Hi mummiess....
if u r looking for massage lady... can look for ida (9424 9829)
she is very good and very dedicated massage lady...
for post-natal massage: every session has full body massage, breasts massage and also charcoal thingy which will help to heal and most imptly, TIGHTENING ur v area....
she will do e wrapping for ur tummy at e end of every session.
in any case if mummies has blocked milk ducts, she'll help clear blocked ducts as well..
her charges is $50 per session and she dun charge tpt no matter which part of sg u stay..
she also include body scrub as well...
she does pre-natal massage as well...
she is really friendly lady and i really recommend u to try her if u r looking for a massage lady..
meanwhile.. mummies... enjoy ur pregnancy and enjoy ur couplehood time w ur hubby!!
rest more and be active to have a fast delivery!!