Any good recommendation for post-natal massage?

hihi, i am engaging Mona too. but just heard from my colleague last time mona confirmed her booking but end up she didnt turn up after she deliver becos of her busy schedule... so my colleague had to source for another massage lady in the hospital bed, and can only find one that is expensive at that last minute...
mona confirm me but now i abit worried leh..
when are you mummies delivering? i am delivering in early Aug..
thanks qiqi.

moomoomum, my EDD is end sep not sure if Mona available during then cos is Hari Raya period. I have another one Ms. Rose - $380 for 7 sessions - 90mins plus baby massage too. So now not sure who to take.
hi sioh chong, sarah, tks i had finishe my session with origins jamu . didnt have the time to log in .. so busy wit my newborn ...

i had good exp with them particularly helping me of my engorgement . the massage also make me so relax that i doze during the sessions. Ha, that the only time i manage catch some rest. The therapist is friendly and also share with me what to eat and to do. i didnt even follow during my 1st preg. managed get my tummy back fast too. saw some results after 3rd session. Thumb up for their service... gotta go.,.. tiny one is whinning...
good point hipmum, i almos forgot about hariraya...
i am not familiar with the name Ms Rose... you heard good comments about her? her charges seems attractive also hor...

mummies, do you like contact/pre-book more than 1 massage lady? like not very nice hor but yet i scared last min they fly kite leh...
wats the common practice ya?
hi moomoomum,

Heard from the malay aunt that giving massage is Rose full time i would think there is some kind of standard here...

i think u should call up a few to check if they are doing it during fasting month. not sure if your edd is around that period.
Hi mtb,
my massage lady frm malayheritage did my massage during fasting mth also last yrs. May be can try and call them to check. I find that my therapist Mdm Suriyah is very professional with her service. Can ask any other mummies that had her service before comments too. Till now my mum also had her service for normal massage.
Hi qiqi16, I'm interested to engage Mona too!

Can you send me her contact as well as charges details to [email protected]?

I would like to know
1) duration per session?
2) baby massage included?
3) any additional charges I need to bear (eg. cloth, transport, etc)?
4) can she block ducts?

Hi all,

I've tried Mdm Ida post-natal massage. She is very good cos I can feel the pressure point when she massage me. The strength that she applies is very good and I feel very relax after the massage.

As I'm c-section, she explain to me on how to wrap my tummy as the wrapping cannnot be too close to the wound. She guide me on how to wrap my tummy myself so that I can do it after I've finished all the sessions with her. This makes me feel very happy cos my previous massage lady does not do that.

I've also recommended my mum for the body massage. Both my mum feel very happy with the massage as it can relieve their ache.

Good job, Mdm Ida. Thank you very much. :)
Hi winnie,

Sorry for the late reply...

u didnt leave me your email add, so I have PM u the details instead.

Thanks :p
hi all,
ive just read yr comments and im interested in it. currently ive just given birth to my second baby on 16/6/09. ive heard mdm rokiah name from my colleague but i didnt engage her service. i was recommended to another lady from my cousin. her name is Zilah. my first and second baby is done by her. she very professional and give great advise. she would recommend us to do wat ever is needed to be done during our confinment. if i not wrong she got nursing background that y she will give u lots of advise on baby and myself. and mind u she can speak mandarin. last month i do is for 10 days . she charge me $520 include body scrub,baby massage,binding. so far 3rd day can c the different on my tummy. i got recommend my friends to her too. they are satisfied. but her timing very difficult to choose as she will compile all the client timing request for that day than she will conform the timing with me. so far ok cause i always ask for early am. anyone interested u can try her. her no 93885280 .
Hi evelyn,
which therapist did serve you? as got to know frm a fren that this origin is a new company less than a yr. Only that their website looked like they are long in these market. My fren who wish to engage their service is worried that the therapist got no experience as this is her 1st pregnancy.
Good day ladies,

I have book Mdm Ida for pre and postnatal massage.

My due date is at Aug but have tried her Prenatal massage and I really like her pressure..

She is very friendly and straightforward and very experience lady. Professional.

And her price is reasonable also.

For prenatal massage, she will only do for you when you are 6-8 mths.. after 8 mths she will not do cos dangerous to do as almost want to give birth liao le.

You can contact her at 94249829.
Got ppl also book her till next year liao le.. so have to hurry up wor..

If she ask who recommend you, you can said recommended by vegetarian la..
She will know who.
just to share~
i hv c-section and only engage mdm ida after 1 month. yday was my 1st session wif her, initially my tummy was saggy when looked in front of the mirror. so when she did the binding yday, i did not take it out till tis morning b4 my 2nd session. i realised it's not so saggy as before.

and mdm ida told me she will try to make my tummy slightly firmer. at the mmt, quite pleased wif her skill.

oh ya! and she did giv me advices compared to my 1st massage lady. :)

Hi Badtz,

yes Mdm Ida is very good. she gives good suggestion and i like talking to her. very friendly.
I highly recommend Mdm Masita. Call to set up an appointment at 90068026.
she has improved my life and overall physical health b/c of his great massage .
He knows exactly what is going on when you have pain in the lower back or legs.
He has worked with me through pregnancy, and post pregnancy. My back, legs,
and overall health has never been better.
I was going to have surgery and b/c of his treatments,
I saved myself 2 months of recovery and 6-12 months of recovery from if I would of had surgery.
I no longer need it and my doctor says its amazing how Mdm Masita has helped me that much.
call her if you have even the slightest pain and do preventative work.
Hello all..
u all might like to try her?
she's my massage lady Tanti..
this is her blog
and her contact number in there...

she just left her full time job and now focusing on pre and post natal massage..

got very very strong hands.. so far she did not mention anything about packages.. so its pay per visit type. :)
As soon as I'm pregnant I began to investigate the services of a Mdm Ida after hearing feedback about their success with pregnancies.
After sourcing Mdm Ida unfortunately she's fully booked and being recommend to her sis Mdm Masita months before the birth,
My birth was long and tiring, she put more focused help massage my tired feet, legs and back includes a healing massage designed to de-bloat, detoxify, help re-shape
those extra pregnancy pounds and taking great care of my body.
Masita gave me great relief with her various massages and rubs, which I was particularly thankful for
her fantastic guidance after complete the session package I manage to get my shape back.
I fully recommend and support Mdm Masita's competency, awareness and understanding in her role as a massage therapist.
Not only was Masita's professional,
her ability to understand and assess my changing needs and state of mind during the entire pregnancy and birth was fantastic.
I will be using Masita again, as my Massage therapist when my second baby is due.
Mdm Masita : 90068026
Anyone has post natal massage experiences to share? I'm still contemplating. Wondering if it is really beneficial.

Also, anyone has tried Tanti mentioned by dolliepollie above?
Hi Momma,
Maybe you can try my massage therapist frm malay heritage. I really enjoy my sessions everyday. Very relax and their service I find is gd compare to my 1st bb therapist. Just visit their website for info. My advise before to decide to have your postnatal massage, get others company info also and decide. This is what I did before I take their package.
Highly recommend both sisters Mdm Ida & Mdm both came to my hse..this with the fact that my family was a massage for 8 years and am VERY sellective about who have work on us.
we personally like firm massages and both has very strong hands. Though, both is capable of giving very healing and gentle massages as well.
Ida do post natal on me while Mas do pre natal on my sis.even My maid and mum also sees for normal massage after us.
we love that their work can be deep honest and yet very nurturing at the same time,adjusting to your needs and listens well to what you like and don't like!
I can't recommend both enough.we already try many others massage lady
.. dis both sisters is one of the best/cheaper/honest.. massage therapists in town. Mdm Ida phone number is: 94249829. Mdm Mas :90068026
Hi All,
I would highly recommend Mdm Ida as I've just finished my 10th session of post natal with her today. She's not only friendly, she also did a very gd job on massage and helping me to slim down my tummy. Before the massage, my tummy still looks like 8mths pregnant and Ida also got a shock when she first time see my tummy. But however, she is confident that my tummy can slim down. After the 1st session and on the 2nd day, I can really see the effect that my tummy has already slim down quite alot. From the 1st session till today, total I have lost 6-7kg and my tummy was amazingly almost flat now. Ida also will teach you how to bind yourself with the cloth after finish the last session with her. Her charges of $50 per session is really very reasonable and worth it!
Hi Mummies,
I'm a new mummy here. Would like to share my post natal massage experience. I had my very professional massage lady Certified frm Mustika Ratu and Pro therapist after my hubby office fren told us abt her. Mdm Nur.. is well trained and experience as during my sessions she could answer to all my quires.she put more focused help massage my feet, legs and back massage, also help re-shape my body. I really enjoy my sessions.she charge $45 on my pre natal & $55 on post natal. I find very effective and really enjoy my whole package session. Sure No regrets.. Mdm Nur : 82515154
Hi all,

Just like to check, for the pre-natal and post natal massage, do we need to take off all our clothes??

Is there a need to massage the breast area during pre-natal massage?

What to do if told that one have short nipples? Can breast feeding still be done or definitely needs to be expressed?
Hi mummies,

I am Aug 09 MTB and have given birth to my little princess recently.

I would highly recommend both sister’s Mdm Ida & Mdm Mas. I've just finished my 5th session of post natal massage with Ida. I never regret taking up her service, she is very professional & skillful. She is always punctual every session and I find the whole massage session is very relaxing. We always have a lot to talk and I have learnt lot of tips from her. She helped me with my breast feeding problem by massage my breast. I really enjoyed my 5 days massage session with her.

Her post natal massage lsohelps me to slim down quite a lot, I have lost 6-7kg so far. Ida also will teach me on how to bind myself with the cloth after finish the last session with her. She also taught me how to massage my baby with the massage oil provided by her. I find her charges of $50 per session for 1 hour is really very reasonable and worth it!

It includes the following:
-baby's massage
-bathing of baby as i don’t have confinement lady to help me
-massage of mummy with home made oil
-wrapping of the tummy after applying jamu herbs
-she also provides free body scrub,feminine wash and baby's massage oil.

If you are interested, you can contact Mdm Ida @94249829 but remember to book her early as she is always fully book.
I had this experience with this massge lady called MAS. She was recommended by my gf for post natal massage. I want to share my experience with u all so that you all will not be conned by her service. She tells stories, borrow money, takes advance payment and keep postponing sessions after taking your advance payments for the massage and even borrows money in the name of helping her sick mother or neighbour or son.

At first she will tell u she charge $55 per session which is cheap, however, when she comes for the 1st session, she will tell u you need slimming cream, add $5, you need the epidural drops another $5 and you need the stretch mark cream anotehr $5 so all add up to $70! very dishonest n not up front about her charges.
She will also tell you she uses massage oil which is made from 101 herbs etc......

She also will be very fren with you while massaging and tell you about her family very poor, but she learnt her massage from her father who is a gynae..she will say she has a mother who is paralysed and need medical attention, need to buy special bed and ask you for advance payment for your massage. SInce it was for massage we thought it was ok, so just advance pay her my sessions. Pls do not ADVANCE PAY cos she will keep postpone her sessions. This is what i learnt. PAY everyday for your massge lady is the best method.

Also she will say she has a son who is in Temasek poly and going to Oxford university to study LAW.....which i find it ridiculous...go poly can go OXFORD to study LAW???..then she will tell stories of how much money she need for her son's edu , fees etc and find ways to ask for more advance payments and even borrow money .
She wills ay its a pity if her son who is so clever is denied of a chance to study cos of no money.....i was duped by it!

Anotehr story she will tell you is she has a neighbour from Malaysia who just divorced husband left her with child no money for food etc and want to help her financially. SHe will ask you for moeny to help her.Saying what Chinese shd help Chinese since she is Malay already helping her.

Lastly she will keep postponing the last few sessions and not come due to fever, sick QUARANTINED!!! duno till when depends!! and this was how i was never given my full service but paid in full by advance payment to her cos of all her sad stories cos i was stupid! and i even borrowed her money on top of that!

Pls all mothers to be who wan to do pre or post natal massge beware of this MAS lady who live in Woodlands St60 Blk 786E, her hp 90845556. She is a plump short malay lady. pls do not engage this person for your massge she is a CHEAT!!!
thanks for the info..
for others..donot confuse or mistaken..
Mdm Mas who Mdm Ida sisters is not the same MAS as brenda mention..totally not the same person cause..1)Hp No: not d same,2)Mdm Ida sisters never take advance payment 3)their post natal include charcoal n charges is $50,collect daily &
she stay choa chu kang as she told me.
furthermore there is no complain about her in mummies donot confuse. pity Mdm Mas(Ida's sister)..coz both have d same name
Strongly agree Recommended..Mdm Mas ( 90068026 )
Many, thanks for those who recommend Mdm Mas.
the wonderful way she have been taking care of me during the 10 sessions on my last day
today for the post-natal treatment. Not only she have heavenly hands but she also have
comforting and encouraging tips which help me so much. Actually, I have been surprised
by all the benefits the treatment offered me. First of all, she helped me getting rid of the
tensions due to the birthing and the first days of breastfeeding and managed to relax my
body. Secondly, the whole treatment allowed me to get back into shape so quickly… this
is not only nice for the body but also very good for the morale! Finally, another great
effect of the wrapping was the strength it provided to my lower back, helping supporting
my whole back. These sessions were a marvellous moment of relaxation, comfort and
just enjoying being taken care of! Thank you Mdm Mas for all the caring!
hi sweetnov..
as wat Mdm Mas told me dat she & Mdm Ida method is d being taking care by Mdm Mas already ask her every details b4 i start d session..she ever mention to me dat if C-sect they dont do d charcoal,wat Mdm Ida tell u same as Mas's Told me charcoal only for normal delivery mummies..their package included bath & mild massage to d bb no matter normal or C-sect.unless we dont want them to do it due,already have somebody to assist us.
it is getting confused mdm mas good or min someone post a bad exp and later there always been a good "testimony" for mas...

Btw the mdm mas or Ida is she qualified etc ?
I am still deciding who should i consider for my bb in Dec,,,
Hmm...seems like many new comer here to "promote" Mdm Ida and her sis with just 1 posting....

Similar to the tactic on other thread promoting jamu massages...

I was told Ida charges $40 for 1hr 30mins. Now its $50 for 1hr?

So which is which now? Same HP though..
My due is in Sept. I tried to book Mdm Ida but her booking is very full. So I book with Mdm Masita HP:90068026.Her charges is $50 per session for about 1 hr 30min ~2 hrs if i am not wrong. Hope she is good.
Kanec, Y? is it wrong??..
We,new comer here not trying to promote any massage lady. just wanna to share & recommend as we happy with their service.cause i always belive wat goes around, comes around..thats all.
so many NICKS with LITTLE post numbers promoting Mdm Ida and Mdm Mas. Its quite obvious these 'people' are FAKE with probably FAKE testimonials as well.
I would like to say a sincere thank you for assisting me in ending my search for the right massage lady Mdm Nur. I have had many massages over my time and have never committed to having regular treatments because I have never found a person that meets my high expectations. That is until now.
Mdm Nur services have been exceptional. her ability to accommodate treatments around my schedule, her attention to detail and her wealth of knowledge have proven to me that she really do care about the people she treat. In today’s world it is reassuring to find a trustworthy and genuine person that is looking out for someone’s long term health. If only there were more people like Mdm Nur!

Recommending her is an absolute pleasure and I would be more than happy to share my thanks with any person.. Mdm Nur: 82515154
hi all,
not wanting to break any one's rice bowl but i personally tried the supposingly very famous Mona in this thread. (found her from this thread actually) Perhaps she is too famous, that's why a little busy and erm erm..
tried the pre natal before booking her for post, she was okay during pre and the first post, and i wanted to book her for more than 5 session. But after the second post session, she is so... (sigh!) she can be late and come at your own time, but I can't ask for additional time to finish feeding baby. She will tell me then i will only do half hour then. the most ridiculous thing is, she will be using the phone, texting texting while massaging for me with ONE HAND! and she usually short change me for 5 to 10 mins, and on my last session - SHE FINISHED WITHIN 35 MINUTES!

I was told by her not to wrap overnight, and then was asked by many... how come i don't wrap over night. Now I still have that tummy of mine and quite obvious!

By the way, overheard (well, she was chatting in front of me to another massage lady over the phone, with the other hand on me!), she kind of refer someone to another lady and she has to emphasized that the customer is RICH! ***Puzzled?*** (perhaps i am not rich, only stay in a humble 4 room flat, that's why?)

Anyway, after my full month, i called another lady to massage for me, tried her for 2 sessions, not bad but then i was too busy after to call her again. I think her name is Siti, but i am sure her number is 91936126 (its still in my sms list). Quite good actually, she is very patience and give me time to express my milk, wait for me like 10 to 15 mins and she even massage my baby for me after every session. her sessions are 90 mins, but she often does it more than 90 mins, the first time was close to 2 hours for me. So i guess judging from the good service, for my next pregnancy, definitely the early one is a NO NO!

Hope you ladies are more blessed to have found the right masssage lady on first attempt!
tika and kanec, you ladies are so experienced! after i read a bit, also found like its free advertising! haha

mine is very true! i personally experienced two. Can't say that Siti is how good how good, but i personally find her okay for her flexibility and willing to wait.

So it's up to you all to try them. By the way, it will appear that Mona is cheaper but actually no. I paid $32 per session for mona supposingly an hour, and paid $45 for siti 90 mins or more plus free massage for my gal! so works out to be siti is less than $30 an hour.

when i have more time, will call siti again. :p

This is the second time I'm getting Ida to do my post-natal massage, second baby :) I've known her for 2 years.

Service still the same, excellent, never late, not calculative etc. Last time she bathed and massaged my No1, now she focus on me 'cos my confinement lady is ok this time round.

Very friendly, can share her experience whatever she knows. Makes you feel very comfortable, I highly recommend her because she's very professional.

She's the longest service, she's the one who taught Mdm Masita and Mdm Mariam how to do massage.

You need any help, can call Ida at 9424-9829. No obligations, just call and ask for prices, the services she has etc.
Breast engorgement she also can help loosen the blocked ducts. She helped me clear my ducts. Before she massaged, I pumped about 50ml. Then after her massage I went to try, I could get 100-120ml :) Weeeee.... so happy haha.

I booked her for 3 weeks, this is my fourth day and my tummy also looks significantly flatter and firmer.
