Any recommended exercise to stay fit during TTC? (to replace from running)

Sakura Blossom

New Member
Hi, I want to have your recommendations on good exercise for fertility. I run regularly twice a week to stay fit, but I feel this running routine during implantation timing seems to be harming the success.

My husband and I tried IVF last year and we could get two healthy embryos to transfer, but it didn't work in the end. Besides that, whenever we had intercourses at my fertile timing, I can sense my body changes around the time of fertilization to implantation, then when I ran (I usually do a little rigorously), I felt things around my uterus changed (became lighter) after run, then implantation never happened successfully.

Because of my age (over 40), I think staying fit should be quite important to improve the chance of pregnancy and I didn't see direct causal relationship between running and failure, thus I didn't stop running. But now I started thinking running maybe working quite adversely at the timing of implantation and onwards, thus I would like to explore other types of exercises that will good for both staying fit and fertility.

Let me know what type of exercise is recommended, and if you know any recommended place for teacher/classes of those. I also started researching for pilates, so I also want to hear if anyone tried pilates that gave you good result.
Hi, I don't think there's any correlation between exercise and fertility, other than hypothalamic amenorrhea which is when you stop getting periods because the amount of calories that you consume is much less than what your physical activity requires.

Imho, exercise program "for fertility" is just gimmicks, without scientific backing.

It's good that you are in tune with your body during the cyclical changes. Perhaps you can follow your body cues and take it slow during times that you don't feel up to it. The common train of thought is that the menstrual cycle is like the 4 seasons:

Winter - menstruation
Spring - follicular
Summer - ovulation
Fall - luteal

Most women tone things down after ovulation, during luteal phase and menstruation. Rising estrogen in the follicular phase will give you more energy to get through your tough workouts.

Perhaps you can consider yoga during the "down" times, or if you really like running, tone it down a notch and just do a short jog?
Hi Sakura! It depends on how much exercise you were used to before. From what my doctor advised and what I’ve read online, don’t increase the frequency and keep the intensity below your usual efforts. Don’t try anything new and don’t try to set personal bests (eg train tor a marathon!)

I read a medical journal that suggested that conception was poor for women who did more than 6 hours of strenuous exercise per week after IUI so you can check that out as a reference (

Personally I really enjoy barre. It’s low impact and still gives the muscles a good toning workout. I also walk whenever I can to get that little extra cardio in. I’ve heard and read that it’s best to avoid running during 2WW. Instead, try the elliptical trainer or stair master at a moderate pace.
Swimming and slow yoga will be good way to relax your mind while ttc. Both are great for ttc and for the whole pregnancy. Yoga esp will help open up your hip area and aid child birth in future.
