Anyone has anxiety disorder and coping with it?

Hi there no need to feel stupid about having fears. A lot of us have fears to varying degree.

Yours does sound as if it’s affecting your daily routine and you should highlight to poly that you need help on this urgently.

All the best and be frank and open with your doctors so that they can help you k. Hope you meet nice and wise docs. Keep us posted

Hello all!

I am a new member here & I chance this forum when I was googling for those who are suffering from Anxiety and Panic Attack/Disorder locally.

I’d like to share with all of you that you are not alone suffering from this. It’s not a mental illness but rather a disorder that we cannot control. We can manage it, yes we can. This is gonna be a Long post but please allow me to share with you my episodes.

I am a sufferer. I first had my episode sometime July last year. I was awaken by a cold sweat, heart racing super fast that I could not find/feel my pulse, dry mouth, uncontrolled body tremor, stomach ache & giddy. These symptoms are like a chain reaction one after another. I called the ambulance & they took me to KTPH A&E. They did a full blood test from full blood count to thyroid to renal to heart attack enzyme to liver functions, etc and found to be normal. They also did the ECG and found to be normal too. I was discharged home.

In November I had another episode. Same symptoms & called the ambulance again. The medics asked me to do a few things to lower down my heart rate but it’s still beating very fast. Alast they brought me to A&E & did the ECG. Again it turned out normal. They didn’t do anymore blood tests because they’ve done them back in July. Then they sent a psychiatrist to see me at the observation ward. That’s when they started to refer me to see a Psychiatrist and since then i’ve been having my psychiatry & psychotherapy sessions. It takes time for them to find the root cause of my anxiety/panic attacks. I just have to be patient, accept and manage it.

I know it’s very scary when the attack hits because my fear is the palpitations that driving me crazy but through the sessions thus far, I have learned how to acknowledge when the attack kickstart, let the symptoms run & do the deep breathing. If the deep breathing does not help, i’ll call the IMH hotline & speak to a psychologist on duty that night. They really help me to calm down by talking to me and discuss the symptoms. My attacks have significantly shortened this far & I hope to better manage my anxiety/panic attacks better.

I had plenty more episodes & I had it last night at 3am. I did the same thing & resorted to call the IMH hotline to help me calm. Anyway, I have asked for a referral to National Heart Centre just to rule out that my heart is ok and that I can manage my anxiety/panic attacks better.
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Hi, I'm not a new member here.. used to be around this forum when i'm still a new mother a few years ago. however, i back here again after googling for anxiety support group in singapore and chanced upon this and i'm so glad to see that the latest reply was yesterday. i really hope we can get together and support each other through this journey.

aside to Mar Oh Mar, its good that KTP provide the hotline and allow you to speak to a someone when in need. how i hope i can have such help available too :( btw, how is the psychotherapy sessions doing for you? i'm waiting for SGH to schedule mine..

anyway,here is my story...

i was diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety disorder after a cancer diagnosis from my husband 5 years ago. i'm thankful that he is recovering well now but frankly speaking, i'm still living in fear every single day. i didn't know what i had was anxiety and all i felt was heart pounding, dizzy, loss of appetite.. back then, i was at my lowest weight of 45kg. i seek the help of 2 private psychiatrist who insisted to put me on anti-depressants. i was determined not to and i tried other ways such as exercise, multi-vitamins, vitamin B, iron table and also seeing a counsellor from a nearby family centre. i'm staying at jurong back then.

i was recovering well (at least still functional and not as irritable) and self managed my symptoms. but throughout this 5 years, i have been carrying tons of medicines in my bag (scared of dying and heart attack), avoiding dangerous activities such as roller coaster, theme park.. overthinking the health and safety of my loved one. basically, my anxiety focus was shifted from myself (thinking i have cancers and other horrible illness) to my loved ones.

last year July, my father in law was diagnosed with cancer. i thought i was ok and handling well with the diagnosis. never did i know anxiety was slowly creeping back on me..and by this year January, i broke down. i cried everyday, shivered, heart pounding, can't eat well, can't focus well, lose weight (back to 47kg now). the fact that i can't eat well and losing well also makes me think that i have some horrible illness as well. i went to A&E everyweek to have my heart checked, x-ray done and blood test done. every week. i visited TCM, Chiropractic, numerous GP, internal medicine specialist, gynea.. the thing about my anxiety was, when 1 symptom subside, another symptom came up and convinced me i'm super sick with cancer. this time round, i have a new symptom which i never experienced before and it was head numbness, sort of like tingling and warming sensation on one side of my skull / scalp. does anyone experience this or knew what supplement deficiency it could be due to? sometimes, it went down to my arm. i thought i'm having a stroke. went to the GP in tears only to found out it was anxiety.. i broke down again.. feeling very hopeless on when can i get out of this vicious cycle.

February was good because it is CNY.. with the joyful occasion and friends and family around me.. i eat well, feel happier and no symptoms. Now its March, and for the last 2 weeks, the head numbness is back and it is scaring the hell out of me. i am suffering in silence everyday, i felt so guilty towards my husband and 2 children. i was referred to SGH pcyhiatrist department and attended the appointment yesterday.. as usual... it is all about medication medication medication. i am not saying medication is not good, i have tried lexotan (to stop pounding heart), xanax and fluxil (anti-depressant) back in Jan because i was so desperate and in a complete mess so i was keen to recovered and wanted to give med a go. but the antidepressant left me zombie-fied. yes, i do not feel any fear anymore. but i also do not feel any happiness, sadness, excitement, love.. nothing. i can't feel my beloved husband and children. i am also feeling more dizzy as usual that i am unable to ferry my kids to enrichment classes. i stop the med because of this.

i hope i can find someone in the same situation and we can encourage each other and eventually, walk out of this together. I'm also open to TCM treatment if anyone have good recommendation.
Hi dear

My worst is heart palpitations, fainting spells, tightness in my chest, loss of appetite. The first hit was in year 2009 in taiwan. Then I went hospital there and took their medicine and was ok. The second hit was the worst when i was working. This time, even i took the western medicine, i had bad side effects such as loss appetite, loss of myself, hide in the house. I decided to see TCM that point and was given acupuncture. Eventually, I get better. But still, the symptoms could come probably once to twice a week, thou mild.
So i decided to google it and relised that some supplement can helps such as Vit B complex, Omega-3.

Hihi, i know this has been awhile. but may i know how are you feeling now? how long does it take for you to see the results after taking supplement?
Hi Rellako,

My sessions at KTPH are OK thus far. They make me talk my heart out. The objective is to find the root cause of my anxiety/panic attacks so that they can narrow down & target to better help me manage. For you, don't give up visiting your psychiatrist & please go for the psychotherapy. It really helps. Keep a journal of what you're experiencing. Write your heart out in your journal. It really helps by expressing yourself in your journal.

I chanced the IMH hotline when i was googling on anxiety/panic disorder. So for anyone here who needs online psychologist to help you to stay calm whenever you get the hit, you may call this number:

IMH's Helpline 24 hours
6389 2222

Prolly, I should try the B complex too. But I wanna get the all clear from the Drs first before taking any supplements. I took B complex years ago & it really helps with stress. I think I should be on it again. Thanks for the tips.

My Psychiatrist prescribed me Melatonin tabs but I only took once. I have proved myself that I am not insomniac & I am able to get 7-8 hours of sleep (plus minus when i get the attack at night). So yeah, I found a solution myself. This has indeed improves my mood & I am stronger to fight the anxiety/panic attack whenever it hits me. Meds are temporary reliever but I constantly tell myself that I need to tackle the root cause at the first hand. I have been telling myself that I will not depend on drugs for my anxiety/panic attacks because I believe that if I can tackle the root cause I can manage the attacks and make it go away forever.

I had a long meeting with my supplier which stretched over my lunch time today. So I had a late lunch & I forgotten that i should avoid any caffeinated drinks. I don't take coffee but I drink tea. I had teh peng and ayam penyet for lunch just now & i think i ate a bit fast as i was so hungry from the draggy meeting right. So I came back to the office with pounding heart that I could feel it at my throat, stomach ache, dry mouth & uneasiness. I acknowledge the symptoms & let it run through as I am typing this post. Made my visit to the toilet to move my bowel so that I feel a bit better but the palpitation still running high. I applied some axe oil on my stomach & my nose. I feel slightly better now & my heart rate has normalised. Anybody here experiencing palpitations every now & then after meals? This palpitations can create the panic attack chain reactions.
Hi Mar Oh Mar,

Yes, i experienced heart palpitation after meal at times as well. Especially meal with high sugar or MSG content. I tried to drink lots of water to flush it out, hopefully. and also apply medicated oil to keep myself calm. For IMH hotline, do we have to register as a patient before they really bother to speak to us? Because i have never been to IMH before, so far my records is only with SGH.

Do you think we should set up a groupchat for Anxiety Local Support? I tried to google up down, high low. but couldn't find any support group..
They serves the public. No need to register or be a patient with IMH . I know when people see or hear the word IMH, it’s synonymous to mental health. That’s oh so old stigma . Don’t worry. Whenever I call for their help, I am anonymous. They don’t ask for our names or who we are. They wanna ensure that we’re comfortable talking to them. Like I said, anxiety/panic disorder is not a mental illness. It’s just our adrenaline & cortisol hormones go haywire in our system. Thus our body is reacting to them. We have to accept this, try our best to stay as calm as we can and focus on getting well. We can do it. I welcome a support group where we can support each other, learn the techniques of calm & how to manage this disorder.
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Thanks for the reply.
I going to see polyclinic and ask them to refer me to counselling or what. Cos u feel hopeless everyday .just don't feel well everyday, shaky can't sit still etc.

Can check if you got take any supplements to ease the symptom ? Some say is due to digestive issue.

Did u take any medication? Gp doctor say ask me not to eat medicine cos will be reliable on it. I do not have any frds who are anxiety. So I have nobody to turn to.

Yes, it can be related to digestive issue but to be exact, it is related to our intestine.

A good guy is very impt, see attached gut affect our entire body..

To maintain a healthy gut, we must have good intestine, so digestive Enzyme, probiotics and fiber is important.

Other than seek for doctor advise, you may want to try to build up a healthy intestine? I believe it helps.


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Hi Mar Oh Mar,

Yes, i experienced heart palpitation after meal at times as well. Especially meal with high sugar or MSG content. I tried to drink lots of water to flush it out, hopefully. and also apply medicated oil to keep myself calm. For IMH hotline, do we have to register as a patient before they really bother to speak to us? Because i have never been to IMH before, so far my records is only with SGH.

Do you think we should set up a groupchat for Anxiety Local Support? I tried to google up down, high low. but couldn't find any support group..

Hi, I suspect you have acid reflux as my frien shared the same experience, you might want to see doc to check and confirm on this?

At the same time, will intro you to take digestive Enzyme after every meal as that helps my friend...
hi everyone, we have kickstart the support group via whatsapp. please pm me if you would like to be included inside this support group. hopefully, we will be able to support each other, share our experience and be there for one another during tough times.

I have panic attack since October 06. Has been seeing ttsh psycholoist since December 06. Still on medication everyday but I have not taken xanax for the passed 6 months. I only take xanax if the attack is out of control.

I have an episode just now while driving. The fear just creeped in out of sudden and I started to shiver with fear. I managed to stay calm to pull aside and let my dad took over the car. I did not take xanax bcos I'm able to overcome it.

Now I recalled, b4 I drove my dad's car which I seldom, I was excited and at the same time a flash of what if something bad will happened on the road such as accident etc. My dad and my son are with me.
I quickly diverted my attention to other stuff.

So I have been wondering, is this the triggering point. That flash of negative thought somehow trigger my fear. And my body somehow reacted to this negative tots.

Maybe we can note down what is on our mind b4 every minor or major attack.

2 ✋ up for whatsapp support group.

Really fed up with this panic attack. I do not want to co-exist with this thing forever
Hi Mar Oh Mar,

Yes, i experienced heart palpitation after meal at times as well. Especially meal with high sugar or MSG content. I tried to drink lots of water to flush it out, hopefully. and also apply medicated oil to keep myself calm.....
Keeping track of what food/additives triggers these attacks will be useful. For example, I know a person who had mood swings caused by the artificial sweetener aspartame. This sweetener is so common that it is found in soft drinks and many pre-packaged sweets. So this person makes it a point to avoid such items. Maintaining a diary where you can note down what food you ate and your mood during the day will be really helpful.
Keeping track of what food/additives triggers these attacks will be useful. For example, I know a person who had mood swings caused by the artificial sweetener aspartame. This sweetener is so common that it is found in soft drinks and many pre-packaged sweets. So this person makes it a point to avoid such items. Maintaining a diary where you can note down what food you ate and your mood during the day will be really helpful.

do we need to go for an allergy test for this or..?
Not really...Being aware of your food intake and the consequential mood changes is a starting point.
Once you know how your body responds to certain food substances, then may be you can narrow it down with tests.
I have tested for thyroid before in a gp clinic. They say I'm ok. Is thyroid same as what u just mentioned?
So I guess is my personal mind thinking. Feel fainting and neck and leg heavy like going to collapse anytime. Can't sit still and palm sweat. I am someone who is scare of giddy and vomit. So this is my fear. Scare of fear. Wonder if there us such thing happen to anyone here . Feel stupid but can't help thinking.
I going to polyclinic this Thursday. Guess they will refer me which don't know take how long.

Yup the thryoid test same. Hope you have some referrals to help u. Don't feel stupid. It's natural to feel scared or be overwhelmed at times. Just take a step at a time for now wait and go for the referral consultations see what the doc say k. Meantime do call the hotline other forumers suggested for anonymous counselling as and when u feel the attack again.
hi everyone, we have kickstart the support group via whatsapp. please pm me if you would like to be included inside this support group. hopefully, we will be able to support each other, share our experience and be there for one another during tough times.
Hi how can I join the Watsapp group?
I have this issue too, heart palpitations, dizziness etc. Used to have them rather seriously till went to A & E, but then I kept telling myself, I should stop all these It is all in the brain.
I think the underlying problem is you must first find out what is the cause of your anxiety. For me, is the fear of death. So I kept assuring myself to think positively, and to use my religious belief to help me.
If it is trigger by after meals, or tiredness etc, then will try to eat less, and sleep more.
Sometimes, I will still have such attacks, will cough out loud to regulate heartbeat again, or to press on the wrist, and I will even chant buddha chant. I have searched internet on the various ways to overcome heart palpitations actually.
Let us support one another. I think most importantly when we have such panic attacks, we must keep telling ourselves, nothing will happen, we will be ok, and to calm down.

It is best to just remember, many people in Singapore are having the same issue as you, and they are still ok, so we will be ok too. Don't think too much. Calm down and relax. (just my opinion)
hi all, have been struggling with anxiety problems all my life. this has caused me to have chest pain/discomfort, stomach problems as well as insomnia. initially thought they were health problems until my GP cleared me and mentioned that all these could be caused by anxiety. i slowly started to realize that this is true as the problems usually get worse when i'm feeling stressed or upset abt sth. i also have fluctuating appetites due to this, and can sometimes go without proper meals (longest period of time being ~6 days) when i am feeling extremely down (i.e facing a break up or even a big quarrel). i used to abuse alcohol as well, but have since stopped. now that i am pregnant i feel that the anxiety attacks are coming back - just last night i couldn't sleep and faced one of the worst breathlessness ever. had to sit up completely to catch my breath/take deep breaths before lying back down, but had intermittent sleep throughout.

btw, i have alpha thalassemia minor so am prone to giddiness, feeling faint, etc. i think i can still carry on with my daily activities fine so did not seek professional help. just that it is tough to cope when the symptoms come, esp when pregnant.

edit: just to add on, some things that will trigger the attacks for me are -
1) when i'm enclosed in a small space (i am claustrophobic)
2) when i look down from high level (fear of heights)
3) my fear of losing ppl i love (e.g when i go to bed and fear that i wake up to find the one beside me not breathing; or when i wake up and notice my parents still in their room and develop the fear that sth bad may have happened to them; or when my husband doesn't reply to my texts and i fear he may have gotten into an accident on the road; or more frequently, now that i'm pregnant, when i don't get to see or feel baby inside me)

all these will often cause my heart to beat extremely fast, legs jelly, breathlessness, chest pain, stomachache, insomnia.
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Hey, guys, did you know that CBD can cure our anxiety as one of the people who suffered this for almost 2yrs now, I can say that taking MJ helps me throughout the year. I read on this nowadays suffering from anxiety can be healed by CBD am one of it who try to use this and it can be therapeutic for anxiety, depression, cluster headaches, and even debilitating menstrual pain.
I have tested for thyroid before in a gp clinic. They say I'm ok. Is thyroid same as what u just mentioned?
So I guess is my personal mind thinking. Feel fainting and neck and leg heavy like going to collapse anytime. Can't sit still and palm sweat. I am someone who is scare of giddy and vomit. So this is my fear. Scare of fear. Wonder if there us such thing happen to anyone here . Feel stupid but can't help thinking.
I going to polyclinic this Thursday. Guess they will refer me which don't know take how long.
I having the same issue as you. Distance myself from colleague during lunch. Cannot sit still and sweaty palm if lunch with them. Dun know what is wrong with me. I had heart palpitations back in June 2018. Blood test normal but heart rate fast and doctor said is sinus tachycardia. Has been eating medicine for a month plus. Still constantly having heart fluttering and other parts of body if sitting down. Have you recovered?

I hope to open this thread to share on how I overcome my anxiety disorder because i know people who have anxiety disorder naturally needs alot of support and understanding towards it.
Hope everyone can share your experience and how you overcome it.

I happen to have it when I was holidaying and my heart pound so fast that I thought something bad is going to happen to me. I was later told that I have general anxiety disorder. I had my difficult times that i could hardly eat and was so upset over it and always have the anxious feeling so powering on me. Until probably about 2 years ago then I started to slowly recover and understand to accept it as it is. By accepting it you break the cycle. I have also googled a lot to find natural cure. I also realised that by taking Vit B complex does helps too.

Anyone has any experience?
I suffered from panic attacks for about a year. It was unbearable. I thought that I was dying. But I came across one book that could help me when I had already lost all hope. Book title "Panic attacks are a myth of incompetent doctors: Get rid of them quickly, for free and for life". Here is a link on the Amazon
Superior cbd pain relief oil a great alternative way to relieve pain and reduce anxiety. Convenient. Just drop under your tongue. No withdrawal symptoms or side effects like other pain relievers. I use it for arthritis pain mostly.
Hi, GP has referred me to psychiatrist but I m worried the consultation fees is v exp for private it's about $180 per consultation and it is not claimable as company don't pay for mental problem. Is there any good psychiatrist or counsellor I can see that is non profit and subsidized? I reckon have t go door series of session so the cost may add up alot.
Hi, GP has referred me to psychiatrist but I m worried the consultation fees is v exp for private it's about $180 per consultation and it is not claimable as company don't pay for mental problem. Is there any good psychiatrist or counsellor I can see that is non profit and subsidized? I reckon have t go door series of session so the cost may add up alot.

u can go polyclinic and ask for referral. subsidy can be up to 50%. but it might take up to a month before you get your appointment.

but if it is urgent, i am afraid private is the only way. consultation alone starts about 100+, usually. GP referrals are to private sector, non-subsidised.

or you can go book an appointment with imh
as a private patient. for financial matters, you can speak to the doctor or nurses on the day of your appointment. u might be able to use your CHAS card if eligible.
Hi i tried mediation, massage and multi vitamins whenever i feel stressed, depressed and anxious esp after stressful situations, after some months passed by i feel priortization of tasks is really important to balance and managed well so that we dont feel so anxious and have panic attacks or insomina before the workday...hope tis helps, dont worry u are not alone...
Hi ladies..

Am so glad that i chanced upon this thread. Reading all the replies from the start makes me realise that i am not alone in this. Is there any whatsapp group i can join?
Hi, is this thread closed? I always thought that I'm the only one with anxiety attack. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety attack. My psychiatrist says that mine is a very rare case because most people either had depression or anxiety attack but I have both. I'm taking xanax for more than 10 years. I was thinking if vit b can help with anxiety attacks. My symptom are very rare. I would sweat non stop and sometimes very suicidal. Just wish that I can wean off xanax because I understand of the side effects. Anyone who has the same symptoms?
Hi, GP has referred me to psychiatrist but I m worried the consultation fees is v exp for private it's about $180 per consultation and it is not claimable as company don't pay for mental problem. Is there any good psychiatrist or counsellor I can see that is non profit and subsidized? I reckon have t go door series of session so the cost may add up alot.
I am a patient with IMH private that is. First of all, it's expensive and for my case I went there just to top up my medication. I would suggest going to a polyclinic not only it's cheaper but they prescribe the same medicine as well. If you want to be a private patient, I would suggest you go to the specialist because it's as expensive as IMH and you might be more comfortable there.
Hi, is this thread closed? I always thought that I'm the only one with anxiety attack. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety attack. My psychiatrist says that mine is a very rare case because most people either had depression or anxiety attack but I have both. I'm taking xanax for more than 10 years. I was thinking if vit b can help with anxiety attacks. My symptom are very rare. I would sweat non stop and sometimes very suicidal. Just wish that I can wean off xanax because I understand of the side effects. Anyone who has the same symptoms?
Tis few yrs i m depressed, then recently is getting worse like panic attacks, last 2 wks i was diagnosed with thyroid issues as doc took my blood test nd prescibed with medicines, after that i realized my conditions improved significant like more responsiveness and alert and become more outspoken, previously felt meaningless in life and always have negative the hormones may play a part in mental issue as well..if the doc didnt find out the root cause, the symptoms are really serious when i read the internet, like slowness, depression, forgetfulness, dementia muscles pain...slowly to coma...if left untreated...
Tis few yrs i m depressed, then recently is getting worse like panic attacks, last 2 wks i was diagnosed with thyroid issues as doc took my blood test nd prescibed with medicines, after that i realized my conditions improved significant like more responsiveness and alert and become more outspoken, previously felt meaningless in life and always have negative the hormones may play a part in mental issue as well..if the doc didnt find out the root cause, the symptoms are really serious when i read the internet, like slowness, depression, forgetfulness, dementia muscles pain...slowly to coma...if left untreated...

hello, I also used to have thyroid issues though it stabilized for a while before I got pregnant.
But now that I am pregnant then the doctor is monitoring it again...
I also had some symptoms of anxiety and depression, then I got some help from NUH Women’s Emotional Health Service (WEHS).
The case manager Hannah Mok was very helpful.
If things are getting hard to cope with I recommend you to reach out to them. Or you can speak to me :)
hello, I also used to have thyroid issues though it stabilized for a while before I got pregnant.
But now that I am pregnant then the doctor is monitoring it again...
I also had some symptoms of anxiety and depression, then I got some help from NUH Women’s Emotional Health Service (WEHS).
The case manager Hannah Mok was very helpful.
If things are getting hard to cope with I recommend you to reach out to them. Or you can speak to me :)

Is NUH Women’s Emotional Health Service (WEHS) subsidized for Singaporean local? Expensive per consultation? Did they prescribed medicine or provide counselling session?
Hi ladies if the thread is on? Something is bordering me and I have frequent heart palpitations, symptoms of anxiety. I have no idea who or where to approach for help. Any suggestion?
Hi ladies if the thread is on? Something is bordering me and I have frequent heart palpitations, symptoms of anxiety. I have no idea who or where to approach for help. Any suggestion?

I would recommend to go visit a psychiatrist and get some medications to "snap off" those symptoms temporarily. The longer you drag on, the worst it would be.
I'm new to this forum and would like to share my experience. 5 years ago, on mother's day, I woke up crying and felt I'm worthless together with unexplainable fears. I was trembling, crying, heart beating fast and feeling breathless. Then hubby immediately brought me to see a psychiatrist and I was prescribed xanax and anti-depressant. The attack was so bad that I had to literally "re-learn" how to board on public transport, order food or any other social daily routine. I was on medication for a year and only manage to stop the consultations after a year. Now, i still get xanax from normal GP for "Just in case" moment. I realised my recovery starts when I start to acknowledge my unknown fears, changed my diet and lifestyle. I can't confidently say I've fully recover from the situation but I'm definitely better than the first day I had panic attacks. Is a long journey for me and I hope no one ever need to experience this.

Just this morning, I found out I'm pregnant and I start to panic again, so bad that I started gagging non stop. I have a feeling I will be shaking and gag my way into my gynae office. :(
I'm new to this forum and would like to share my experience. 5 years ago, on mother's day, I woke up crying and felt I'm worthless together with unexplainable fears. I was trembling, crying, heart beating fast and feeling breathless. Then hubby immediately brought me to see a psychiatrist and I was prescribed xanax and anti-depressant. The attack was so bad that I had to literally "re-learn" how to board on public transport, order food or any other social daily routine. I was on medication for a year and only manage to stop the consultations after a year. Now, i still get xanax from normal GP for "Just in case" moment. I realised my recovery starts when I start to acknowledge my unknown fears, changed my diet and lifestyle. I can't confidently say I've fully recover from the situation but I'm definitely better than the first day I had panic attacks. Is a long journey for me and I hope no one ever need to experience this.

Just this morning, I found out I'm pregnant and I start to panic again, so bad that I started gagging non stop. I have a feeling I will be shaking and gag my way into my gynae office. :(

Do you have heart palpitation issue as well? Could you recommend your psychiatrist? It's been a year that I am seeing specialist in internal medicine and switch to specialist in neurology. Currently on twice a day 0.5 g xanax and one tablet of propanalol. I am having the same issues as you: couldn't stay calm when board on public transport, order food or any other social daily routine. I used to be a patience person, ever since specialist diagnosed me with anxiety issue, it get real bad.

So you are pregnant now, still can take medication (xanax and anti-depressant)?
Do you have heart palpitation issue as well? Could you recommend your psychiatrist? It's been a year that I am seeing specialist in internal medicine and switch to specialist in neurology. Currently on twice a day 0.5 g xanax and one tablet of propanalol. I am having the same issues as you: couldn't stay calm when board on public transport, order food or any other social daily routine. I used to be a patience person, ever since specialist diagnosed me with anxiety issue, it get real bad.

So you are pregnant now, still can take medication (xanax and anti-depressant)?

I visited Dr. Lim Boon Leng. I remembered walking into his office trembling and gagged with nothing coming out other than saliva, and the moment I sat down and he asks me what's happening, I cried like a big baby and I think took him by surprised.

At the beginning, I was prescribed some meds for heart palpitation, xanax and anti-depressant (I forgot the name), but I only took the heart palpitation meds for about 5 times then I refused to take it because I feel like a drug junkie with that amount of meds. I was not very keen to take the meds until hubby told me to just follow through doctor's instructions and take both the anti-depressant and xanax to see how it goes, and so I had the anti-depressant daily and xanax (only when necessarily). So, with the help of medications, I started to change my lifestyle also, exercise more, eat healthier food, have better quality sleeps, spoke to my family and friends, told my boss what task I can't handle and what I can, get support from church, and then, just slowly pull myself through the daily routines. Eventually I realize I am less dependent on xanax and I probably only take 1 pill in 1 to 2 months. Then, after a year long of consultations, Dr. Lim says I no longer needed to take the anti-depressant and he happily says he doesn't wish to see me anymore.

Since then, there are still ups and downs time but I only get some xanax from GP and keep them for "just in case" and I rarely take them anymore. I just found out I'm pregnant yesterday and haven't meet up with my gynae yet. I don't know if my panic disorder would get worst or not but I am definitely feeling abit of it again. I'm planning to just sit through the attacks and decides what to do next after I meet up with gynae. My fear is mostly caused by things "unknown", self-conscious of what other think of my behaviour and over-thinking. So, once I can make myself think that being embarrassing in public is ok, then, brave myself through the first experience, subsequent experiences will no longer be a problem. I also just learn to snap my mind off those spiral thoughts when I can sense it coming. I think will power and positive thinking is one of the main key. Overcoming panic attacks and anxiety is a long journey for me and alot of hard work involved both physically and mentally. I also learn to come to term with it and accept it as a part of my life. Is not life threatening, is just a disturbing feeling. Now, I carry vomit bags and handkerchief around, if I need to gag due to anxieties, I'll just take out the plastic bag and do it, that's my way of fighting my way through my panic attacks.
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I hope to open this thread to share on how I overcome my anxiety disorder because i know people who have anxiety disorder naturally needs alot of support and understanding towards it.
Hope everyone can share your experience and how you overcome it.

I happen to have it when I was holidaying and my heart pound so fast that I thought something bad is going to happen to me. I was later told that I have general anxiety disorder. I had my difficult times that i could hardly eat and was so upset over it and always have the anxious feeling so powering on me. Until probably about 2 years ago then I started to slowly recover and understand to accept it as it is. By accepting it you break the cycle. I have also googled a lot to find natural cure. I also realised that by taking Vit B complex does helps too.

Anyone has any experience?

I know how hard it is to reveal what's going on inside your head. I struggle with a general anxiety disorder and used to have frequent panic attacks. I've never been diagnosed with OCD, but I have tendencies toward this as well. Can't say anything about vitamins and supplies, my solution was to see my doc, start exercising and working with my panic attacks (breathing techniques, meditation etc).
I felt that way too, but now I'm finally able to deal with my anxiety - but it doesn't mean it is not a constant day by day effort. You are worthy. Don't ever forget that and don't give up.
Hi all,

Just to share my experience here. In late 2017, I was dignosed with depression and anxiety at GP and subsequently referred to Polyclinic because it will be at subsidised rate. Met Polyclinic psychologist quite soon as I gave birth in end 2016, so the Polyclinic GP was worried I was having post natal depression. GP at Polyclinic was very nice and told me he can give me MC whenever I am not feeling well and his parting word were, if the emotions get too difficult, just walk into IMH, 24hr clinic. When I met the psychologist, he taught me breathing techniques. I was not referred to psychiatrists. Subsequent psychologist visits was to learn how to self care and analyse my situation in an objective manner. I think most of us are guilty of being too hard on ourselves. Recently I learnt to bo chup things which are beyond my control and more importantly to forgive myself and not be so hard on myself. I am still learning along the way and I hope to be role models to my kids as modern world nowadays is quite stressful mentally.
Hugs to all the mamas out there.

I know how it feels. Like a lost soul trapped in a chamber. I pray that nobody ever ever ever have to experience this and wish all mamas in this situation to feel well soon.

I am not sure if it would help, try chiropractor ? It is not only to go when you're having sprains.. but it somehow helps with a more relaxed body. I don't know how to explain.. but i hope it works for you too. I highly recommend Dr. Janet.. She is just GREAT! Sometimes it could be your body stress signals that is causing you anxious.
Fortunately, it’s quite simple to take care of panic disorder. Panic disorder will likely be a factor if you’re constantly in fear of suffering a panic attack. It is one of the most severe forms of anxiety disorder and is often classified as its own illness.

You may always drop by your physician and ask about other alternatives to drugs, your healthcare provider has lots of information that will help you. You have to let your doctor know whether you intend on stopping your atenolol medication. Your physician will also have to be informed if you’re taking different kinds of anxiety medicines. The physician may also advice the use of a mix of medications in the event the patient is also experiencing panic disorder (as mentioned above). You should go to a physician and understand the root of panic attack in your little one.
Hi, having anxiety for 6years and very sick of it... But I cannot control myself. Always thought I'm the only person who is experiencing this.

I am new here.Just lost my job early this year after 7 years of service to the company.

I have insomnia nowadays and a bit depressed after being rejected time and time again during job applications.

To make matters worse,I have been in and out of hospitals just before I lost my job due to illnesses.
Hi all...wondering whether the thread is still alive. I was diagnosed with having anxiety attacks and suffering from depression recently. What made me see a doc because I suddenly broke out in cold sweat, racing heart beat, ear got blocked and dizziness after climbing an overhead bridge. I thought that I was having a heart attack. I managed to reach my workplace but was totally in a brain fog for most of the day. For 2 weeks before this episode I was feeling in a daze with no appetite, kept feeling that my limbs are sore and have a total lack of energy to do anything except to lie down n space out.

Doctor told me that my anxiety attacks have no obvious triggers. Most likely caused by cumulative stress and that I am sinking deeper thus the occurance of attacks is starting. He suggested going to a psychiatrist for a session but i told him to give me a chance to try to fix this on my own and he gave a some meds to help calm down before bedtime. (I also have long standing sleep issues that might be a contributing factor.)

I don't feel stress outwardly but subconciously its affecting me more. Continuous work stress, family stress and an unexpected event all contributed. For the longest time I just wanted a day away from people. Just alone without my husband, child, family and friends. I know it sounds very selfish just escape from everyone but I just want silence. I hope my long awaited day off can give me a clearer head to go about life's obstacles.

I hope everyone can find their own proper path to a calm, peaceful mind and enjoy the beautiful world.

Thank you for reading my rant. and I am crying while typing all these, i wonder how i am going to get back to work.
Hugs to all the mommies out there suffering from this.

It can be paralysing or manageable. Glad you are reaching out to seek help.

I felt so alone and helpless and only became better after I turned to God. Took a long time for me to turn better and I still slip into negative thoughts from time to time. But knowing that He loves me really made me deal with life and make decisions without fear.

For mommies who have different beliefs fret not, there are many help offered and I hope you can find the way that suits you best.
Hi Floraq, i am glad that you have found your lifeline. I am still looking for mine.
Has anyone had hormonal imbalance because of depression or is it the cause? My cycle have been going crazy for the past month (2 weeks late, then very light then midcycle spotting etc) so I will be following my doc's advise to to get bloodwork done. My bestfriends have been very supportive but husband being the stoic person he is was quite unfazed by all of it. I guess at this point i rather he leaves me alone than to push my buttons. Parents wasn't sure how to approach the matter but i don't blame them. Its has kind of has a taboo vibe for the older gen. I hope you all have a better day.

Hello, the best way to deal with anxiety disorder is to meditate using SOS Method ( tool. Personally I have experienced that SOS Method have helped the people who struggle with sleep, stress, anxiety and meditation. SOS meditations are engineered to readily access calm and the body’s self-healing potential. By using elements that our mind finds familiar– music and words - it helps us relax and let go of random thoughts.
