any mummy trying for #2 for Year 2016?

Tks faithmummy1706! It is a wonderful vision. Shall pray that it will be fulfilled!

Mylittletrumpet, I was using part time weekly cleaner before hiring a helper. Not easy for me find a time to stay home for the cleaner to come in on weekdays after I finished all my maternity leave. It's also not that cheap at $240-300 every month and I need to make time to stay home for 4hrs every time. I also find that it's tough for me to fetch my boy from childcare then dabao dinner. Hence hubby and I decided get a helper to do housework and cook. At the same time, we tried get one who can look after baby. PIL stay far away and my mum can only help as and when. So helper is the only option.

All ladies, I didn't know that blocked tubes are rather common nowadays until after a colleague was diagnosed and undergone the lapa and did some reading up. Now I am concerned if I should go for a check up since it seems that having a #1 already doesn't mean no problem in there.

Hi Jog,

If you are trying for more than 1 years with regular AF and O but still cannot strike, suggest you can consider the tubes check.. but be prepare for the lousy feelingo_Oand take some panadol before the test... i was told to do HSG the exact date when i first saw that Gynae, and he sent me to HSG, i thought, ok lor,, just do lor.. whaoliao!! really nervous and "painful" - is like very serious menses cramp!!

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Wow faithmummy1706, that's a nice visualisation and I hope it will come true for all of us!

Yeah, I always visualise myself with #2. At least I can move on, if not, it seems like I am making rounds on the same ground. And I also visualise when he/she grows, I can clear my storeroom and bless all the baby stuff to other mummies who needs it. I can change job etc... *wake up!* I am thinking way too far! :p
OMG, I have the same thinking! LOL. The clearing storeroom, giving away the baby stuffs and changing job! I am staying in a rather monotonous job now because I do not think juggling a new job while pregnant with #2 is a good idea.

I am really getting more in love with this thread because it gathers all similar mommies together!
Ok, thanks vivan2906, for the heads up! Maybe I will give myself up to year end when i am due for next pap smear and consult gynae about the tests. Hopefully no need cos colleague told me like you said, very painful cramps after.
When yr vision comes true, we must do that!!! Your words spur me up & lets jiayou!!! Glad to hear you are better! 2016 it SHALL BE! Our SG51 Babies!!!!

The test to check the tube is call HSG via xray dept. think cost is abt $150-$200. Is a 10mins at most test to inject due thru the vagina & see if it flows out from the tubes. Not pain at all just uncomfortable a bit only.

My gunae also tell me no need to check after check everyti seems ok except the tubes. He said unlikely I yet to conceive is due to block tube since I conceive naturally w #1. But is just a gut feel I "feel" maybe is tube & prove my gut feel is right when I went on my own accord to do the test. Same like you. I have been trying almost 1.5 years for #2. But this month is my first try after unblock tube but also not successful ie my period come today.

Dr Luke is a patient & jovial kind of doctor. V relax doc, not serious kind. The procedure took 30-1hr depend on seriousness. I took 30mins. Im on sedation so not pain at all cos knocked out mah. U need to call Dr Luke to make appt for consultation & he will share w you the exact procedure from there. I only went for this Fallopian Tubual Renacanlisation (FTR) done by Dr Luke. I didnt go for lapo advise by my gynae cos my issue is the tube, not cyst or fabroil issue to do lapo. I cant comment whether he is good but he unblock my block tube for me. I feel he is specialised in this area. Anyway, Dr Luke also say unblock & conceive are 2 separate issue ie he can unblock but conceive a not is depend on many factors. I agreed w his statement. I cried everyday initially becos I just cant conceive but now "see open" a bit already. My #1 is good health (conpared to babies w special care) & I have one compared to couple with none. Worrying & crying wont help me to conceive. Of course, I wont give up to try another one. I just feel so long as I "repair" what my problem is, the rest is really up to the Lord to bless. Every month, I will still do my best & let HIM take care of the rest. It is in HIS time, not mine.

Dear, thank you so much for the details. May I know Dr. Luke's full name so that I can make appointment..

I don't know why I'm having so many problems, irregular menses, suspect PCOS, suspect tube blockage, etc.. The #1 came really fast and did strike only after one shot.. maybe becoz I'm working now vs four years ago not working.. Sianz feel like quitting the job as I'm already a bit desperate.

How old is your #1? hope we can jiayou here together!
vivian2906, Missabc
My friend had PCOS and successfully conceived naturally with Clomid..... I believe miracle will really happen.... And I am sure once you get your blocked tubes issue treated, you will be able to conceive soon.... I have another friend who did Lapo and conceive her daughter after that too.... so somehow, the stress level of our life in SG is really causing our health a lot of issues... Not only to ttcing women but also to other normal adults.... my SIL also got too stressed up with work that she nearly got a mild stroke and luckily it was detected early by specialist ..... take care..... although easier said than done, let's all Relax , breathe in and breathe out... Maybe we can learn meditation. I heard this exercise benefitted many others...

Jog, littletrumpet.....

Me too ! Kept visualizing a lot of stuffs.... visualize I buy this and that for second baby, visualize How my #1 dote on his sibling... visualize both of them running about and I keep chasing after is really a nice feeling... sometimes I also visualize both of them grow up to be handsome and pretty....... I also visualize becoming rich hahaha. Keep going ! Keep Visualizing all the positive things and they will come true !!!

and Missabc, Love the way you describe our babies !! SG51 Babies !!!!
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Agree with what missabc say. A child is god's gift and I have also friends drinking cold drinks and even beer and wine during pregnancy but their babies are doing fine. For my case as my #1 was unplanned, I did not take any vitamins or exercise regularly prior to pregnancy. In fact, I was having a party with lots of booze when I was 7 weeks pregnant without realising it. But the guilt and worries was there until I deliver a healthy boy.


I didn't realise there is like-minded mummies out there having the same thought process as me! And I thought I was thinking too much. Lol. Good to know that I am normal. :p

An article I come across, just to share:
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Hi ladies,

I am trying for no.2 and I'm turning 35 very soon, my 1st child is already 6 years old. I only started trying a few months ago. My period is not regular, I took bai feng wan and it did came early n punctual the past 2 months. But for this time my period didn't come as expected and it considered very late. I tested my ovulation strip last weekend, it shows I ovulated. I was puzzled and I also tried to test pregnancy test but it is negative. Anyone here has the same situation and can advise me? I'm kind of worry and not sure what is going on with my period. Thks.
Hi nana80jojoyeo, if you ovulated last weekend, you need to wait for 14 days before you test for pregnancy. Normally, a woman needs about 2 weeks after conception for the +ve to show up on the pregnancy test kit. I am also experiencing a long cycle this round and ovulated only around CD25, so means my AF will be expected on CD39 if I do not succeed. So it actually depends on when you ovulate in the cycle, rather than when usually how long is the cycle. My AF goes haywire when I fall sick and when I get stressed up.

Missabc, I like how you put across this "What is not stress is we do without monitoring at all ie really lovemaking without agenda but how can it be possible when we wan to make it happen as near as the O day right?". This is also how I feel. Others can tell me just BD and enjoy but becos ttc#2 is currently now number 1 focus, how to just BD without thinking and hoping to strike.... Just not possible. And yes children are blessings from God and we need to believe it will happen in His time rather than ours although I hope it will happen sooner rather than later for us all. LOL. Thank you for the advice on HSG test.

Mylittletrumpet, all of us here can attest to the myth#10 in the article you shared. I really don't know how my grandma could have 8 children when so many of us have problems conceiving 1 or 2. Thanks for sharing the article.

Faithmummy1706, I love your optimism and cheerfulness. Must learn from you. Now in 8DPO and having mixed feelings, on one hand impatient to reach 14DPO and on other, so scare of seeing AF. I kinda reach the stage where I don't really want to test until maybe I am 4, 5 days late because I don't want to feel disappointed seeing the -ve.
first of all, best of luck to you , may you strike with positive HPT after 2 weeks wait as per Jog has advised to test for pregnancy only after the 2 weeks wait. Second, Just take good care of yourself now ,stay happy and positive and update your good news !

Thanks for the article, it is a Good read. :)

I am only trying to be as positive as possible. And Hope everyone can too... At least must have something to look forward to....... Like what I told Nana80 above, you too, try your best to Stay relax, Stay happy doing your usual things during this 2WW, soon time will flies and it will be time to do the HPT and collect your positive results . Don't go and think about that Fear at all... Don't think. Watch Comedy, Drink Chicken Essence. Go Pak Tor with Hubby and Kid.
Best of Luck to you too leh !!! :) :)
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wah.. this thread had been so active.. sorry ladies.. work has been piling up.. so lost track of this thread :)

sadly, as much as I would like to, the moment my head hits the pillow at 10pm every night.. I doze off :( other than a simple good night kiss with hubby, nothing else.. so dun see the possibility of 2016 baby coming along. and worse of all.. age... is a big factor.

my hubby isn't for the idea of having #2 due to the time and commitment to care for #1 and #2 together. so I'm caught at a juncture now.. whether to take a risk to try even with my hubby's disagreement, like on the extreme end.. risking the marriage (in the event, get into quarrels about only ME wanting #2) or just be contented with #1.
Maybe you wait for 2weeks later to test again. Stress will contribute to our haywire cycle at times.

Hope to hear good news from you soon. Meanwhile, go get busy w your #1 to divert the waiting time.

Is a hard situation & choice. Maybe your hubby wan #2 when #1 is of certain age? If if having #2 may lead to risk of losing the marriage, then I wont go ahead to plan for #2. Reason being our wedding vows comprises of the commitment between husband & wife. It didnt include children as part of the covenant. I also believe husband is our companion when we are old cos marriage is a journey. When we old, children will also have their own family. Also, ideally children should be growing up in a complete love from Papa & Mama. But for some family w special reason, then is no choice. Anyway, I feel that your husband will also be happy to have another one, just that it will be more tired & taking up more of the private time between the couple. Unless he strongly against it, otherwise, can tell him that your just try but with an open heart?
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Mawby84, maybe you can try to let your hubby know your reasons to wanting a #2. That was what I did. My husband was initially against the idea too, citing lack of good child caring arrangement and lost control of personal and couple time and of course finance but I told him all my reasons to having a companion for our #1. And perhaps coupled with some luck, we have met many taxi uncles who told us need to have more than one child. I believe all these changed his mindset. I recall recently, few of us here talked about why we are yearning badly for #2, maybe you can take a look and add them to your reasons to build a strong case for your hubby. All the best in convincing him!

My husband was same as yours. not keen in #2 at all. i persuaded him for really very long. Until now i can't say for sure that he 100 percent agree but at least can tell for now, he soften down abit towards my request. but i agree with missabc that we should not let this affect our marriage. Maybe find some day have a good talk with your hubby while strolling together, have a good meal together while your #1 is in school, tell him about your reasons of wanting #2..... take your time and don't rush through this
Thanks ladies for hearing me out and offering advices :)

My #1 still pretty young (10 months old) and needs 101% attention from us so quality time is currently out. But yes, I believe he could be convinced (just like when we have our #1). We went into the marriage not wanting to have children. To date, no regrets from both but he feels that 1 is enough to complete the family :)

Just that you know when the time comes (when #2 arrive), then could be very stressful for both, then later the common quarrel topic is 'all your fault, you wanted #2!'.... Any form of discussion now will help to prep but when the crunch comes, we behave in a manner which is prolly not the norm.
Mawby84, you have some time to play with since your #1 is still below 1yo, unless you are like some of us here approaching 35yo. I am sure you and your hubby can come to a consensus. It is not an easy decision but both parties got to give and take. I did warn my husband of regrets if don't try for #2. :p
Mawby84, you have some time to play with since your #1 is still below 1yo, unless you are like some of us here approaching 35yo. I am sure you and your hubby can come to a consensus. It is not an easy decision but both parties got to give and take. I did warn my husband of regrets if don't try for #2. :p

hello... the '84' in my nick isn't my birth year 1984... I'm 34 this year.. so likewise I'm approaching 35.....
Faithmummy1706, I recall earlier you mentioned you are still breastfeeding your #1. When do you intend to wean him/ her? Is he/ she sometimes just nursing for comfort? My #1 still needs that last comfort nursing before sleep. Other times he is fine without bf already. Not sure if cos body still producing some milk hence more difficult to conceive?
actually I am not too sure too. It is quite difficult to wean him off because he still wants to latch to sleep...
So I am actually thinking of stopping my pumps when he turn 2 year old but continue to latch.
if I happen to be pregnant, maybe I am considering to latch throughout pregnancy too.... as I had seen some successful cases in doing so, as in conceiving while breastfeeding.... how about you?
Yes my boy is still latching to sleep and I cannot bear to let him cry it out to wean him. He is now 29 months already. Originally I wanted to stop at 2yo. Just the night comfort nursing part hard to wean. I hv been told let him cry 3nights then he will get the msg. But I cannot la. I would think if you want to wean, you need to stop latching before stopping the pumps. My friends who did that all managed to wean their kids off bm easily. Good to hear that u have friends who managed to conceive while breastfeeding. I was wondering if it's cos of bf
that delays bfp from appearing second time.
hi faithmummy, misbac,job,
I went to a TCM to tiao my body. the TCM is recommended by my colleague -
I find it not bad, the medicine administer are from the real Chinese herb grin to powder or you can aso request to get the herb and boil it yourself if you have time.
coz I aso keep falling sick this year and thought my body is not well enough to conceive.
and let's hope for a SG51! =)

give urself and husband some time, mayb when #1 get older, mayb ur husband mind-set will change as well coz when my husband see my #1 playing alone and there was once my #1 said to us that both of us have no time to play with her, his heart went to the #1 and agree that my #1 needs a sibling.

For me , i think its difficult to stop latching because my boy loves to latch and i also don't wish to let him cry it out. ... so the only way is to stop my pumps later but continue latch.
But ya both my friends breastfed till pregnant again, so i feel that maybe breastfeeding is okay.

I used to see another tcm. Dr Su from bukit batok. Ya i think is good to tiao our body.
Last time i used to drink homemade chicken essence and i feel it helps to warm my body and give me energy
Thank you tummykitten for the tcm recommendation.

Thank you Faithmummy1706 for restoring my faith that can conceive while breastfeeding.

No good news from me this month. AF reported this morning, CD 40, exactly 2 weeks after I had a distinct mid cycle pain for a day. Disappointed but gonna keep going still.

Hope there will be some good news coming soon on this thread. All the best mummies!
I wish all mummies good luck too !
This cycle I also won't have good news as I was sick and unable to ttc.... but all is not lost... we still have time !!!
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I finally bought the brand of opk stripes to try out. Only buy a few. Should have buy more!!! Cheaper than bbdustshop


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Is the instruction only in Mandarin? Did it give specific instruction like which part of the day to test it? Test twice a day, test after how many pee etc? How much is it? My friend introduced me to this. Im so confused w the test strips cos diff friends told me to test differently.
Faithmummy1706, did you get these from Qoo10? Same as those my friend passed to me. I tried for few days before. Results somewhat confusing. You try and then feedback! :)
Hi missabc

I need to check when i am home later

But They state instructions on q10 page

Ovulation Test Strip:

Refer to the below table.

Best time = between 10am – 8pm daily;


1. Performing examination first thing in the morning.

2. Drinking lots of water prior to examination.

Cycle length = the first day of your last menstruation till the day before your next menstruation. E.g. if your last menstruation was on 20 Jan and menstruation of Feb started on 18 Feb, your cycle length is from 20 Jan to 17 Feb. It is recommended to record down the menstruation cycle for at least 3 months to get the average days.


1. Collect the urine using a clean disposable cup.

2. Open the foil wrapper and take out the examniation strip.

3. Hold the strip vertically in accordance to the direction of arrow, dip it into the specimen urine for 10 seconds. DO NOT immerse past the "MAX" line.

4.Lay the test kit on a flat surface and observe the result. A positive result can be detected as soon as 30 seconds; however, it takes 5-10 minutes for a confirmed negative result. Any result readings after 10 mins are considered invalid.

Positive test result: Two distinct bands appear in control and test regions.

Negative test result: A single band indicates @ control region.

Invalid test result: None of the bands appear, either @ control or test region.
Faithmummy1706, jiayou for the next cycle.

Btw, saw my gynae today for routine yearly scan. He doesn't like the idea that I am still nursing at night. He said even if it's just once a day, it can affect conception chances. Sigh.... But I really don't think my boy is willing to let go his comfort item yet.
Sigh Jog
I feel you !!! my boy too.... still latching.. actually i enjoy him latching on me.... But at the same time, worry if he will accidentally kick my tummy if i am really pregnant.... Actually Not only my boy cannot let go of comfort latching.. I also can't bear to let go... so I thought i actually can try tandem nursing...
Faithmummy1706, yes I do treasure the closeness between my boy and I when I nurse him. The feeling is warm and peaceful. And it's just so nice that I can provide him security and nutrition. Sigh but my gynae says with such certainty that have milk production hormones affect my chances of conceiving #2. Not sure if it's true cos what I read is that once period becomes regular, fertilty would have returned. Anyway , easier said than done, I tried many times to tell him he is a big boy already cannot latch already but he got really upset and there is no way anyone of us can sleep if I don't let him latch.
ya, Jog, actually what i read is, once menses come back, we can be fertile already.
So there are actually chances of getting pregnant even when we are breastfeeding, i had seen many examples...

as for Tandem nursing, i know some people can do it with ease. Some will have contraction after being pregnant, So i am sure if you are pregnant, your gynae will again get you to stop breastfeeding for fear of miscarriage...

Sometimes i think having a breastfeeding friendly gynae is important
Faithmummy1706, I think my gynae might be right. Just found this online . In the first story , the mummy shared that "a group of La Leche League members in Boston who'd found it necessary to wean their children at night in order to again be able to conceive. I decided to try this. I aimed for a stretch of six or seven hours a night without breastfeeding, and after one and a half weeks, we did conceive our baby who is now due in six weeks." The problem is my boy nurses every night.
Thanks Jog, for sharing!!
i think i will try awhile more and see how.
really hope breastfeeding will not affect because My boy really not ready to wean
Me! My daughter is now 25 months. Using clearblue advanced ovulation monitor to check for high fertility and peak fertility. Website says try every 2 days ? but given that both of us are working, how to? Only fri and weekends possible.

May I ask where did you purchase ovulation monitor from and how much? Can't seem to find in pharmacies. Thanks!!
Am trying for #2 too. Had a mc in april. Now trying after 2 cycles. In my 2ww now. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Feeling distracted whole morning. Took a home pregnancy test this morning because I have been sick (flu and cough) for two weeks which is very weird. tot I saw a very faint second line but decided it cannot be it cos I just woke up and eyes blur. Left it and went to laze for another 30mins before my alarm rang. Finally got up to go take shower and prepare for work. Then I saw that the test kit indeed has two lines but then because it has already gone past 10 mins mark, I don't think it should be counted as positive. Period is due today. I cannot take my mind off the second line now but I am not feeling any symptoms. Just very frightened of disappointment after getting my hopes high. Didn't tell my hubby cos I want to be sure first. Decided to get it off my chest by sharing it here. Technically I should wait 2 more days to test again since HCG will double in 2 days, if there is to begin with. hope I can hang in there.
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