my k1 child was single out by specialist for having difficulty in learning.
After being refered to Kkh, he went to speech n language therapy, fine motor therapy, n I have to go sign post and also going to enrol him in DAS!!!
Huge stress and I m thinking of giving up my job but I have a new house and my other kids will lost subsidies...
Any mummy having the same problem? How do you cope?
By the way, he's in K2 this year!!!! Next year Pri 1!!! I don't want him to feel demoralize.
After being refered to Kkh, he went to speech n language therapy, fine motor therapy, n I have to go sign post and also going to enrol him in DAS!!!
Huge stress and I m thinking of giving up my job but I have a new house and my other kids will lost subsidies...
Any mummy having the same problem? How do you cope?
By the way, he's in K2 this year!!!! Next year Pri 1!!! I don't want him to feel demoralize.