Anyone is looking for maid, please don't go this agency. The service provided really sucks.
The story goes like this. In Jun 07, I got a maid from this agency called Family Helper at Bishan. I have to pay extra $100 cos I am getting an experienced maid. I chose one Indonesian maid previously worked in Malaysia before. After she came, she seems like everything don't know. Don't have any experience. Furthermore when speaking simple english to her, everything said I don't know I don't understand. Got no choice, 2nd day I request to change maid. This agency contract is have to use her for one month, if I send her back to agency within one month I have to pay her one month salary and one month food and lodging until she got transferred. Me got no choice, needs helper so continued to use her until my replacement came.
On 2 Jul 07, I selected the replacement maid. It is a new bio data so they said it needs about 1 month to process the passport and get her in S'pore. On and off, I called the agency to check, they kept on telling me processing until 4 Aug 07 they said just process the passport only. Need to queue up for processing. Wait and wait. In the end they told me got some problem with the passport, Indonesia realised that she has already got one passport at the other agency. Me waited for so long then she tells me this. Never mind, she told me I got a transfer maid. Work in Batam before for 8 yrs. Have look after kids before. She was sent back to agency due to first employer supposed to look after olderly. Then the wife keep on scolding her, then the daughter sent her back. 2nd employer, also elderly but passed away shortly. So sent back to agency also. Then my hubby went down to interview her and said ok. We take her.
On 16 Aug 07, went to fetch her. So far still ok but still need to teach her a bit. Give her time. On 22 Aug, my hubby, mil and my girl went to Mcdonalds. Me and my son went to sleep. She also went to sleep without closing the wooden door. My hubby was angry wake her up and tell her off. It is dangerous. On 23 Aug, my mil told her, when my son wakes up, you have to change pampers and clothes for him. If everything done by me then you are employer and I am employee.
On 23 Aug, after my medical appt, I went to fetch my girl from school. When we reached home, she told me she wants to go back agency. She said she can't cope with my son. My son is 2 yrs old. She just need to change pampers, clothes and play with him why can't cope. I called agency she also said that. I sent her back. I told the agency I don't want to take the risk.
I told the agency now is not my fault. It is not I don't want her. I refused to pay the one month salary and food and lodging. They told me they need to check with the management.
Today the agency called me, they said, me got 2 choice, if I don't want to continue with them, then they have to follow the contract. That means pay one month salary and one month food and lodging until she found employer. 2nd choice is I pay half month of her salary, and without replacement I have to pay the agency fee again at a discount rate.
Me was so fed up of them. By both way, I still have to pay about 500 plus which is unfair for me. And now I have been with no maid, and take leave to look after the kids.
After this incident, this agency Familyhelper really sucks. Never go to them. They have a few branches.
Now I can't get any maid yet cos the first maid still waiting for MOM's approval to be transferred. And I am stuck without a maid but yet I have to pay the levy and food and lodging etc.
The whole incident is not our fault. We never said don't want the maid. The maid doesn't want to work for us cos we cannot say her. In fact she is in the wrong and we need to correct her. This maid really got attitude problem. A few times she is caught by us sleeping in the kitchen without doing any work.
Their maids quality is really very bad.