Quick opinion of Dr Daniel Koh: the only doctor who made me walk out of the door with no respect left for him.
The following paragraphs recount the experience we had that led me to the opinion.
I was referred to KKH from SGH due to ventriculomegaly, hydrocephalus discovered at 28 weeks. This typically happens for cases when your preferred O&G healthcare provider assessed and suggested that your case could be better supported by the fuller / more equipped team in KKH.
My experience with KKH started on 29 Aug 2018.
Date: 29 Aug 2018 || Location: KKH Antenal Diagnostic Center (ADC)
Referral letter from SGH was addressed to Dr Edwin Thia from Fetal Maternal Clinic (FMC).
An ultrasound appointment was arranged at KKH (coordinated between the hospitals).
After the ultrasound, we met up with FMC doctors (Dr Daniel Koh included). Dr Daniel Koh asked a bunch of basic questions which I presume is part of the SOP with every new patient.
Conversation progressed and I sensed that they don’t know that we have been referred by SGH until we pointed out our medical records could be accessed. *Strange feeling creeps in*
Thankfully, we were interrupted by Prof George Yeo, we had to leave the room for their internal discussion. Shortly after we were led to review the ultrasound scans with Prof Yeo. He led the consultation from then on, experience was positive, informative and genuine. When you are faced with fetal complication – positive experience comforts you, because sometimes the updates can hit you. The way doctors deliver the message is very important. Expect nothing less from your healthcare provider. You are not paying fees to be talked down, dismissed or emotionally hurt.
Private patient charges applied. Cool. No consultation with referred doctor – Dr Edwin Thia.
Date: 11 Sep 2018 || Location: KKH ADC
Follow-up ultrasound scan. Done. Consultation with 3 different doctors. We were given options to go for more blood tests to narrow the cause of the abnormality found which we went along with.
Experience was ok, I do sense their utmost care when they talked to us, which I am very thankful for.
Private patient charges applied. NOT ACCEPTABLE.
this is considering we have met 5 different doctors so far. We paid private consultation but were given team-care approach aka subsidized care.
Date: 27 Sep 2018. || Location: KKH ADC
I was admitted for pre-term labour symptoms and stayed in the delivery suite the night before. We opted for subsidized care because we are pretty sure we are not ready to pop yet. By the way, the nurses serving in the triage and delivery suite are friendly, attentive and helpful.
OK, back to ADC and post-ultrasound consultation: guess who we meet again! Dr Daniel Koh!
We entered the room and sat down. Greetings were exchanged and then he started condescendingly with: “Can you tell me what you understand so far?”
I answered based on what I’ve read from Google!
Then he continued... painted a bleak outcome & prognosis of my dearest son. i.e. survival rate, no hope...(I understand where he is bluntly coming from, I GET IT. Havent I been reading!) he didnt stop there, he shared that termination of pregnancy can be done up till 24 weeks and we are too late for it. No, we didnt mention or ask anything about termination. We believe in God's plan.
At that moment: I was questioning myself if there is an actual human being?
Is he just truly handicapped at showing empathy? Is he so inexperience to handle a sensitive situation versus a normal situation?
I chose to treat his words as junk.
He later shared 2 other further tests: Urine test & Fetal MRI – which we declined and he patronizingly said “sensible choice”. I feel like bursting already. Like what is your fecking problem.
He ended the consultation with “Do you have further questions for me?”, we said “no…”.
He said “Ok. Bye.” (Waving his hand) with an apathetic smile....
I walked out the room. I cried, extremely frustrated, baffled at that being I spoke to in the room.
Later that day, I requested for an AOR. I couldn’t bear staying in KKH any longer. I was frustrated to the bones. I continued seeing my gynae at SGH.
We have since seen many doctors, registrars, MOs in KKH, and concluded Dr Daniel's consultation style and communication skill is unique to him.
The following paragraphs recount the experience we had that led me to the opinion.
I was referred to KKH from SGH due to ventriculomegaly, hydrocephalus discovered at 28 weeks. This typically happens for cases when your preferred O&G healthcare provider assessed and suggested that your case could be better supported by the fuller / more equipped team in KKH.
My experience with KKH started on 29 Aug 2018.
Date: 29 Aug 2018 || Location: KKH Antenal Diagnostic Center (ADC)
Referral letter from SGH was addressed to Dr Edwin Thia from Fetal Maternal Clinic (FMC).
An ultrasound appointment was arranged at KKH (coordinated between the hospitals).
After the ultrasound, we met up with FMC doctors (Dr Daniel Koh included). Dr Daniel Koh asked a bunch of basic questions which I presume is part of the SOP with every new patient.
Conversation progressed and I sensed that they don’t know that we have been referred by SGH until we pointed out our medical records could be accessed. *Strange feeling creeps in*
Thankfully, we were interrupted by Prof George Yeo, we had to leave the room for their internal discussion. Shortly after we were led to review the ultrasound scans with Prof Yeo. He led the consultation from then on, experience was positive, informative and genuine. When you are faced with fetal complication – positive experience comforts you, because sometimes the updates can hit you. The way doctors deliver the message is very important. Expect nothing less from your healthcare provider. You are not paying fees to be talked down, dismissed or emotionally hurt.
Private patient charges applied. Cool. No consultation with referred doctor – Dr Edwin Thia.
Date: 11 Sep 2018 || Location: KKH ADC
Follow-up ultrasound scan. Done. Consultation with 3 different doctors. We were given options to go for more blood tests to narrow the cause of the abnormality found which we went along with.
Experience was ok, I do sense their utmost care when they talked to us, which I am very thankful for.
Private patient charges applied. NOT ACCEPTABLE.
this is considering we have met 5 different doctors so far. We paid private consultation but were given team-care approach aka subsidized care.
Date: 27 Sep 2018. || Location: KKH ADC
I was admitted for pre-term labour symptoms and stayed in the delivery suite the night before. We opted for subsidized care because we are pretty sure we are not ready to pop yet. By the way, the nurses serving in the triage and delivery suite are friendly, attentive and helpful.
OK, back to ADC and post-ultrasound consultation: guess who we meet again! Dr Daniel Koh!
We entered the room and sat down. Greetings were exchanged and then he started condescendingly with: “Can you tell me what you understand so far?”
I answered based on what I’ve read from Google!
Then he continued... painted a bleak outcome & prognosis of my dearest son. i.e. survival rate, no hope...(I understand where he is bluntly coming from, I GET IT. Havent I been reading!) he didnt stop there, he shared that termination of pregnancy can be done up till 24 weeks and we are too late for it. No, we didnt mention or ask anything about termination. We believe in God's plan.
At that moment: I was questioning myself if there is an actual human being?
Is he just truly handicapped at showing empathy? Is he so inexperience to handle a sensitive situation versus a normal situation?
I chose to treat his words as junk.
He later shared 2 other further tests: Urine test & Fetal MRI – which we declined and he patronizingly said “sensible choice”. I feel like bursting already. Like what is your fecking problem.
He ended the consultation with “Do you have further questions for me?”, we said “no…”.
He said “Ok. Bye.” (Waving his hand) with an apathetic smile....
I walked out the room. I cried, extremely frustrated, baffled at that being I spoke to in the room.
Later that day, I requested for an AOR. I couldn’t bear staying in KKH any longer. I was frustrated to the bones. I continued seeing my gynae at SGH.
We have since seen many doctors, registrars, MOs in KKH, and concluded Dr Daniel's consultation style and communication skill is unique to him.