Baby refusing milk / on milk strike


My baby boy is 6 months now, and has been refusing milk since 3 months ago. As a result, we have resorted to sleep feeding him, as it's the only way to get him to drink milk (he will push the bottle away or stretch his body backwards to reject the milk once his eyes are open). It is really stressful, milk feeding has become a family obsession and my activities revolve around his feed timings. In fact, my mood fluctuates depending on how much milk he takes. We even tried starting him on solids when he was 4+ months old at the advice of our PD. Now he's taking solids twice a day, but total milk intake per day is only 500+ ml. I'm worried this amount of milk is too little for him. Wondering whether mummies out there have the same experience, and when do your babies grow out of this stage? I would love to be able to feed him when he's awake, but at this point in time, he has never been willing to take a drop of milk once his eyes are open. Hope someone can share their success stories of how they manage to transit their babies from sleep feeding to normal feeding.

My baby boy is 6 months now, and has been refusing milk since 3 months ago. As a result, we have resorted to sleep feeding him, as it's the only way to get him to drink milk (he will push the bottle away or stretch his body backwards to reject the milk once his eyes are open). It is really stressful, milk feeding has become a family obsession and my activities revolve around his feed timings. In fact, my mood fluctuates depending on how much milk he takes. We even tried starting him on solids when he was 4+ months old at the advice of our PD. Now he's taking solids twice a day, but total milk intake per day is only 500+ ml. I'm worried this amount of milk is too little for him. Wondering whether mummies out there have the same experience, and when do your babies grow out of this stage? I would love to be able to feed him when he's awake, but at this point in time, he has never been willing to take a drop of milk once his eyes are open. Hope someone can share their success stories of how they manage to transit their babies from sleep feeding to normal feeding.
Hi. My baby boy is 6 1/2 mths now and almost exact same scenario as you but he does not know how to swallow puree as yet so fully on milk formula. The difference is he has to be half asleep im order to consume milk if not he would struggle when feeding him making it a chore everyday when feeding. His intake is 700+ to 800ml per day though and pd said for his weight 9.2kg now is in 97% percentile so dun force him when he does not want to drink. I also dunno why he is so heavy despite milk issues and not taking solids or puree. Me and husband are in acceptable weight closer to underweight type so it cannot be genetic fat? Unfortunately no suggestions or answers to your thread. :(
Hi. My baby boy is 6 1/2 mths now and almost exact same scenario as you but he does not know how to swallow puree as yet so fully on milk formula. The difference is he has to be half asleep im order to consume milk if not he would struggle when feeding him making it a chore everyday when feeding. His intake is 700+ to 800ml per day though and pd said for his weight 9.2kg now is in 97% percentile so dun force him when he does not want to drink. I also dunno why he is so heavy despite milk issues and not taking solids or puree. Me and husband are in acceptable weight closer to underweight type so it cannot be genetic fat? Unfortunately no suggestions or answers to your thread. :(
700+ to 800ml a day is very respectable. My baby used to drink that amount or even more before he started his solids, but all these have to be done when he's sleeping.
700+ to 800ml a day is very respectable. My baby used to drink that amount or even more before he started his solids, but all these have to be done when he's sleeping.
So any good changes or solution yet to your baby habit of refusing milk? Still need to sleep feed?
For me, my boy is drinking Enfamil A+ since birth. Due to him often refusing milk, had tried other milk powder like Similac but to no avail. Last week, I switched his milk to Enfamil Stage 2 (The 6 months+ onwards) hoping perhaps he would better accept the flavour but seems that he disliked his milk even more and now switched back to Stage 1 milk, surprisingly he can consume more and better. Maybe after tasting Stage 2 milk, he treasures Stage 1 milk more. LOLZ.
I'm still facing the same issues. In fact, he reached a new low this week, only taking about 400+ ml per day. Now he refused to suck even when he's sleeping. Sigh... Don't know when he will start to drink milk willingly, it's so much stress!
I'm still facing the same issues. In fact, he reached a new low this week, only taking about 400+ ml per day. Now he refused to suck even when he's sleeping. Sigh... Don't know when he will start to drink milk willingly, it's so much stress!
Hope someone can offer a solution or suggestion soon..
Ya, or any mummies who have similar issues but baby grow out of this stage gradually. At least offer us a glimmer a hope that all will be okay once baby grows older will be a great encouragement too.
And you know what is the worst? If we sleep feed him, sometimes he will wake up cos of the disturbance. So we are constantly battling between feeding him or letting him sleep. It often takes a few attempts to get him to drink 100+ ml each time. Sometimes he doesn't even get 10 hrs of sleep a day, and often I see articles that state babies of this age need to sleep 12-15 hours a day. Sigh... Wish there is a support system for mummies like us.
And you know what is the worst? If we sleep feed him, sometimes he will wake up cos of the disturbance. So we are constantly battling between feeding him or letting him sleep. It often takes a few attempts to get him to drink 100+ ml each time. Sometimes he doesn't even get 10 hrs of sleep a day, and often I see articles that state babies of this age need to sleep 12-15 hours a day. Sigh... Wish there is a support system for mummies like us.
Hi Isabel, how are you doing ? My son after refusing milk for so long finally few weeks ago started to drink milk on a constant basis but at 10mths+ now still refuse to take solids but does drink an average of 1000ml+ per day now. My pd says he is growing well at 10.4kg now, just unknown how come his earlier refusal to drink milk and take solids can let him gain weight well. ;)
Hi, the situation has improved slightly, he is taking 600+ ml of milk plus solids, but we still have to sleep feed him the milk else he will refuse to take the bottle. However, since he has started on solids and seems to like his solid food, we are not as stressed about him not taking as much milk.
Btw, your son still refuse solids? Generally PD recommends to start at least by 6 months old?
Hi, the situation has improved slightly, he is taking 600+ ml of milk plus solids, but we still have to sleep feed him the milk else he will refuse to take the bottle. However, since he has started on solids and seems to like his solid food, we are not as stressed about him not taking as much milk.
Btw, your son still refuse solids? Generally PD recommends to start at least by 6 months old?
Hi. Yes. my son refuse solids. PD did recommend to start solids when my son was after 6 months old. Tried but he would want to puke or refuse solids. Tried biscuits, puree, porridge, bananas etc ..only after many tries he would probably take a few spoons of porridge. He also does not want to drink plain water whether from spoon or from bottle.

Friends had recommended that give him food not by feeding as he may prefer the idea of self feeding but to no avail. So now he is still living by the formula milk only...just that his intake now per day is 1000ml++ and at least now he can drink the milk with eyes open. Previously, can only feed him when he is asleep which made me thought of how you doing..
He is coming 11 months soon. am still trying hard hoping to have him eat solids soon.
It's great that your son no longer need to sleep feed! My son is a stubborn fella, still refuses the bottle when he is awake. Unfortunately, as he starts to grow bigger, his naps also start to reduce. Hence we have resorted to feeding the milk by spoon or by syringes if he is awake and his milk time is due. Not the best scenario, but at least he has started to increase his milk intake gradually - he started to increase milk intake from 400+ to 500+ from Feb, and further improved from 500+ to 600+ this month (Mar). Keeping my fingers crossed that this can be maintained (he did show a slower rate of weight increase at the last check though, which PD mentioned is likely due to more activity).
My baby is 14months now. he rejectED formula milk at about 2 mths plus and would only take freshly pumped breast milk. As such, i had to dreamfeed him until he was about 7 months or so. Things improved after he started to take solids. From 8 months or so, I stopped pumping and he finally accepted formula milk completely. i had changed a few milk brands and i found that my baby accepted hipp formula best among all others. i think it's because of the texture. It is more watery compared to other fm, and more alike breast milk.

I was a ftm and i was the only one doing the dreamfeeding as my husbabd was overseas. I had to rock him to sleep to feed him every time. It was very physically and mentally draining then but I am glad that hes now eating very well. Some tips to offer to mothers who are encountering this. Never force your baby to drink. I suspected my baby had feeding aversion because of this. i was paranoid about him not taking enough milk so i kinda forced him to drink the required amount for his age. if you have to resort to dreamfeeding, i suggest you get a yaolan and rock him to dreamfeed him. this will help alot on your aching arms. lastly, maybe you'd want to try hipp milk and see how he likes them.

Eventually, they will outgrow that stage. just dont force them.
I remember my sister telling the same thing to me when I had my lo. She told me she had to switch to formula milk but her baby was used to breastfeeding and it would be better if I start using formula milk at an early stage. I took her advice and started giving my baby Enfamil.
I started with Neuropro but later on discovered Enfamil Reguline suited him more. He used to refuse Neuropro or spit it out. But reguline worked out well.
Hi there. I’m a FTM mom. I’m experiencing the exact same problem over here. My boy is going to be 3 months old and he has been refusing to drink milk since 2 months old. It’s really so stressful. We have to dream feed him ALL the time. He has never once accepted the milk when he is awake we tried changing everything and all but never once he accept the bottle awake. He doesn’t latch also when he is awake and because of this stress I stopped pumping. And he doesn’t show hunger cues. We just feed him when it is due for feeding. Even when we dream feed, it takes a few tries to be successful, he would rather suxk the pacifier than drink milk. I really don’t know what to do. I’m suffering depression due to this. I’m crying every single time the feeding time is due. Can someone please tell me things will get better and advice me on how you all go through this? Please. I really need some support and help her.
My baby boy is 6 months now, and has been refusing milk since 3 months ago. As a result, we have resorted to sleep feeding him, as it's the only way to get him to drink milk (he will push the bottle away or stretch his body backwards to reject the milk once his eyes are open). It is really stressful, milk feeding has become a family obsession and my activities revolve around his feed timings. In fact, my mood fluctuates depending on how much milk he takes. We even tried starting him on solids when he was 4+ months old at the advice of our PD. Now he's taking solids twice a day, but total milk intake per day is only 500+ ml. I'm worried this amount of milk is too little for him. Wondering whether mummies out there have the same experience, and when do your babies grow out of this stage? I would love to be able to feed him when he's awake, but at this point in time, he has never been willing to take a drop of milk once his eyes are open. Hope someone can share their success stories of how they manage to transit their babies from sleep feeding to normal feeding.
Please help me out. I really want to know how you go through this. Being a FTM mom I really dk how to do this. I’m really suffering. I really need help! I hope to hear a reply from you. Please.
Please help me out. I really want to know how you go through this. Being a FTM mom I really dk how to do this. I’m really suffering. I really need help! I hope to hear a reply from you. Please.
Dear Stefhanietan,
I totally understand what you are going through! However, let me assure you that all these will pass! My boy is 2.5 yo now, and started loving his milk when he turns 1.5 yo. Now he will glee with joy when it's milktime.

First of all, your boy is 3 months old. When I had this problem and went to see my PD, he suggested feeding him solids earlier. Hence we started him on solids when he was 4 months old. Once he starts taking solids, his milk intake can reduce slightly. We still dream feed him at this point. It takes me several tries until I almost go crazy, and then I will give up and my husband will take over. God knows how much milk I wasted cos he sometimes drank only 30ml out of the 150ml we made for him. He can sometimes survive a whole day with barely 300ml.

When he turned 6mo, we increased his solids gradually, and that became his main source of food when he got to 8 no or 1 yo. That was also when we started to cut down to only two milk feeds a day. Which means lesser stress for mummy, hence a happier mummy.

Therefore if you ask me, I think solids is the way to go, esp for stubborn fellas like my son. He hates milk but he enjoys his solids. I also put milk into his cereals and he will lap them up happily.
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Timelines of the things we did at his ages:
2 months - he started to resist milk, we dreamfeed him and rotate among different ppl to do this job, e.g. myself, my hubby, my mum. Most stressful time.
4 months - we started him on some semi liquid solids. We bought those porridge from Gerber's and mixed it with milk. Luckily he likes it. This helps in milk consumption too. Rest we will feed by spoon or syringe. However, make sure his neck is strong and he can sit with some support before you do this.
6 months - we increased his solids intake further.
8 months onwards - more solids given, can also try more varieties with different textures. Can cut down milk feeds significantly when he takes more solids.
1 yo - at this point I think the milk feeds are only twice a day.
1.5 yo - he starts demanding for milk and food!
Thank you Isabel for your reply! Because now I’m already struggling to dream feed my boy. He will resist even in his sleep. Like I have to trick him to suck the pacifier and then pull out the pacifier then feed the milk but when he refuse I put the pacifier back again. Oh goshhh it’s so tough!!!
Thank you Isabel for your reply! Because now I’m already struggling to dream feed my boy. He will resist even in his sleep. Like I have to trick him to suck the pacifier and then pull out the pacifier then feed the milk but when he refuse I put the pacifier back again. Oh goshhh it’s so tough!!!
Oh gosh, this sounds all too familiar. Yes we also did that. We let him suck his pacifier till he fell into a deep slumber, then quickly take out his pacifier and stick in the bottle. When it doesn't work, we will try over and over again. And sometimes he gets woken up and all the efforts go to waste. Ends up the entire bottle wasted. It's very stressful indeed. But now that period has passed, sometimes I wonder whether I was being overly stressed. He was pretty happy and active even though he doesn't take much milk. No matter what happens, remember that nothing will happen to your child. The PD always tell me the child knows when yo drink and if he resisted, likely it's cos he's not hungry. We are probably too stuck to the guidelines of certain milk amounts at certain ages, and therefore gets stressed when he didn't drink that required amount.
One thing I can be sure, your son has got character! My son is now 1.5 yo, he's very stubborn and really has a mind of his own. He dictates us what to do and where to go already at this age. Even his childcare teacher says if he doesn't want something, cannot force him to do it else he will gets really angry.
Oh gosh, this sounds all too familiar. Yes we also did that. We let him suck his pacifier till he fell into a deep slumber, then quickly take out his pacifier and stick in the bottle. When it doesn't work, we will try over and over again. And sometimes he gets woken up and all the efforts go to waste. Ends up the entire bottle wasted. It's very stressful indeed. But now that period has passed, sometimes I wonder whether I was being overly stressed. He was pretty happy and active even though he doesn't take much milk. No matter what happens, remember that nothing will happen to your child. The PD always tell me the child knows when yo drink and if he resisted, likely it's cos he's not hungry. We are probably too stuck to the guidelines of certain milk amounts at certain ages, and therefore gets stressed when he didn't drink that required amount.
Omgggg. Thank you for letting me know that I’m not alone in this. It is SO DAMN TOUGH. I cannot deal with it at times. I always cry and cry when it’s feeding time. It’s really so difficult. I really hope time will faster pass and things will get better. Can I ask when he reached 4 months the milk you mix with the rice cereal you still dream feed him?? I really salute that you went through this. Being a FTM it’s really so difficult..
Nope, when I mixed the cereals with milk, he's propped up in his baby seat and was fed with spoon. We can easily feed him around 200ml milk with cereals once he got into the routine. However, start slowly. In the beginning we started with very small amounts.
For the feeding, you need to get others to help. Sometimes we all need some quiet space to chill and relax, the baby can feel it when you are stressed. So sometimes I get my hubby to do the feeding instead. And my husband, he's not stressed at all when the baby doesn't drink. So it's good for him to do the job.
Please help me out. I really want to know how you go through this. Being a FTM mom I really dk how to do this. I’m really suffering. I really need help! I hope to hear a reply from you. Please.
Hi Stefhanietan,

I totally understand how you feel. I can only say you have to be patient, patient and it is all about patience.
I had trouble having my son to drink milk if you read my earlier posts and not only that, he later also had some reflux milk issues meaning that after all efforts to try to dream feed him and finally getting the milk in him, half of the time he would throw up ALL OF the milk. It was really stressful then, I really did not know how I pulled through but then this phase did eventually stop. Then the PD advised me to feed him solids so less dependent on milk BUT my son just refuse solids. All baby biscuits, baby food etc etc he just refuses to eat. I tried porridge, puree and only managed to feed him FEW SPOONFUL.. I remember for some reason, only Crystal Jade plain white porridge he would eat more then, but I couldn't be buying Crystal Jade porridge for him every meal right ? His refusal to eat solids went on until when he was 16 months old and he was still the same, dream feed, less reflux of milk but refuses to take solids. Then the PD suggested bring him to dietician at KK Hospital.. I was hesitant because back then it was last year September and COVID was still widely spread and fearful. I did not want to bring him to KK hospital and expose him to so many people because of his refusal to eat... then SUDDENLY one fine day, when he was around 17 months old, he started to accept solids and eat ! From then on, he would eat all types of porridge and fruits etc..but not rice and his meat and vegetables, his drinking of milk however was still dream feed until about 20 months old then he could drink milk normally..... He is 2.5 years old today.. He is all good and healthy, but I now have a new problem, that probably he was too used to eating porridge and swallowing his food, now am trying best to get him to bite and chew his food before swallowing the food as he swallows almost everything without chewing or only very little chewing..
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Thank you Isabel for your reply! Because now I’m already struggling to dream feed my boy. He will resist even in his sleep. Like I have to trick him to suck the pacifier and then pull out the pacifier then feed the milk but when he refuse I put the pacifier back again. Oh goshhh it’s so tough!!!
Maybe you can try different milk bottle brand or faster flow teats? I used Dr Brown bottles and Philips Avent bottles previously, but am now using Hegen milk bottles with number 2 or number 3 size teat. You can also try changing milk powder brand? I am not sure the milk you feed is of what temperature ? you could feed warmer milk ? Pulling longer intervals between feeding time. I kept telling myself back then, I do not believe that my son would refuse his milk forever, surely ONE DAY he will accept and I just have to wait and wait....and I hope the day for your kid to accept drinking milk comes soon too !
Maybe you can try different milk bottle brand or faster flow teats? I used Dr Brown bottles and Philips Avent bottles previously, but am now using Hegen milk bottles with number 2 or number 3 size teat. You can also try changing milk powder brand? I am not sure the milk you feed is of what temperature ? you could feed warmer milk ? Pulling longer intervals between feeding time. I kept telling myself back then, I do not believe that my son would refuse his milk forever, surely ONE DAY he will accept and I just have to wait and wait....and I hope the day for your kid to accept drinking milk comes soon too !
Hi there! I read a book on bottle feeding aversion by rowena. And I decided to start on the feeding aversion program. Yesterday was D1 today is D2. It was very tough ytd because in order to correct his behavior when he refused the milk we cannot give it to him any more till 2-3 hours later. He cried SO MUCH ytd really. I kept wanting to give up and go back to dream feeding but I stayed firm. And today I’m seeing improvement already! I’m glad that he is finally drinking wide awake. Though his intake is super little compared to last time when we dream feed him. But I’m happy that he is drinking wide awake and that’s enough for me already.
Well done Stefhanietan! You managed to do what I didn't, which is to get baby to drink milk with eyes open when he's that age. Persevere, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel soon!
Thank you for the encouragement! I can’t deny that it’s very tough and heartbreaking to see him cry and his intake drop so much which make me worry so much but slowly seeing improvement make me so happy. It’s ok that you didn’t managed to do what I’m doing now. But your child is still growing well and healthy thats the MOST impt thing!! As parents, as long as our child is growing healthily, it’s enough already. Really.
Thank you for the encouragement! I can’t deny that it’s very tough and heartbreaking to see him cry and his intake drop so much which make me worry so much but slowly seeing improvement make me so happy. It’s ok that you didn’t managed to do what I’m doing now. But your child is still growing well and healthy thats the MOST impt thing!! As parents, as long as our child is growing healthily, it’s enough already. Really.
Hi Stefhanietan,
Thanks for sharing your experience here. I am also a FTM and going through the same experience with my boy now. May I know how did the program go for you and your LO? My boy is currently 2.5 months old. I am very worried about his milk intake as it is only 500ml a day with him weighing 5.3 kg.
He used to drink okay then suddenly refusing his bottle after sipping for a bit. I am worried he doesn't get enough nutrients needed for his growth. Hope I can learn from your experience. Thanks in advance.
I remember my sister telling the same thing to me when I had my lo. She told me she had to switch to formula milk but her baby was used to breastfeeding and it would be better if I start using formula milk at an early stage. I took her advice and started giving my baby Enfamil.
I started with Neuropro but later on discovered Enfamil Reguline suited him more. He used to refuse Neuropro or spit it out. But reguline worked out well.
Hello may I know where do you order all these Enfamil milk? Like neuropro and neutramigen
