Any home based job or part time morning admin job

My company is looking for a part-timer to do data entry and perhaps some admin stuff. Probably 3-4 days per week or very morning/afternoon, negotiable. Location at Jurong East. Interested please email me at [email protected]
Hi Alice and deardar,
I Am looking for a Homebased job too... To help out in the household expenses... Do share if you manage to find one. TIA
Anyone have any part time (morning or afternoon) admin jobs to intro? prefer in Jurong or west area...thanks
A Global TOP 100 E-Commerce Business is looking for a part time recruitment officer

Your Job Scope
- Work From Home Or In Office
- Work during your free time
- Post provided advertisement ( training provided )
- Able to objectively shortlist candidates ( training provided )

- 32 years old and above
- working professional, house wife, retiree may apply.
- No experience needed ( training provided ) .


$1000 – $3500

Interested Candidate
Please SMS your (Name), (age) ,(nationality) to Put your mobile number here

Subject (Sales Executive ) [or use your creativity to create one]

  • Part Time Sales Executive
  • Sales Executive Part-timer
  • Sales Executive with high pay
  • Hiring Recruitment officer [part time]
Content (Sales Executive)

A Global TOP 100 E-Commerce Business is looking for a part time sales executive

Your Job Scope
- Training provided
- 4 Strategy to find customers will be taught
- Work during your free time
- Make high commission
- Perfect for those who want to make a another stream of good income

- 32 years and above
- working professional, house wife, retiree may apply.
- No experience needed ( training provided ) .


$2500 – $4800

Interested Candidate
Please SMS your (Name), (age) ,(nationality) to Put your mobile number here 98335261
