Hi magdalene,
Dr Yvonne chan is my gynae. I am very comfortable with her. She might appears to be those who take awhile to warm up, but after a few visits, she is actually quite humorous and encouraging.
When it comes to scanning, she will take time to pause and show me and my hubby the images. She definitely will not rush through her scans.
She's the kind of gynae who will not offer unnecessary information to scare her patients, but if you have any queries or uncertainty, she will definitely take time to explain and assures you. Dr chan also appears to be rather straight forward and direct at times, which some patients might find that she's very blatant,so I suppose it's up to individual.
I've ever got a friend who complains that dr chan is quite rigid on her mcs. So far, ive nvr had experienced that. So I think ultimately you might want to go for 1st consultation to see for yourself.
The nurses at the clinic are all friendly and nice as well. It's always a pleasant experience going to her clinic.
Price wise, her first consultation is about $80-100. Scan will be about $60-90. Subsequent consultation will be $60 for consult, $60 for scan. Package starts in week 20.