Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi Mummies,

I also felt Kindergolf fees are steep. Manage to source out a private golfer is charing 4lessons for $100. Criteria is to pay for 12lessons first. Its more afforable.

Morning Mummies,

This thread not very active leh....let's write on!

any mummies send their kids to swimming classes?
- at what age?
- individual or group?
- how are the kids doing?
- can swim independently after how long?

I just signed up my both kids at YMCA metropolitan for swimming classes...super expensive but heard good reviews about it. I figured since their kindy will be ending soon (Dec hols), this will be their activity till year end...
Hi Fairyprincess, i send my son to group swimming class when he is about 4.5 yrs old. I think there's no hard and fast rules on the age, as long as the kid displaces interest in the sport, can follow instructions and is willing to learn. When we bring him to the swimming pool, he dares to put his head into the pool and blow bubbles. and he dares to try to stay floating by trapping water. That's when I asked him if he wanted to learn swimming. My son is doing well. There are a total of about 5 kids in the group and they are learning breast stroke. my son can kick now and is learning the stroke well. He's only 1 month into it and he can almost swim already. Its 45 mins per lesson only and cost like $50+gst for every 4 lessons.
Hi there ladies ....!

Wow sorry for MIA, my work now requires me to be OFF my desk ... infact I'm seldom in the office these days. Anyway, will try to log on atleast once every other day, if not once a day.

My daughter started swimming at Nursery, she is now in K2, though she stopped swimming mid last year (Aug/Sept), I think during that time she was always falling sick and it was always raining so I stopped her. Actually she was due to take her Bronze Test; I think swimming breaststroke for 50 metres and thread water for maybe 1-2mins. Most of her friends from that swimming group took the test except for few of them including her who were MIA for health reasons. Now, she could swim breast stroke 50m but I think now she 'forgets' and thus no confidence in threading water. Next year she is going to P1 and I hope to get her tested for the Bronze test by then. Her primary school offers swimming as PE if I'm not mistaken.

I'm also starting my 2.5yrs old swimming, well just let him have the water confidence. Maybe when he turns 3 next year I'll enrol him in a real class. It's hard now to plan since I've moved to JB. We do have a swimming pool at our condo in JB but I don't think swimming lessons are popular there cuz I could hardly find any.

As for golf, I don't think I can afford that for my kids. Perhaps let them try with mini golf at liliput ;)

As for mother tongue, my 2.5 years old boy can hold better converstaion in Malay then my 6 years old girl. Infact my girl is not very articulate, cuz she started talking at 3.5 years old! My boy started talking when he is barely 1!

My girl also seems to like only drawing. Though she was taught phonics since she was four and could read words with short and long vowels, but she seems lost when it comes to sentences. I do have phonics readers for her, books with mostly phonetic words. Bu she just prefer to draw and draw and draw day and night. Sometimes I tried to encourage her to write what was her drawing about, to encourage creative writing. And she would just write one sentence only

I tried to get her do some of the exercise from a few of the assessment bk to prepare her for P1. I really don't know what to expect in P1.
Hi precious gem,
why do you move to JB? My HB works in JB and the traffic is terrible. He leaves home at about 7am and won't get home until 8pm. Sometimes, I got very upset with him because he is held up by the traffic when I need him to come home early to talk to his parents (we live with his parents and a lot of times, his parents bombarded me with lots of questions on our decisions which I would want him to answer and not me). And my kids seldom see him as well...
how about school for your kids?
Do you mean that you work at home when you say you are OFF your desk?
moo87, pls let me know if the golf lessons are good. I think my son may like to go for golf lessons but I didn't really actively look for it... cos i think its expensive. I'm thinking of sending him to music classes to see if he wants to pick up any instrument or not. But I also din't want him to be too tied up with activities.
I remembered there's a discussion about abacus, am still waiting for the basic class to open up in CC. but there is chinese language one and english language one, which is better? What is the difference?
Hi rona c.

well we move to JB cause the the living expenses here is getting too high for us. Even with dual income, we are struggling, well me and hubby are not top earners, so now to get third income, we thot of using our only asset, that is our HBD flat, to let. We just moved to JB last month and it's only a temporary thing. Min 1 yr, max 3 yrs. My girl will be attending P1 at Inova Pr in Woodlands and nope I'm not working at home, still in my office building, just NOT at my desk. Am trying to get a mobile broadband so I can log on wherever I am ;)

As for SIN-JB traffic jam, I think I'm immune to it already. Even before that, we go to JB almost everyday to top up our petrol(as my hubby's job requires him to travel around Singapore) and have dinner there and about once a month I do my grocery there. The wet market at Pandan City has a wide selection of fresh fish/seafood and the best thing I like about it is that it opens til 3am! Infact all the shops/supermarket and eateries at Pandan City close at that time. Actually bussiness there operates from 4pm-3am so it's very convienient for a working woman like me
hi hippo2002,

I guess what I do not know what to expect is not just in term of the curriculum but also the 'primary school culture' ... Some schools are parent-friendly, some schools are not ...
Hi precious_gem,
quite tough next year for your gal. What's her timing like and how is she going to go to school and back home? any other younger children? My hb has been working in JB for 11 years already... but the traffic jams are not getting better. it got worst when they lost that guy earlier this year. Anyway, I seldom go into JB to do grocery shopping cos of the weekend traffic jams... so I don't know about this Pandan City. Maybe I will try going one of these days. But I've bought all my milk powder from Johor, save so much money.

Sleepy, not sure if my child is bilingual or not. He can read chinese but cannot converse well in mandarin. not too sure if he understands mandarin like jia and jian... maybe i just try him out. not too ex in CCs.
Hi rona c.

Well my girl will start P1 at Inova Primary School in Woodlands and its a single session. The school also has after care service which is run by New Life if I'm not mistaken.

Her P1 sessions starts at 8am - 1:30pm though they need to be in school by 7:30am. Once she finishes school at 1:30pm, she'll just have to enter the New Life after care service which is on the ground floor, next to the "Special " classroom, for children who may have problems reading (they do small group or one-to-one using phonics approach).

Anyway, the schedule for the after care service is also good; after school, they wash up for lunch, then have their rest or nap. After nap, they'll do their homework and then they will have like 'tuition/revision', different days for different subjects. Then they have some group activities and games. That should ends at 7pm and they charge $240 p/mth if I'm not mistaken. Of course there's the registration fees and materials fee, I think but I think it's quite affordable, knowing my girl is safe in her own school environment, her homework will be done and she gets tuition and by the time I see her I can really unwind with her and not nag he about her homework or revision.

Next year I'll also be working in the morning shift, which starts at 8pm -4pm so we have to leave home abt 6:30am (which is pretty normal time in Singapore too esp those taking sch tpt), send my eldest girl to her school at Woodlands Secondary at 7:20am, my P1 girl to her sch at 7:30am, then my 2.5 yr old boy to childcare @Bt. Pjg @7:50am then me working in Chua Chu Kang @8am, then my hubby off to work!

Going back, since I finish @4pm, I'll fetch my boy around 4:30pm, I think he's abt to have aftn tea and just waking up from nap. I can take him to the playground or Woodlands library to spend one-on-one with him & meet-up with my eldest girl, then fetch my P1 girl around 6:30pm, which by that time my hubby will be thr to fetch all of us from her sch.

Hopefully we can leave for JB by 7pm, the jam usually takes 1 hr, so by the time we enter JB, it'll be around 8pm, have dinner at one of the many eateries in JB and then goes home which is in Tampoi, near Angsana, about 15 mins drive away from the chkpt. I guess by the time my kids go to bed, it'll be around 10pm. That's Mon-Fri schedule for my family next year, our daily wkday routine. I'll probably enrol my kids for a couple of activities at the CC for wkends if they like/want. We'll see how.

But I'm actually on course right now, every Tuesdays, Thursdays & Satudays and it will end in May-June next year. So maybe every Tues & Thurs, we will go back abit later as my class finishes at 9:30pm though the lecturer let us off around 9pm. Then I'll just fetch my baby boy and send him to my aunt who leaves on the same block as his childcare. Then hubby has to fetch both girls and proceed to my aunt's place to have dinner, then they will all fetch me and we go home.
Hi Mummies
Long time never appear here....

Hi all, tam, hippo, precious gem, fairyprincess, sleepy res!
Hi new mummies, me mum to 4yr 8 mths boy, 2 yr 8 mths twin gals.

Been bz at work, and I have been running every weekday (except when it rains or I hv appt) for more than eight weeks! (Mummies who wanna lose weight can try running! heee) I find I hv more energy. Hv been going out for movies with hb too...

precious gem
Wow, u moved to JB!!! Did u find a tenant for flat? Now rental quite good ah...
Looks like u hv everything planned...

Reading: I find I cannot be the one to guide my boy to read, I get impatient!!! It's my hb who does a better job than me...

We also find the Peter and Jane reading series useful.

Having more kids - I called MOM recently and before the call ended, they asked for my feedback whether the enhanced benefits wl help to increase births, I said they are only carrots dangling in front of ppl and only for short-term. In the long term it's our choice and responsibility to hv more kids... Frankly when I had my kids, I never thought about the bb bonus and the CDA... in the long term, we still hv to earn money to feed them right...

Did ur co give u the 6 days this yr? I'm only getting 3.1 days, but ok lah, since wl hv the full days next year plus my annual leave is considered substantial. I do appreciate hvg the extra days that I can plan to spend w/ my kids.

Congrats on ur bb!!

DId u ask re the Peter and Jane books? There is a Popular ecoupon that gives 15% till end of Sep.

Am I right that not every cc/kindy u can use CDA, only those that are registered with MCYS....
My boy's current school does not hv, anyway I'm changing him to new school next year....
In my new job, I am entitled to 42 days leave a year
In addition to that, I can take up to 10 days off if I have my kids' M.C. All these in addition to the childcare leave given by the government. Now then I know they increase to 6 days

But I am very busy with work, no chance to finish taking all the leave ! Like 2 weeks ago I took leave for my boy M.C., I still had to go back to work for a few hours.

Interesting that MOM ask you for feedback. If they ask me, I will surely ask them to totally remove the maid levy, or reduce to $10 a month hahaha Better yet, give subsidy for maid salary ! Working mommies like us need all the help we need.

I agree with you that what they are giving now is only short term benefits only. Raising a child takes at least 18 - 20 years of hard work !

You move to JB ? You are Malaysian citizen or Singaporean citizen ? I did not know that they allow Singaporean to move there.

I knew many ex-colleagues who are malaysian citizens, they all plan to retire back in Malaysia due to the much lower cost of living.
Hi styloBB,

Yeah long time no see. Me too been busy with my work, course and the Move and also prep for hari raya ... well actually not much prep lah cause intend to celebrate at mom's. I mean what to prepare, just buy and buy lah ...

Me too, I'm so happy to get the extra childcare leave, I mean the extended ML is great for those giving birth but for us with small kids, we could really use that extra days to get alot of things done! Since it's going to be 6 days, I'm gonna take on those days which public holdays falls on a Friday, then take it on a Thursday or Monday so we will have a longer wkend! I heard there's 9 such long wkends next year

Btw, I think CDA can be used for all childcare & Kindergarten reg with MCYS & MOE. My girl is in kindy reg with MOE and I'm using CDA. Unless you go to those enrichment prog like Kumon etc, then I'm not so sure.

So where are ur twin gals at now? Do you know that I'm a twin myself? I hope you put them in different classes cause one might overshadow the other. Separately they will excel as individual even better. Btw, I'm a non-identical twin and we were born 10 mins apart, I'm the one who came out first. I was really chubby as a baby and my sis was skinny like a stick! But when we were toddlers we were abt the same size except that I'm slightly taller, even today, by 1-2cm taller. As kids, we had a love-hate relationship. As I remembered, I hate dressing the same though adults think it's cute. I always want to be me, and not a twin. Those were the days. Now I'm really quite happy even proud to be a part of a twin, it's something special.

I am a Singapore citizen and a proud one too! There's so many Singaporeans living in JB, I guess for cost reasons. For example, the 3 bdrm condo with full facilities I'm living in which include a free car parking lot & a motocycle lot (for each household) only cost me RM850 p/mth and the utilies usually cost RM130+ p/mth. An agent has already took over my Singapore HDB 5 rm aircon partially furnished flat to let, and she is asking for 2K. I'll be happy to get 1.5K
I'll probably use 1K to sustain our living expenses there, rental, utilities, grocery & household needs. The rest will go to savings (used for holidays & rainy days). My hubby salary to pay for the car & petrol & his own personal loan + credit cards. My salary to pay for car insurance, road tax, my HDB consrvy chrg, my parents allowance, my study loan, kids' education/clothing/insurance and my own personal expenses.

We are making these arrangement to ease the financial situation in the family. Both me and hubby are not top earners and with hubby previous loans + credit cards (from prev marriage/family), I had to make this drastic measure. Hopefully it will all settle within 3 years. Anyway, it's better than getting another loan, I'm actually using my own asset.

Though the family package is short term, I'm just happy to get the extra childcare leave
But I wish they would also give subsidy to kindy for people like me who engage a childminder to look after my kids from 6 mths old - 3yrs old and only send them to childcare at 3yrs, then when they turn 4, they go to kindy from Nursery-K2 (3 yrs). It will also help those homemaker mommies who send their kids to kindy.
Do you need to apply for permanent residence status in Malaysia ?

Working in Singapore, and living in Malaysia definitely can save a lot of money. I heard there were plans to extend MRT to JB, if this really happened, then even more Singaporeans will do so. But I think the MRT extension was shelved.

Your car is also JB car ? Then need to pay extra to drive in Singapore right ?

The only thing that is Malaysian is my residence, I am still a Singaporean with no intentions to take Malaysian PR nor change my address. I'm still using my Singapore add for my mails. My car is Singapore car, only the petrol is Malaysian he he he ... so I pay COE, Singapore road tax & insurance. We did think of changing to Malaysian car, but not right now, perhaps when they impose different price rates for petrol for Sgp & M'sian cars in JB.

Oh yeah, I went to MCYS website and sent an email asking for subsidy for kindy too. Well it's not fair for those non-working moms who may want to have more kids since they don't enjoy the extended or any ML and childcare leave, child sick leave, childcare subsidy so the least the govt could give them is the kindy subsidy. It also applies to working mom like me who's kids looked after by child minder til age 3, then 1 year in childcare and from age 4yrs -6 yrs, go to kindy. What about subsidy "after school studencare" for atleast the lower primary 1-3. Then that would mean a slightly longer term assistance.

I should get a reply within 5 days, so we'll see.
precious_gem, i have to kudo to you. I hope in no time you will settle all your finanical burdens and move back to singapore and don't have to commute to and fro JB and s'pore everyday.

Yes, working in singapore and living in Malaysia can save money, but the travelling time and jams can more then offset the money saved. Its not easy. Singaporeans and S'pore PRs cannot buy malaysian cars and drive in S'pore. So still need to pay COE etc.

stylobb, thanks and yes i got the coupon and got the books at 15% discount. very worth it. thinking of printing the coupon and buy some other things as well, like x-mas presents... ;P

Tam, my friend who works in the uni also got this kind of benefits, have so many leaves that she cannot finish using them. so shiok! I'll have quite a bit next year also cos I'm carrying forward my 4 weeks (20 days) of maternity leave over to next year. but have to clear 5 days at one go. I'm not complaining.
My company is giving all the employees with young kids 6 days this year. so we have extra 4 days more this year. I think all should have 6 days this year as 3 days are paid for by the govt and 3 days paid for by the company. I also agree that this is a good measure. At least we have extra 36 days until the kid turns 7.

my son's kindy fees will increase by about $100 per term from next year onwards. I think the child care centre that I'm planning to send my gal to will be increasing their fees too, but not sure by how much. I'm crossing my finger that its just a small amount...
Hi Mummies

Wah lah, got cos give so many AL ah.. govt related?? hehe..I hv nearly 30 inclu of the ccl leave next yr... I'm happy enuf lah...
Can finish all the leave or not?? hehe...commercial cos won't hv this kind of number for leave...

I don't think they wl lower levy cos I rmbr once an article mentioned that even when they lower, the employers do not intend to increase their maids' salaries due to the savings....

Aiyah, since being a parent, it's always pay and pay!!!

Btw my twins are toilet trained for daytime, now left the nights, hb/I hv no 'courage' yet cos we want to sleep!!! hahahaaa.
The other day I started to bring them out wearing panties... then I brot T1 to the toilet and she managed to pee so I praised her... scully she happily walked back to KFC and declared loudly "Papa I sh sh!!!" fort. the place was rather noisy!! haha

precious gem
Oh yes! You told us before and yes, hb and I were just talking about putting them in separate classes next time so that each wl hv her own life and friends... stimes we wonder if one feels lost when the other is not around, so beta to teach them to be independent....

How old were you when you dislike dressing the same? I don't dress them the same lah but in different colours... stimes no choice for bottoms, wl hv to get the same...I suppose I wl hv to let them choose their clothings next time.

I am quite sure only if the kindies are registered w/ MCYS and not just MOE leh... cos presently the gals and boy's schools are registered w/ MOE but I cannot use the CDA. Anyway boy is going to another school next year and I will use the T1's account to pay...
OIC. I think you have worked out a good way to save money ! You are very resourceful

styloBB, rona,
Yes I am working for the government
I don't think I can finish all the leave this year, already assigned a lot of work to do. But the work is not stressful, because I don't have to solve technical problems like in my previous job.

Wa increase by $100 is a lot ! Don't know whether my kids' PCF will increase or not.

You are right that employers will not their maid's salaries. My maid's salary is $410 with alternate sundays off, so I will not increase her salary too :p But if I save $170 a month, at least I can afford to send my kids to music lessons hehehe Actually I am hoping to be maidless, so I can afford to buy a car for myself. Now I have to walk a long way into my work place, very siong.

Your T1 is so cute
Now you can save money on diapers
My girl was toilet trained for daytime at 2 years old, but she wore diapers at night until 4 years old
My boy was fully toilet trained since 2 years old. I think girls may be slower than boys. I remember I felt so relieved when I can stop buying diapers completely

But still have to buy milk powder for many years hor.
ladies, your kids are good! aiyoh, my boy 5yo this month still wets his bed if i/hb/maid don't wake him up to go toilet... when he sleeps, he is like a dead log and if the sky fall down on him, he will sleep on. so if he drinks too much water in the evening, he will wet his bed if we don't wake him up to go toilet. my gal, 2y 5mths, will try to tahan to go toilet. until the very last minute when she cannot hold anymore then will urgently asked to be brought to the toilet, or she will wet herself and pretend nothing happened. And when it comes to poo-ing, she will also try to hold it back... we have to watch for her facial expressions and ask her to go. But her diaper is dry for the nite. I don't intend to take out that yet. else we will don't have to sleep whole nite.

yes, a lot, but can still manage it cos it works out to be about $10 more a week. now crossing my fingers that the childcare won't increase fees by $100 a month... :p this will be more substantial and i may have to rethink about it. You are paying quite a lot for your maid. I'm going to up my maid's salary next Jan onwards to $400, with one sunday off a month (same as now), don't think i can cope with two sundays off. Actually, i was also hoping that they will scrap the maid's levy too, our financial burden will then be lighter, at least i can also pass on some of the 'savings' to my maid lah.

styloBB, yes, agree with you, being a parent is pay and pay... my colleague once told me a taxi driver told her that the govt is trying to con the women into giving birth by dangling small carrots in front of them. Cos the small amount really cannot see the kids through. what to do? no kids and the family does not seem to be complete...

I am at PRESENT paying for my girl kindy using CDA and the kindy is MOE registered. I think the problem is that your kids' kindy DO NOT want to receive payment using CDA cuz may be they do not want to do the admin work etc. If you do not believe me, call any PCF kindy or mosque kindy or any other kindy registered with MOE, pretend to inquire, I'm sure most of them if not all, accept CDA for school fees and even their miscellanous fees payment.

Well I've finished all my kids /family clothes shoppping for Hari Raya. Went to Geylang twice. I don't intend to get any kueh2 or cook any of the hari raya traditional dishes cuz don't think anybody will come since we live across the causeway. Anyway, my mom's baking a few and she said she will give me some; kueh tart, kueh suji & chocolate chips cookies and probably marble cake & chocolate cake, all mommy's homebaked! Probably my hubby's bro who lives in JB might visit us. Will probably eat all those traditional dishes at my mom's

I remembered I was abt 4 or 5 yrs old, when mom used to dressed us alike when we go out, and people would stare at us and giggle and say how cute or adorable we looked! In my heart I was saying, "how would you feel if you dressed alike like others, would you think that's adorable & cute?" And I also didn't like the attention. I think I was quite an introvert at that time. I also felt that I'm just 'one of another' and not the 'only one of me'. I'm not sure if other twins felt the same though. Some twins esp identical ones, love to look alike and they adore each other but with me and my twin, it's a hate-love-hate relationship, but not now though.
Hi Mummies

Frankly, I think a 4 yr old wud look really odd with diapers!! I'm glad that these two weeks they start to indicate they wanna pee... at times my hb wl bring them to the toilet but usu it'll be me, and gosh I really dislike public toilets!!

Milk powder - yes, still high on consumption.

Seems now all my kids are toilet trained before they turn 3. My maid tells me now the gals can say they wanna pee at their class.

Hmmm...yes, and having children is really a choice that we take.

precious gem
Thanks for telling me that, I didn't know, I only know they say cannot use CDA..anyway no loss, next yr can use it for my boy. Another year, I also hope to change school for the twins.

SO you wl spend Hari Raya in JB? Why don't visit relatives/friends in S'pore??

Hmmm... at times they wl pick what they want, wl observe how it goes.. ... by 4,5 yrs I figure they wl hv their own preferences....
Hi ya ladies!

I don't know why but I'm feeling so tired these days ... my back, from my neck to my lower back is aching, more of a muscle tightness kinda feeling. I think it's time to go to a spa. Maybe this wkend will go for a massage and foot massage, ah what the heck, all the works ... facial, scrub, milk bath whatever ... but I'll do it in JB, cheaper he he he. I think I deserve it. I'm so tired and my course exam is tomorrow (mod. 1). I went home from class last night and just drop in bed and only in the morning I realise I did not shower the night before, he he he ... I'm so tired especially with the fasting month. But this morning I found out I got my period, so no fasting for the next several days ... hope will get my energy back, perhaps after the spa ... oh no, cannot go for milk bath already or else milk bath will turn to milk cherry/strawberry !!! eugh! Still could go for massage, scrub, foot massage & maybe facial.


I will be visiting my relatives & friends in Singapore, just don't think they'll visit me. I did put up those colourful 'twinkling/blinking' lights to give a festive atmosphere for my kids at our JB home. Maybe will put up other deco like flower arrangement etc. At the moment our JB home is bare, except for the essentials furniture.
Hello there Ladies .... !

Well now, hmmm ... nobody seems to be around. Now that I'm able to log on almost everyday or every other day, no one seems to be around.

Anyway, I'm thnking of getting my toddler busy this school holiday. He is 2y 7mth old and I was thinking of organising a playgroup/playdates. Could start with an easy one ... say going to the library, have a storytelling session and do some nursery rhymes/finger play. Then off to a nearby playground for some gross motor development.

Older sis & bro can join in too ...

Well gotta go & study for my exam this evening. I got abit of time during lunch break ...

Please drop by ladies ....
I'm all alone ...
Hello precious gem,

How are you in JB? I used to go frequently to top up petrol in the middle of the night, then go eat supper there...however, eversince my hubby changed car- now his car model SUV high target for hijack, so we stopped going...agree living in JB can be cheaper than S'pore...

Thanks for the swimming info.
My kids started at YMCA last sat- I must not have too high expectation as this is their first far so good, but the instructor is very young e.g. 20yo guy, and when kids are not paying attention- he will splash water on them- I feel this is not very professional, although it works to get their attention...

I will go through this term to see how they fare...

YMCA works out to be about S$70 per month too, so cost wise, about the same...
Hi Precious Gem, hope you are well prepared for your exams and good luck in your exams.

i'm very tired. my confinement lady went off for a short holiday and I've taken over to look after the baby. he is very unco-operative and has stayed await from 12.30am to 5.30am last nite. i slept at about 5.30am and woke up at 8.30am and now i need to desperately express again, least breast will explode. He has just fallen asleep IN MY ARMS! my eldest one is the best, no need to carry to sleep. and he's like clockwood, wake up every 3 hours for feed and then back to sleep again. 2nd one also wanted to be carried a little while at nite before sleeping, but she can sleep from 11pm to 5am from week 2 of her life onwards. this one is the worst. wanted to be carried before he sleeps and must be asleep before you put him down to the cot, else he will wake up in just 5 mins. ;P

now i need to go and express and take another nap. else i'll have no free time for naps later in the afternoon and i'm looking at another tough nite tonite.

tomorrow we are celebrating full month for the baby! it will be 4 weeks tomorrow, gave birth on the 24 Aug. the baby is about 5+kg now, drinks well... in fact last nite, he drank 120ml at 12.30am, 60ml at 2am and another 60ml at 3am then at 5am, he asked for another 100ml. i'm so worried that i may be overfeeding him...
ps. how do you train your kids to go off diapers at nite? my boy can still wet his bed if we don't wake him up to go to toilet...

very tough...
hi rona c.

I'm so sorry to hear abt u losing sleep but if it's any consolation, atleast you know your baby is growing very well, feeding well especially with mummy's milk and he's getting first class treatment from mummy; being held most of the time! Don't worry about overfeeding him, I mean if you are feeding him BM, then just give him as and when and how much he wants it. He is a growing boy. Just look at it this way, he'll only be like this for several months? or two years?! Cherish the private moment you have with him, smell him, caress him, kiss him cuz once he's grown up, you won't have that same moment again. I was breastfeeding my boy for 20mths and my girl for for 27mths! I was always experiencing arms and wrist cramp cause my baby always fell asleep in my arms.

As for the nite toiletting, I was blessed to have two girls who is auto ... once toilet-trained during the day, automatically they are trained at night too. Initially I did make it a point to let them go toilet just before they go to bed, and if I woke up in the middle of the nite myself, I'll wake them up. Lter on, I notice they'll wake up by themselves to go toilet. But now my 31 mths baby boy is not toilet trained and I'm thinking of doing it end of this year when I have alot of leave, and since we're not going away for a holiday cuz I'm on course, I'll use the time to toilet trained him. I did try in June when I had a few days of leave, but everytime I took him to the toilet and make him sit for half hr, nothing comes out, and the minute he step out of the toilet, he'll pee!

Having toilet trained kids mean save money on diapers but the headache is when we are out, and they wanna pee or ... hunting for a clean public toilet can be a real headache!

I'm here to vent again! I feel that nothing moves without my constant nagging.

My dd1 cannot function unless I sit right next to her to do homework. My dd2 will idle her time away until I wake up to ask her to do homework. If I leave the house for a couple of hours to run errands while my mom babysits them, they will idle their time away without fail, even though I gave precise instructions on what needs to be done

Hubby also the same. Last night, I washed a bowl of grapes & left it to soak for a while. Slipped my mind to pour away the water & I went to bed. Hubby was the last person to switch off the kitchen light & he didn't touch that bowl of grapes. This morning he is the first to wake up, make milk for kids, with that big bowl at the basin, still choose to leave those grapes soaking! I really fumed this morning. Cannot pour away the water meh??!! must wait for me to handle this too?

even though it's only an insignificant incident, but the point is why everyone must wait for ME? cannot be automatic? very frustrated!!

do you experienced this too? everyone stops functioning at home unless you are around?
sleepy, what you have describe sound very familiar... hahaha... its the same for me too! At least your hubby still can make milk for your kids, my hb doesn't know who drinks what and how much they drink... in general, don't know how to make milk. and if something not familiar, just leave it as it is. I think your HB could be wondering if its a new beauty regime that you soaked the grapes in the water. BTW, are the grapes spolit?

Precious, what course are you having? i long long time did not go on course already. boss told me i can accumulate the budget, so i will have about $4k next year to go for a course. any decent course can recommend?

i cannot sleep!!! too hot and noisy! while my little bb is sleeping away, getting ready to be the owl for tonite! i don't mind losing sleep, its the engorged breast that i cannot tahan. i kept thinking when can i express milk? when can i relieve myself?? my brain seem to shut down everything else and just kept thinking about expressing... And you are right, we only get to hold the children probably just before they start primary school, after that, they won't want to hold you already. so i will treasure this. only thing is, when i go back to work, my caregiver will have a hard time... got to hold him and then still got to do housework, and supervise the elder boy, not easy for her.

I think boys are more difficult. my gal 29mths old is completely toilet-trained, for the nite as well - like what Precious said, automatic trained for the nite as well. she has some accidents here and there but not as frequent as her elder brother.

sleepy, i hope you are feeling better now!
Haiz...just went to KKH. My elder son has a degree of 75 for each eye. Likelihood may need to wear glasses if his power increase...

I very sian as he is only in K2. Any mummies have younge children wearing glasses??
hi mummies, happen to chance up this thread.

juz me, my 2 dd oso wear glasses. my elder dd put on glasses when she was p1 and guess what, her degree now is 600+ on each eye.
she is p5 now. my 2nd dd wear glasses when she was k1. she has no eye-sight problem but high astic (correct spelling?). so high chance my ds will wear glasses oso.
check this out!

Expert says Singapore not completely immune from tsunamis

Channel NewsAsia - Sunday, September 21SINGAPORE — Singapore is not completely immune from a tsunami and should prepare for the possibility, an expert on coastal areas warned Friday.

The island—state can be hit by a tsunami generated from three locations and the waves could damage key coastal infrastructure without being too high, said Professor Wong Poh Poh of the National University of Singapore geography department.

"It’s not that we are totally immune. No, we are not immune," Wong said.

He was speaking at a news conference to launch a report, by the aid and development organisation World Vision, on the impact of climate change on poor people.

To cause damage, waves hitting Singapore need not be as huge as the ones that devastated Indonesia’s Aceh in December 2004, killing 168,000 people, Wong said.

Aceh was struck by a wave about 10 metres (33 feet) high.

"We don’t need 10 metres. The problem with Singapore is... we have a lot of infrastructure on the coast. All you need is a very low wave to just come in and hit certain areas," he said.

"Changi Airport will be very vulnerable," he said, adding the man—made island of Jurong which houses a sprawling petrochemical complex is also at risk, and urged the government to commission a study on tsunamis. — AFP/vm

I'm taking a course that is work related. Actually my organisation supposed to send me for the course last year or beginning of the year. Then I heard they are going to send me next year but I also found out that the same course next year will be longer as they increase the hours from 550hrs to 750-800 hrs so instead of finishing within one year, it'll take two years to finish! NO THANK YOU! They couldn't send me this year as they did not include it in the budget. So I decided to sign up myself and paid the fees on my own. Then I talk to HR and suggest that since I'm paying the fees using my own money and then, perhaps next year she could put it in the budget and reimburse me. Luckily she agreed! Also being 40 I got the highest subsidy (SDF)anyone could get, 90%! so I pay 10% of the $6K fees plus $100 registration fee.

I also like to take other interest related kind of courses. A couple of years ago I took a course in Diploma in Holistic massage and before that I took many Certificates courses on various kind of massages; Traditional Indonesian, Sports & Foot massage. I also took short courses on Ear Candling & Facial Hair Threading at the CCs. I'm trying to find time to take a course in Hair cutting & Dressmaking.

What you wrote sounds familiar to me too. I think almost every household experience more less the same thing. Worst thing even for FTWM like me too, we work and we still have to take care of the household. But like ur hubby, my hubby helps around abit too but not so auto, always have to tell him. I noticed he will help with the laundry quite auto and these days changing diapers and bathing my kids also auto. But he WILL NEVER pick up dirty dishes or do the dishes even a single cup even if it's on the table in front of his eyes!
juz me
, jasmine

sorry to hear that ur kids have to wear glasses at such young age. I'm also worried if my kids may have to wear glasses very young as I see now more & more kids at kindergarten are wearing glasses.

I try to encourage good habits in my kids like not lying down when reading or sitting too close to the TV and eat more carrots. Not sure if this all gonna work. But genetically my family are not wearing glasses. My mom who is 59 started to wear reading glasses when she was in her 40s. My hubby also started using reading glasses when he was about in his mid 40s. Me so far not wearing any king of glasses but I just turn 40 this year and usually after you hit 40, most of your body organs/parts start to go down the hill.
Hi mommies,
My maid went back home for 2 weeks, will be back next Saturday. I have to take 2 weeks leave to stay at home. I am so busy with housework every day ! Even with my mother helping me to cook, my hubby helping to look after the kids, there seems to be so many things to do. My speed of doing housework is extremely slow
Feel so tired
I enjoy working outside much better :p

Hopefully I can survive until my maid comes back next Saturday.

When my maid is around, I don't have to do much except teaching my kids. Now when my maid is not around, I feel so tired, very blur already, don't really know what is going on. My hubby just washed grapes for himself to eat and feed me too. I am too tired to bring out any fruits to eat !
I remember seeing a photo of Aceh after the tsunami. The temple is still standing while everything else is destroyed.

In the China sichuan earthquake, schools for the poor were destroyed, but schools for the elite were still standing. The rich schools were built with better materials.

I think it depends on whether our buildings are built to withstand such natural disasters. I wonder how strong are HDB blocks ? I believe that private condos are built with better materials.

hehe, very shiong hor

after I blew my top, they slightly better liao. My mom said must show colour sometimes, don't be too nice else they climb all over my head

My flat 30 years old! don't know can withstand any shaking or not
hubby said old flat walls have better sound proof. Can't hear the neighbours unlike my previous brand new flat
Hi Tam, rooting for you here! all the way till next saturday! that's the thing with maid, can't live with them, can't live without them... ;P

I think older flats are built stronger. I remember seeing my mum's 30 year old flat being built and i remembered seeing the concrete and mixer etc etc. after the flat is ready, the inside is still not ready yet, so there's an opening on one of the walls to go into the next unit. I saw the worker sealing up the opening with bricks and concrete... so I think it should be stronger.
sleepy, rona,
My mum's flat was built in 1972, I feel that the material is better than my 9 year old HDB flat. My flat's wall leaks water whenever it rains heavily !

I think working mommies really cannot do without a good maid
Not unless hubby is very good with housework. My hubby is willing to help, but he is very bad at housework, do already like never do
hi mummies

was busy settling my daughter and son in infant and childcare and buying work clothes cos I'm starting work next week! Can't believe I'm starting work after a long break of 3 years. Now I'm looking forward to work but I'm sure I'll be looking forward to be home again after starting work :p

My new maid's IQ and EQ are both very low. She tries to make it up by cleaning every single part of my house without me asking. That's the only thing she is good at and nothing else so I'm still contemplating to change to another because she cannot understand what I ask her to do. For eg I asked her to cut kiwi for me she gave me biscuits and yes it is a language barrier but she has been cutting kiwi for me for 1 month and still it can be biscuits. I go nuts talking to her so I don't even bother to ask her sometimes better to do it myself.

Good and smart maid is really important, otherwise go bonkers. Looking forward to going back to work so that I won't have to face her for such long hours everyday. It's really a headache to change maid cos you don't know what kind of person you'll be inviting into the house next with such unreliable bio-data and inaccurate info from the maid agency.

Seems like most men are the same, we are mostly in same boat. My hubby is also as per what you've descrbed your hubbies. For the 2 weeks when we didn't have maid, he said his quality of life has been impacted after helping with housework.
I really need to let off steam!

I came back home just a while ago to discover that my maid has broken my fan..again she was busy finding things to clean and she chose the fan today while I was away and she broke it!

Yesterday, while ironing she told me that my hubby's new business shirt was torn and she did not know how it happened. The other day she put my gal's new plastic bib in the dryer and it melted and on top of that she broke my decorative sheep and claimed that she was not the one, she 'discovered' the broken sheep lying on the floor while mopping.

I can feel smoke coming out from my head!!!
Aiyoh Gingerbelle,

I can identify with you re maids....

But what can you do- even if you change a maid- it really depends on luck who and what you get- totally no guarantee that the next is any better, and you have to re-train from the start...

However, if really cannot be trusted, then no choice, better change, or else no peace of mind at all...
Gingerbelle, can understand you. i also have bad experience with maids b4. think you have to act fast if you want to change maid, you are already starting work next week. how can you go work with a peace of mind?
Fairyprincess, Rona

Thanks for your empathy, it's just what I needed. Actually I'm starting work this Thurs. Too late now because the agency kept asking me to give her chance.

My agency charges me $360 for a replacement and $210 to seek another employer for my maid. It's really costly to change maids.
Hi Mummies
I'm still jogging.... hehe.

Ei yah, do you trust your kids with your maid since she is so blur? Do you have your mum or mil to be around while you are at work?

I think if they break sth or do sth wrong, I rather they tell us than pretend or hide the truth...
I rmbr once my ex-maid went to cook rice when on that day I had told her no need to, she very deftly turned the rice cooker the other way so that I don't see... I spotted, but I didn't bother to raise anything, since she'll hv to eat the rice the next day...

tam sound so tired w/o maid! My maid wl be going back next April for her break too.. I am already thinking how to manage ah... my maid so far is dependable and hardworking, no need for me to tell her do anything type.. phew!

Old flats - I think my parents' flat are the solid type... I rmbr my dad telling me that prior to building their flats, there was a case whereby the govt found some flats not done well, so when it came to theirs, he said they put those steel bars within the walls.

This morning I went back to work for a 3 hour meeting. I had a good rest sitting and just listening hahaha At home I seem to be always on my feet and always getting my hands wet

It is not going to be easy taking care of 3 kids for you, may be can ask your hubby to take leave also hehehe

I have bad maids before, so I know how frustrating it is. I have changed 8 maids before, some are worst than the previous one. It is really like lottery. Fortunately my current maid is very good. Hope she comes back this Saturday !

I sent back a few maids to the agency before, they all pay for the transfer fee using their own salary. I find it surprising that your agency make the employer pay for it.
