<b>BioGaia Probiotic Chewable Tablets, 30 Count Box</b>

<font color="0000ff">Hi kyhsuen, oops, the PM went to my spam folder.

As this is pre-order, I do not have ready stock at the moment. I will update the status of the batch at this thread. Meet-ups at Toa Payoh mrt will be on Friday evenings around 6pm.

The expiry date is likely 09/13, and not anytime before this =)</font>

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">SPREE BATCH #5 (closed)

ETA: 17th April</font></font>

1) yik (paid/normal post)
2) yik (paid/normal post)
3) nate (paid/courier)
4) nate (paid/courier)
5) nate(paid/courier)
6) uberrimae (paid/normal post)
7) uberrimae (paid/normal post)
8) shmily (paid/normal post)
9) shmily (paid/normal post)
10) emily (paid/AM mail)
11) bonjovi (pending/TBC)
12) bonjovi (pending/TBC)
13) kyhsuen (pending/TBC)
14) kyhsuen (pending/TBC)
15) simp (pending/TBC)
16) simp (pending/ TBC)
17) wai mun (pending/reg mail)

<font color="0000ff">Will update again when items reach me! =)</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">CONFIRMED SPREE BATCH #6:
SGD 35/box (all-in: inclusive of item cost and intl shipping)
Expiry 09/2013

ETA: mid May </font></font>

Payment : By bank transfer to my DBS savings plus account 074-8-006858 (pls post here/PM once tx)

Self-collection is available at my place at Toa Payoh, anytime during weekdays, appts only on weekends.

Meet-ups at Toa Payoh, Braddell and Bishan mrt stations can be discussed. Nex appointment during weekends can be arranged too.

Singpost Normal Postage Rates for the item (inclusive of $0.50 material cost):
1-2 box: $1.50
3-4 boxes: $2.00
5-8 boxes: $3.05

Reg Mail add $2.25

Courier $6 (alternatively, you may wish to arrange your own courier and update me)

For those who can't post here, please PM or e-mail me at [email protected]. thanks!

For other items,

Really Raw Honey, 1lb (453g) @SGD15.90

Sambucol Black Elderberry (US version) @SGD14

Childlife, Colostrum with Probiotics @SGD19
Funds Transfer to Other DBS/POSB A/C
11 Apr 2012 04:22 PM Singapore
To Account DBS Savings Plus
074-8-006858 hopecg probiotics
Amount S$71.50
Transaction Reference 7605309141
<font color="0000ff">Hi simp, payment and mailing address received with thanks =)

Payment for 3 boxes via self-collection received with thanks from kyhsuen =) </font>
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">SPREE BATCH #5 (closed)

ETA: 17th April</font></font>

1) yik (paid/normal post)
2) yik (paid/normal post)
3) nate (paid/courier)
4) nate (paid/courier)
5) nate(paid/courier)
6) uberrimae (paid/normal post)
7) uberrimae (paid/normal post)
8) shmily (paid/normal post)
9) shmily (paid/normal post)
10) emily (paid/AM mail)
11) bonjovi (paid/normal post)
12) bonjovi (paid/normal post)
13) kyhsuen (paid/self-collect)
14) kyhsuen (paid/self-collect)
15) kyhsuen (paid/self-collect)
15) simp (paid/normal post)
16) simp (paid/normal post)
17) wai mun (pending/reg mail)
18) snowkiwi (paid/self-collect)
19) snowkiwi (paid/self-collect)
20) snowkiwi (paid/self-collect)
21) snowkiwi (paid/self-collect)

<font color="ff6000">Emily aka bel_vodka,</font> I have received your payment. When I tried to reply, the email bounced back, similar encounter as the previous.
Nonetheless I've acknowledged it on this thread already =)
Perhaps you may wish to furnish me with a mobile number for more effective communication, should the same situation arise again. Thanks!

<font color="0000ff">Will update again when items reach me! =)</font>
Calling for <font color="ff6000">squirrelbebe</font>, kindly email me at [email protected] regarding your collection of BioGaia. Have PM-ed you cos you didn't leave your email with me. Thanks! =)
Hi, may I check do u still hv extra? or are u going to hv another spree. Am keen to get two boxes and do u spree on the BioGaia ProTectis Baby Drops - 5ML EVERIDIS too ? Pls pm me. Thanks alot
Hi there, I have transfer $140 for 4 boxes. Transaction Reference 7613521405. Will self collect. Let me know once the stock arrived. Thanks!
<font color="0000ff">Hi maxilyn, kindly proceed with payment and advise collection mode. Thanks! =)

Payment for 4 boxes via self-collection received with thanks from pong77 =)</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">CONFIRMED SPREE BATCH #6:
SGD 35/box (all-in: inclusive of item cost and intl shipping)
Expiry 09/2013

ETA: 27th April </font></font>

Payment : By bank transfer to my DBS savings plus account 074-8-006858 (pls post here/PM once tx)

Self-collection is available at my place at Toa Payoh, anytime during weekdays, appts only on weekends.

Meet-ups at Toa Payoh, Braddell and Bishan mrt stations can be discussed. Nex appointment during weekends can be arranged too.

Singpost Normal Postage Rates for the item (inclusive of $0.50 material cost):
1-2 box: $1.50
3-4 boxes: $2.00
5-8 boxes: $3.05

Reg Mail add $2.25

Courier $6 (alternatively, you may wish to arrange your own courier and update me)

For those who can't post here, please PM or e-mail me at [email protected]. thanks!

1) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
2) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
3) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
4) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
5) von33 (pending/TBC)
6) von33 (pending/TBC)
7) maxilyn (paid/normal post)
8) maxilyn (paid/normal post)

For other items,

INCHBUG- The Personalised Bottle Label

Really Raw Honey, 1lb (453g) @SGD15.90

Sambucol Black Elderberry (US version) @SGD14

Childlife, Colostrum with Probiotics @SGD19
<font color="0000ff">Hi maxilyn, I've PM-ed you. Kindly do the top-up and provide mailing address. Thanks! =)</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi karen, kindly proceed with payment and advise collection mode. Thanks! =) </font>
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">SPREE BATCH #6 (closed)

ETA: 27th April</font></font>

1) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
2) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
3) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
4) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
5) von33 (pending/TBC)
6) von33 (pending/TBC)
7) maxilyn (paid/normal post)
8) maxilyn (paid/normal post)
9) karen (pending/TBC)
10) karen (pending/TBC)
11) karen (pending/TBC)
12) karen (pending/TBC)

<font color="0000ff">Will update again when items reach me! =)</font>
<font color="0000ff">The batch #5 items have arrived!

Mummies opting for self-collection, kindly revert with your convenient timings for me to expect the meet-ups.

Mummies opting for postage, I'll be posting the items out tomorrow evening, so please look out for your items in the mail this week.. Thanks! =)</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">SPREE BATCH #5 (closed) </font></font>

1) yik (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
2) yik (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
3) nate (paid/courier scheduled 18/04)
4) nate (paid/courier scheduled 18/04)
5) nate (paid/courier scheduled 18/04)
6) uberrimae (paid/normal post - awaiting mailing address)
7) uberrimae (paid/normal post - awaiting mailing address)
8) shmily (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
9) shmily (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
10) emily (paid/AM mail - mailed out 17/04)
11) bonjovi (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
12) bonjovi (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
13) kyhsuen (paid/self-collected)
14) kyhsuen (paid/self-collected)
15) kyhsuen (paid/self-collected)
16) simp (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
17) simp (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
18) wai mun (paid/reg mail - RR626617971SG)
19) wai mun (paid/reg mail - RR626617971SG)
20) wai mun (paid/reg mail - RR626617971SG)
21) wai mun (paid/reg mail - RR626617971SG)
22) snowkiwi (paid/self-collect)
23) snowkiwi (paid/self-collect)
24) snowkiwi (paid/self-collect)
25) snowkiwi (paid/self-collect)
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">CONFIRMED SPREE BATCH #7:
SGD 35/box (all-in: inclusive of item cost and intl shipping)
Expiry 09/2013

ETA: mid May </font></font>

Payment : By bank transfer to my DBS savings plus account 074-8-006858 (pls post here/PM once tx)

Self-collection is available at my place at Toa Payoh, anytime during weekdays, appts only on weekends.

Meet-ups at Toa Payoh, Braddell and Bishan mrt stations can be discussed. Nex appointment during weekends can be arranged too.

Singpost Normal Postage Rates for the item (inclusive of $0.50 material cost):
1-2 box: $1.50
3-4 boxes: $2.00
5-8 boxes: $3.05

Reg Mail add $2.25

Courier $6 (alternatively, you may wish to arrange your own courier and update me)

For those who can't post here, please PM or e-mail me at [email protected]. thanks!

For other items,

INCHBUG- The Personalised Bottle Label

Really Raw Honey, 1lb (453g) @SGD15.90

Sambucol Black Elderberry (US version) @SGD14

Childlife, Colostrum with Probiotics @SGD19
For Batch 6

Funds Transfer to Other DBS/POSB A/C
18 Apr 2012 06:05 PM Singapore

Hi Transfer Done

From Account POSB Savings

To Account DBS Savings Plus
074-8-006858 hopecg biogaia
Amount S$140.00

Self collection.
Transaction Reference 7622962221
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">SPREE BATCH #6 (closed)

ETA: 27th April </font></font>

1) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
2) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
3) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
4) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
5) von33 (paid/normal post)
6) von33 (paid/normal post)
7) maxilyn (paid/normal post)
8) maxilyn (paid/normal post)
9) karen (paid/self-collect)
10) karen (paid/self-collect)
11) karen (paid/self-collect)
12) karen (paid/self-collect)
13) irene (pending/normal post)
14) irene (pending/normal post)
15) irene (pending/normal post)
16) irene (pending/normal post)

<font color="0000ff">Will update again when items reach me! =)</font>
Hi hopecg,

I would like to order 2 boxes. Please confirm which batch I'll be in, and I'll transfer shortly.

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">CONFIRMED SPREE BATCH #7:
SGD 35/box (all-in: inclusive of item cost and intl shipping)
Expiry 09/2013

ETA: mid May </font></font>

Payment : By bank transfer to my DBS savings plus account 074-8-006858 (pls post here/PM once tx)

Self-collection is available at my place at Toa Payoh, anytime during weekdays, appts only on weekends.

Meet-ups at Toa Payoh, Braddell and Bishan mrt stations can be discussed. Nex appointment during weekends can be arranged too.

Singpost Normal Postage Rates for the item (inclusive of $0.50 material cost):
1-2 box: $1.50
3-4 boxes: $2.00
5-8 boxes: $3.05

Reg Mail add $2.25

Courier $6 (alternatively, you may wish to arrange your own courier and update me)

For those who can't post here, please PM or e-mail me at [email protected]. thanks!

1) kamy (pending/TBC)
2) kamy (pending/TBC)

For other items,

INCHBUG- The Personalised Bottle Label

Really Raw Honey, 1lb (453g) @SGD15.90

Sambucol Black Elderberry (US version) @SGD14

Childlife, Colostrum with Probiotics @SGD19
Hi Hopecg,

I have made the transfer:
To Account DBS Savings Plus
074-8-006858 hopecg-biogaia
Amount S$71.50
Transaction Reference 7636687143

<font color="0000ff">Hi kamy, payment received with thanks! Have noted you would like normal mail for the items, kindly PM me your mailing address =)</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="119911">SPREE BATCH #5: All self-collected/Posted out </font></font>

1) yik (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
2) yik (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
3) nate (paid/courier scheduled 18/04)
4) nate (paid/courier scheduled 18/04)
5) nate (paid/courier scheduled 18/04)
6) uberrimae (paid/normal post - mailed out 24/04)
7) uberrimae (paid/normal post - mailed out 24/04)
8) shmily (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
9) shmily (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
10) emily (paid/AM mail - mailed out 17/04)
11) bonjovi (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
12) bonjovi (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
13) kyhsuen (paid/self-collected)
14) kyhsuen (paid/self-collected)
15) kyhsuen (paid/self-collected)
16) simp (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
17) simp (paid/normal post - mailed out 17/04)
18) wai mun (paid/reg mail - RR626617971SG)
19) wai mun (paid/reg mail - RR626617971SG)
20) wai mun (paid/reg mail - RR626617971SG)
21) wai mun (paid/reg mail - RR626617971SG)
22) snowkiwi (paid/self-collected)
23) snowkiwi (paid/self-collected)
24) snowkiwi (paid/self-collected)
25) snowkiwi (paid/self-collected)
<font color="0000ff">The batch #6 items have arrived!

Mummies opting for self-collection, kindly revert with your convenient timings for me to expect the meet-ups.

Mummies opting for postage, I'll be posting the items out this evening, so please look out for your items in the mail next week.. Thanks! =)</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">SPREE BATCH #6 (closed)</font></font>

1) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
2) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
3) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
4) pong77 (paid/self-collect)
5) von33 (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
6) von33 (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
7) maxilyn (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
8) maxilyn (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
9) karen (paid/self-collect)
10) karen (paid/self-collect)
11) karen (paid/self-collect)
12) karen (paid/self-collect)
13) irene (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
14) irene (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
15) irene (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
16) irene (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">CONFIRMED SPREE BATCH #7:
SGD 35/box (all-in: inclusive of item cost and intl shipping)
Expiry 09/2013

ETA: 12th May </font></font>

Payment : By bank transfer to my DBS savings plus account 074-8-006858 (pls post here/PM once tx)

Self-collection is available at my place at Toa Payoh, anytime during weekdays, appts only on weekends.

Meet-ups at Toa Payoh, Braddell and Bishan mrt stations can be discussed. Nex appointment during weekends can be arranged too.

Singpost Normal Postage Rates for the item (inclusive of $0.50 material cost):
1-2 box: $1.50
3-4 boxes: $2.00
5-8 boxes: $3.05

Reg Mail add $2.25

Courier $6 (alternatively, you may wish to arrange your own courier and update me)

For those who can't post here, please PM or e-mail me at [email protected]. thanks!

1) kamy (paid/normal post)
2) kamy (paid/normal post)
3) nicole (paid/normal post)
4) nicole (paid/normal post)
5) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
6) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
7) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
8) juliaho (pending/normal post)
9) juliaho (pending/normal post)

For other items,

INCHBUG- The Personalised Bottle Label

Really Raw Honey, 1lb (453g) @SGD15.90

Sambucol Black Elderberry (US version) @SGD14

Childlife, Colostrum with Probiotics @SGD19
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">CONFIRMED SPREE BATCH #7:
SGD 35/box (all-in: inclusive of item cost and intl shipping)
Expiry 09/2013

ETA: 12th May </font></font>

Payment : By bank transfer to my DBS savings plus account 074-8-006858 (pls post here/PM once tx)

Self-collection is available at my place at Toa Payoh, anytime during weekdays, appts only on weekends.

Meet-ups at Toa Payoh, Braddell and Bishan mrt stations can be discussed. Nex appointment during weekends can be arranged too.

Singpost Normal Postage Rates for the item (inclusive of $0.50 material cost):
1-2 box: $1.50
3-4 boxes: $2.00
5-8 boxes: $3.05

Reg Mail add $2.25

Courier $6 (alternatively, you may wish to arrange your own courier and update me)

For those who can't post here, please PM or e-mail me at [email protected]. thanks!

1) kamy (paid/normal post)
2) kamy (paid/normal post)
3) nicole (paid/normal post)
4) nicole (paid/normal post)
5) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
6) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
7) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
8) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
9) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
10) juliaho (pending/normal post)
11) juliaho (pending/normal post)
12) molluscs (paid/normal post)

For other items,

INCHBUG- The Personalised Bottle Label

Really Raw Honey, 1lb (453g) @SGD15.90

Sambucol Black Elderberry (US version) @SGD14

Childlife, Colostrum with Probiotics @SGD19
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">SPREE BATCH #7 (closed)

ETA: 12th May</font></font>

1) kamy (paid/reg mail)
2) kamy (paid/reg mail) - together with 2 bottles of Childlife Probiotics
3) nicole (paid/normal post)
4) nicole (paid/normal post)
5) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
6) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
7) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
8) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
9) cyn23 (pending/normal post?)
10) juliaho (pending/normal post)
11) juliaho (pending/normal post)
12) molluscs (paid/normal post)

<font color="0000ff">Will update again when items reach me! =)</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="119911">SPREE BATCH #6: All self-collected/Posted out</font></font>

1) pong77 (paid/self-collected)
2) pong77 (paid/self-collected)
3) pong77 (paid/self-collected)
4) pong77 (paid/self-collected)
5) von33 (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
6) von33 (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
7) maxilyn (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
8) maxilyn (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
9) karen (paid/self-collected)
10) karen (paid/self-collected)
11) karen (paid/self-collected)
12) karen (paid/self-collected)
13) irene (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
14) irene (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
15) irene (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
16) irene (paid/normal post - mailed out 26/04)
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">SPREE BATCH #7 (closed)</font></font>

1) kamy (paid/reg mail)
2) kamy (paid/reg mail) - together with 2 bottles of Childlife Probiotics
3) nicole (paid/normal post)
4) nicole (paid/normal post)
5) cyn23 (paid/normal post)
6) cyn23 (paid/normal post)
7) cyn23 (paid/normal post)
8) cyn23 (paid/normal post)
9) juliaho (pending/normal post)
10) juliaho (pending/normal post)
11) molluscs (paid/normal post)
12) bbchan (paid/normal post)
13) bbchan (paid/normal post)

<font color="0000ff">The batch #7 items have arrived!

Mummies opting for postage, I'll be posting the items out this evening, so please look out for your items in the mail about end of this week.. Thanks! =)</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">SPREE BATCH #7 (closed)</font></font>

1) kamy (paid/reg mail)
2) kamy (paid/reg mail) - together with 2 bottles of Childlife Probiotics
3) nicole (paid/normal post - mailed out 08/05)
4) nicole (paid/normal post - mailed out 08/05)
5) cyn23 (paid/normal post - mailed out 08/05)
6) cyn23 (paid/normal post - mailed out 08/05)
7) cyn23 (paid/normal post - mailed out 08/05)
8) cyn23 (paid/normal post - mailed out 08/05)
9) juliaho (pending/normal post)
10) juliaho (pending/normal post)
11) molluscs (paid/normal post - mailed out 08/05)
12) bbchan (paid/normal post - mailed out 08/05)
13) bbchan (paid/normal post - mailed out 08/05)

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">CONFIRMED SPREE BATCH #8:
SGD 35/box (all-in: inclusive of item cost and intl shipping)
Expiry 09/2013

ETA: 30th May </font></font>

Payment : By bank transfer to my DBS savings plus account 074-8-006858 (pls post here/PM once tx)

Self-collection is available at my place at Toa Payoh, anytime during weekdays, appts only on weekends.

Meet-ups at Toa Payoh, Braddell and Bishan mrt stations can be discussed. Nex appointment during weekends can be arranged too.

Singpost Normal Postage Rates for the item (inclusive of $0.50 material cost):
1-2 box: $1.50
3-4 boxes: $2.00
5-8 boxes: $3.05

Reg Mail add $2.25

Courier $6 (alternatively, you may wish to arrange your own courier and update me)

For those who can't post here, please PM or e-mail me at [email protected]. thanks!

1) simp (pending/normal post?)
2) simp (pending/normal post?)
3) simp (pending/normal post?)
4) simp (pending/normal post?)

For other items,

INCHBUG- The Personalised Bottle Label

Really Raw Honey, 1lb (453g) @SGD15.90

Sambucol Black Elderberry (US version) @SGD14

Childlife, Colostrum with Probiotics @SGD19
