366.

Batch 366- Another $110-$150 to Close.
Order Placed for Batch 366:

batch 366.PNG
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Nick/ Name: celwong
Email: [email protected]
Collection: Courier or Registered Mail

Style: Gizeh Magic Galaxy Silver
Size: (Regular Width), Size 39
Item No: 847461
Price: $94
Alt if OOS: Gizeh White, Regular, Size 39, item no.: 345081
Total: $94 + $1 = $95

Pls cfm before I transferred. Can do paylah?

Okie, noted. Paylah is transfer using the receiver's mobile number? :p
I've registered for Paylah but nvr use it before.
Posting for Shu Ai:

Style: Rio Black
Size: 27
Item No: Art.Nr:126113
Price: $19.50Alt if OOS: drop
Total: $19.50

Style: Rio Black
Size: 29
Item No: Art.Nr:126113
Price: $19.50
Alt if OOS: 30
Total: $19.50 + $1 = $20.50
Nick/ Name: ahsijay/ lixian
Email: [email protected]
Collection: CCK
Contact No: Please PM if opt for meet-up

Style: Gizeh Silver
Size: Regular Width 35
Item No: Art.Nr.:43851
Price: $84
Alt if OOS: Gizeh White Art.Nr.:43731
Total: $xx + $1 = $85

IB nick: ahsijay
ref: 2016032702287722

Thank you! :)
Posting for Germaine(batch 367):

Price: 84,00 SGD (Art.Nr.:51791)
Model: Birkenstock Arizona Black
Size: 42 (Regular)

Collection: CCK

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Hi ,

Thank you ...can I check how come there are no papillon design anymore ? Isn't so they stop this product line cos the design is so pretty .....anyway let me know when this batch is ready to order . Thank again
Hi ,

Thank you ...can I check how come there are no papillon design anymore ? Isn't so they stop this product line cos the design is so pretty .....anyway let me know when this batch is ready to order . Thank again

Not sure why Papillio is not available in Footshopping. I've ever enquired abt new designs, they mention the sandals are in high demand and Birkenstock cannot meet the demand.. LOL
Posting for Constance (Batch 368):

Gizeh Cherry
38 Regular
Sgd84 and

Gizeh Cocao Brown
40 Regular

Website: http://www.footshopping.com/home/mid_36663.html

Free..for order exceeding a total order value of 325 SGD.
Do post your order with payment so I can place order once we have enough to qualify for free shipping.
I can place order only when orders total order in each batch hit SGD325-375(Maximum).

Approx 1.5-2 weeks from the date parcel is shipped.

Footshopping has changed to charge the order in SGD instead of EURO hence there will not be a top-up for exchange rate difference. However, banks/credit card charge a fee (Dynamic Currency Converter or Cross Border fee)for overseas purchase that is charged in SGD . I will collect $1 from spreeist.
The price shown in SGD will be the final price unless there is fluctuations in exchange rate( footshopping may change the price accordingly). If there is any top up/refund due to this, I will notify.
*Do join only if you're comfortable with this. Thanks!

Posb Savings 037-69595-5
Pls indicate your SMH Nick. Otherwise pls let me know yr IB transfer name.

✉ EMAIL: [email protected]

Mode of Collection :
* Raffles Place Station
- Morning- 8.00am
- Monday/ Tuesday/ Friday -5.50pm

- Monday/ Tuesday/ Friday - abt 6.45-7pm
- Collection CCK Crescent(my block) is possible on weekday nights, after 7.30pm on certain days.
** Meet-Up Time/ Day Subject to Changes.

Postage (Singpost)
- Will only be able to mail on weekend.
- For Registered Mail, maximum size will be two pairs(box).

Taqbin Courier (Charges determined by Total Size of parcel)
- $7 onwards ( depending on the total size). To be pre-arranged. No same day delivery
- Taqbin's Delivery Timing: 8am-12pm,12noon-5pm, 5-8pm.
- No last minute arrangement.
- Sometimes Taqbin may not be able to deliver within the stated time/day. I will not be responsible for the delays however I can help to check the status.

** Please note that for 3 pairs and above that are bulky (those that comes in box larger than Madrid), collection will be by Courier or Self collect at my place(CCK Cres) on weekday night, 7.30pm or 8.30pm on certain days.


* For some designs, prices are higher for larger sizes. Please select the size to reflect the price.
* Do indicate an alternative, especially if first choice is from Bargain section as quantity may be limited

Nick/ Name:
Email: Must Indicate Or PM me.
Collection: Raffles Place/ Yew Tee/ CCK/ Courier/ Normal Mail/ Registered Mail
Contact No: Please PM if opt for meet-up

Size: ( Narrow or Regular Width)
Item No: (Please make sure its correct.e.g: Art.Nr:40301 )
Alt if OOS:
Total: $xx + $1 =
hi hi like to get the below for Raffles Place collection.

Style: Madrid Hazel(Birkenstock)
Size: Narrow - 37
Item No: Art.Nr.:439753
Price: sgd69.00
Alt if OOS: drop
Total: $69 + $1 = SGD70.00

will transfer soon.
hi hi like to get the below for Raffles Place collection.

Style: Madrid Hazel(Birkenstock)
Size: Narrow - 37
Item No: Art.Nr.:439753
Price: sgd69.00
Alt if OOS: drop
Total: $69 + $1 = SGD70.00

will transfer soon.
Okie..noted. :)
hi cubeez,

Nick/ Name: viconte
Email: *via conversation*
Collection: CCK
Contact No: *via conversation*

Gizeh Magic Galaxy Silver(Birkenstock)
Size: 40 Regular
Item No: Art.Nr.:847461
Alt if OOS:None

Gizeh Stone(Birkenstock)
Size: 44 Regular
Item No: Art.Nr.:43391
Alt if OOS:None

Total: $94 + $84 + $1 = $179

Transferred via iBanking:
Nick:*via conversation*
Amt: $179
Ref: *via conversation*

Let me know if you received it, thanks for your help :)

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hi cubeez,

Nick/ Name: viconte
Email: *via conversation*
Collection: CCK
Contact No: *via conversation*

Gizeh Magic Galaxy Silver(Birkenstock)
Size: 40 Regular
Item No: Art.Nr.:847461
Alt if OOS:None

Gizeh Stone(Birkenstock)
Size: 44 Regular
Item No: Art.Nr.:43391
Alt if OOS:None

Total: $94 + $84 + $1 = $179

Transferred via iBanking:
Nick:*via conversation*
Amt: $179
Ref: *via conversation*

Let me know if you received it, thanks for your help :)


Order noted and payment received. :)


I will have to split the order as can't squeeze both pairs in Batch 368, exceeds SGD400 and will incur GST. 2nd pair will be in Batch 369, okie? I will place order tomorrow(Monday).

Batch 368-Closed.

Batch 369- Open for Order.
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Hi Mickey, can i have both pairs in a single order? As i need the items before 9th May. Also I would prefer to collect the items only once if possible instead of 2x, thanks.

I will order both pairs in Batch 369. Pls ignore the reply I've sent in PM this morning. May be in time before 9th May as just need another $80 to close Batch 369. :)
Posting for Chunkie(batch 368):

Nick: chunkie
Email:On file
Collection: TBC (most likely Raffles Place)
Contact No: On file

Style: Madrid Antique Brown (Birkenstock)
Size: 35 Regular Width
Item No: Art.Nr: 440311
Price: S$84
Alt if OOS: drop

Style: The Blue Footbed Sport (Birkenstock)
Size: 35 Regular Width
Item No: Art.Nr: 11001/new:1001172 --> There are 2 art no. on the website I'm not sure what's the difference.
Price: S$49
Alt if OOS: drop

Total: $84 + $49 + $1 = $134

~Paid- $134
Posting for Susan:

Madrid Neon Green
37 Narrow

Florida White (Birkenstock)
36 Regular

Batch 369- Temp Closed.
Posting for Kathy:

Name: Kathy
Email: On file
HP: On file
Collection mode: TBC

Style: Madrid Magic Galaxy Black
URL: http://www.footshopping.com/main.cfm?wgID=205&MI=31&StartRow=21
Size: 36 Narrow
Item No: Art.Nr.: 438011
Quantity: 1
Price in SGD: $69
Alt if OOS: Madrid Tango Red Patent Narrow 36 Art. Nr. 340111

Style: Arizona Blue Birko Flor Softbed
URL: http://www.footshopping.com/birkenstock-sandals-arizona-arizona-birko-flor/wgID_199.html?MI=31
Quantity: 1
Size: 43 Regular
Item No: Art.Nr.: 51061
Quantity: 1
Price in SGD: $94
Alt if OOS: Arizona Blue Art. Nr. 51751 ($84)

Total no. of items: 2 items
Total in SGD: ($69+$1)+($94+$1)=$165

Payment Details:
1. Date/ Time of transfer: 20 Apr 2016/ 9:20AM
2. Total amount transferred: SGD$165
3. Transaction reference: 16960232453
Website: http://www.footshopping.com/home/mid_36663.html

Free..for order exceeding a total order value of 325 SGD.
Do post your order with payment so I can place order once we have enough to qualify for free shipping.
I can place order only when orders total order in each batch hit SGD325-375(Maximum).

Approx 1.5-2 weeks from the date parcel is shipped.

Footshopping has changed to charge the order in SGD instead of EURO hence there will not be a top-up for exchange rate difference. However, banks/credit card charge a fee (Dynamic Currency Converter or Cross Border fee)for overseas purchase that is charged in SGD . I will collect $1 from spreeist.
The price shown in SGD will be the final price unless there is fluctuations in exchange rate( footshopping may change the price accordingly). If there is any top up/refund due to this, I will notify.
*Do join only if you're comfortable with this. Thanks!

Posb Savings 037-69595-5
Pls indicate your SMH Nick. Otherwise pls let me know yr IB transfer name.

✉ EMAIL: [email protected]

Mode of Collection :
* Raffles Place Station
- Morning- 8.00am
- Monday/ Tuesday/ Friday -5.50pm

- Monday/ Tuesday/ Friday - abt 6.45-7pm
- Collection CCK Crescent(my block) is possible on weekday nights, after 7.30pm on certain days.
** Meet-Up Time/ Day Subject to Changes.

Postage (Singpost)
- Will only be able to mail on weekend.
- For Registered Mail, maximum size will be two pairs(box).

Taqbin Courier (Charges determined by Total Size of parcel)
- $7 onwards ( depending on the total size). To be pre-arranged. No same day delivery
- Taqbin's Delivery Timing: 8am-12pm,12noon-5pm, 5-8pm.
- No last minute arrangement.
- Sometimes Taqbin may not be able to deliver within the stated time/day. I will not be responsible for the delays however I can help to check the status.

** Please note that for 3 pairs and above that are bulky (those that comes in box larger than Madrid), collection will be by Courier or Self collect at my place(CCK Cres) on weekday night, 7.30pm or 8.30pm on certain days.


* For some designs, prices are higher for larger sizes. Please select the size to reflect the price.
* Do indicate an alternative, especially if first choice is from Bargain section as quantity may be limited


Nick/ Name:
Email: Must Indicate Or PM me.
Collection: Raffles Place/ Yew Tee/ CCK/ Courier/ Normal Mail/ Registered Mail
Contact No: Please PM if opt for meet-up

Size: ( Narrow or Regular Width)
Item No: (Please make sure its correct.e.g: Art.Nr:40301 )
Alt if OOS:
Total: $xx + $1 =
Nick/ Name: michai
Email: will PM you
Collection: Registered Mail
Contact No: Please PM if opt for meet-up

Style: Gizeh Toffee
Size: Size 40 Regular
Item No: 845221
Price: 84.00
Alt if OOS: Drop
Total: $xx + $1 = 85.00

Transaction Name: michai
Transaction Reference Number: 17004515360


Order noted and payment received..:)

Yr order will be in Batch 371. Do check this thread for updates. :)

~Paid- $85

Batch 371- Another $245 to Close.
