This is common ladies.. when we are not in the mood or when we are still unhappy about certain things.. and they come touching us, wanting SEX, we get turn off or kind of go through the process without enjoying it. If it gets often, you will not enjoy SEX anymore. I went through similar stage before..
Its very hard, but I took up the courage and told my partner about how I felt and what I think we can work on.. Like having the weekend off, a get-away holiday. Luckily, my partner is understanding enough and we share both of our thoughts about this. He appreciate me telling him all these, so he can understand our bedroom affairs better.
Now, he will ask me how I feel about our bedroom affairs on and off.. and we plan more short holidays to batam or some affordable boutique hotels over the weekends.. We will just buy beer and tibits, rest in the room and well.. enjoy ourselves..
Ladies, try talking about this. I know it is hard and very uneasy.. but if your partner cares about you, he will understand and will do something to improve the relationship and make things better. Many of you have said, to be equal in a relationship, we have the rights to say what we want and how we want certain things in our relationshops..
Jia You Ladies!!! =)