hi to all mtb, after having done confinements on my own for my 2 childbirths, to any mummy who wants to do it by urself, if i can do it, so can u!
its all abt time management, planning ahead, getting prepared & having your priorities rite. In my opinion, havin to bond & know ur baby, & have ur baby know u & ur handling style frm birth, makes live easier for everyone later on. Rather than havin someone to care for baby e 1st mth, then 2nd mth onwards, wen they start gettin demandin & u are stil unfamiliar wif ur babies' little quirks, den u wil start panicking. Pls debunk e myths of water. Long before our time... Mummies were discouraged frm showerin cos they do nt have water heater, china's climate is very cooling & cold even, plus their water sources are nt clean, as water are frm lakes & wells. So women aft childbirth, were discouraged to shower & touch water so as nt to catch a cold & get any infection at e lower body. Anyway, they seldom shower everyday, as weather is cooling & they do nt pespire much. But in CURRENT spore, even if u dun step out of e hse, u wil sweat buckets & stink & most impt, its so unhygienic for u & ur baby! Puttin u & baby at even higher risks of bacteria infection as well! Childbirth is a tiring event, so advise is to rest as much as u can. More imptly, efforts & time shd be spent on ur newborn & enjoy e moment, as they will grow so fast, u wil miss e days wen they are infants. Yes, u wil get a backache & shoulder ache frm carryin ur babies, but tat doesnt keep us away, does it?
rheumatism & backache doesnt occur due to touchin water during pregnancy. U wil get tat if u dun take care of urself on any other day as well. Jus tat in TCM, aft childbirth, e yin-yang, are nt balanced, & u wil catch a chill easily. The need to "keep warm" is to prevent frm catchin a cold, no one wants to be sick wen just given birth. Washing things like bottles & plates at our hse sinks are ok. Its e women of e past wen they had to wash dishes/clothes at e river/well, wil be prone to chill & infection. Childbirthing is a physical expending event, & our body wil "recuperate" itself. So make sure, u eat proper & BALANCE food. Lots of vege & fluid. Minimise physical chores like moppin flr. The fact tat many women nw gets an episotomy, physical activities is nt encouraged, as wif an other medical condition. In fact, child birth is a medical condition-just tat its a mild (if uncomplicated) & Happy one!