P1 is from 7yrs old in sG.
Its sort of "lose out" as I cant enroll him in Pre-nursery as the school is quite strict on the age....think the min age is 3yrs old/36mths
My son only reached 3yrs old in Dec 2010.
By right, Yr 2010 shld be Pre-nursery
Yr 2011 is Nursery
Yr 2012 is K1
Yr 2013 is K2
However, he only reached 3yrs old end 2010. So he cant attend Pre-nursery.
Hence, he attended Nursery in Yr 2011 when he just reached 3yrs old.
Nevertheless, I can let him enroll Pre-Nursery in mid 2010 if I really want to...Just that my MIL feels that he's still too young. So we waited till Yr 2011.
My pattern is to let him interact with more kids...There's no homework in Nursery class
As for K1, the homework started during the Term 1 holiday. Just write "one, two, three"
Thereafer is homework every two weeks on writing the number in words.
I want him to enjoy himself...So once a while, I will send him to those kids class such as baking class....N most importanty...interaction with kids which he really lacks