My bb has been using the Avent bottle since birth (Oct 2010). Except for once or twice leakage, it's now fine. But thats also bcuz I'm using hand-me-downs from my niece. Meaning the bottles are now abt 3yrs old. The 'cloudy' ones that are passed down from my fren seems to be fine too. Hasn't tried the new 260ml ones that I've bought tho. Got those that comes with a 'plastic ring' inside.
My problem was that the stage 3 teats (3-6mths), had a persistent rubber smell & taste despite several washing with the Pigeon bb detergent, sterilising using steamer, & soaking all the components separately in boiling water. Even my bb's milk has a strong rubbery taste when i tried it.
Called Avent & complained. At 1st, they told me to bring down for inspection, but i told them not convenient for me to bring bb down so far. They tried to 'bargain' & said they'll reimburse my cab fare (didn't tell them i drive

), but i refused. Than said they'll ask courier to come my place pick up for inspection, but i have to go Toa Payoh to pick up. I refused too. Afterall, its their products' defect, why shld i be further troubled??
Finally, they sent courier to & fro my place. After inspection, they insisted nothing wrong with the teats, & they couldnt find any rubber taste & smell. Rather, they insisted that it Could Be the fragrance from the Pigeon detergent. Which was pure crap, since its rubber smell, not fragrance smell. Afterall, i have been using this detergent since my bb's birth, & there was no rubbery taste till i switched to the 3-6mo teats. Than they wanted to send back the old teats & a bottle that they took along too for inspection. I told them if anything happens to my bb after using the teats, i'll sue them. Than they said they'll do ''further testing''. 2 days later, they called me back, said nothing wrong, could be the detergent (again). Told me don't wash with the detergent, juz plain water will do. I told them its not possible as the milk causes the bottle & teats to be oily. Just water alone won't be able to clean it effectively (shldnt that be common sense?!) But they tried to sound as if, if i use the detergent again & the same thing happens, than its my fault!
Nevertheless, they said they'll give me 6 new teats & a new BPA-free bottle since my bottle was old. Since than, there has been no rubbery smell & taste from these new teats. Not sure if any other mums had the same experience.
Also, if u want them to pick up the teats from your place FOC, muz be really fierce, & complain!