Hi, you can inform MOM that you wish to tag yourself as a referral for this maid by giving your email address to potential employers. By doing this, when she is selected and when agency does an work permit application for her, it will be flagged out that this maid has a referral. Agency should then inform the potential employer. It is up to the potential employer whether they wish to contact you via email to get the details or not. However, this process will also be dependent on the integrity of maid agency to inform potential employer of this tagging.Hi All
Please beware of this maid from Mynmar, her name is : Lal Tlan Chhuaki, nickname Daphne
She was with me for 9 months and initial stage I keep my old Filipino maid for 3 weeks just to teach her the daily chores due to my slipped disc I could not band or squart. She was ok for about a month after my old maid left. As she need to fetch my kids to school and back from school, I guess she mixed with many maids at the school gate, all bad influence affects her work and nightmare started at home.
She almost burn down my kitchen, she doesn't clean the floor properly nor wash the laundry properly, lots of my clothes got stain by colors, I warn her to be more careful but whenever I went to spot check how she soak the clothes I always see all dark colors was mixed with color clothing and my bedsheet, she soak and wash immediately, all white laundry turn grey in colors.
When she done things wrong, I spoke to her she will turn away, no eye contact. And she often switch on my kids TV to watch, I warn her not to do it but she still does it. also make use of my home phone without permission.
From March onward, I started to look out for new maid biodata but in May she suddenly tell me she want to transfer, that was just after she finish her loan with the agent. I told her I will check with her agent, agent told me that since the loan period is over employer can decide if we want to let her transfer but employer will have to pay for her lodging up to 21days which will be like her one month salary. After discussing with my husband, we decide to just buy a ticket and send her home as that is cheaper than paying her lodging and anyway, she is not a good worker for the next employer.
We only let her know that she is going home on the day of her departure. She bagged to stay on but told her that her permit has been cancelled and we cannot do much.
After she left, I started to find out the things she done at home. My kitchen floor track was choke when I wash my kitchen, she was silent on it and did not let us know and after a week, we found my master room toilet choke, the floor track was full of hair which was not cleared and cause the choking, we spend over $100 getting plumper in to clear the choke, next I found she stole my conditioners and my husband facial scrub hidden in my bedsheets cupboard. When my new maid came in, she started to clear up the rooms and we found more surprises, she stole my whole family clothings, my son T's, my daughter new dress with tag, my husband singlet and shorts, and lots of my clothings and even brand new sports bra, all stuffed in 5 layers of plastic bag, mt daughter brand new headphones, hair accessories and she also stole my facial lotion and stuff for skin and hidden under my MIL mattress etc...she is a inhouse daylight robber!!
I thought I just want to post here and share just in case anyone of you bump into her biodata. Any idea how I could post it up in MOM website??
6. For those who have good or bad experiences with agenc(ies) in general, please reply this message with these 2 piece of information1. We need to hire a helper to help an elderly.
2. Original plan was to hire a Myanmar domestic help and after reading hundreds of postings, I realised that while the actual maid that we get is beyond our control, but going to a responsible and reliable agency is within our control.
3. Have compiled a rating of various Myanmar helper agencies here and the findings is not conclusive.
4. Am currently considering Indo domestic helper as language would be lesser of an issue compared with one from Myanmar.
5. I would like to do the survey within this thread instead.
6. For those who have good or bad experiences with agenc(ies) in general, please reply this message with these 2 piece of information
(1) Name of Agency
(2) Provider of which Nationalit(ies): Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, etc.
(3) Your rating between -10 to 10 (where -10 is an agency that is the worst possible, while 10 is the best possible)
We need to hire this helper within the next couple of weeks and your responses would help me narrow down to the top 3 agencies to talk to. Thank-you in advance. Namaste.
PS: For the extreme rating of -10, it is where both the agency is from hell, and the helpers that they have are also from hell, and the other extreme rating of 10 is where the agency is very helpful and select/screen it's helper with max care and their helpers are the best that you have experienced. 0 would be neutral and is acceptable. And yes, an Agency can have multiple ratings from one person, this is when the quality of helpers vary.
We took a maid from OKmaid ( saw that they won awards). it was really a disaster. Service was fast and good at the pre sales . Staff was friendly. Gave us some recommendation and claimed the maid was how good and how good. Sadly, after a month the maid was caught to be lying, stealing and dont even know how to look after an infant. Slept at 9pm and could not wake up at 7am. This was a total difference from what the agency said. Nonetheless , we still try to give allowance and see if the maid could adapt slowly and change. Broke 3 items- steamer, plates and cups. Refused to admit till CCTV was shown to her. Took money if left at the table unkept. Stole chocolates, etc.. Infant left alone and maid went to eat eat eat. Infant fell 4 times within 2 months. Gave up. send to agent to transfer out. Agent transfer her to new employer and after a month . Called to say that the new employer want her out as she ate 7 times or more in a day, lazy etc. Now worse part, I had to chase for my refund of loan. I had the maid only for like 2 and half months and I paid outfront 7 months. Chased the staff 4 times and eventually was told that it is not within his area and bosses take a long time to refund unless I take a replacement maid. OMG! So I took the initiatives to call the boss, He said yes we will refund. After 4 weeks of no news, I called and found out bosses went on holiday. So I waited and called again , practically like begging. only to be told yes you may collect at main branch (bukit Timah) when I sign up at Hougang. So far from where I am. Never mind, I wait for the so called date given ( 2 weeks later) and, got the refund. Ask for break down, staff said . sorry . done by boss , no breakdown. What is going on. I am entitled to know how they arrive at that amount. Emailed andreceivev an email that another staff will handle. no reply from that staff who was tagg in the email. I sent an email to ask whether I need to wait like another 3 months to get a break down and then i receive it after 2 days. this horrifying, 3 months for a refund with many reminders and chasing. OK MAID- wonder how they won award
hi mummy leong,I took my maid from faith employment agency & she is finishing contract soon. I find them reliable as the boss interviews the maids personally and she is very strict.
U can speak to Monica 92718159
hi mummy leong,
thanks for your recommendation. i have also recently engaged monica faith employemnt agencyfor a filipino maid. i am very happy with how transparent they are and u r right. monica is very fierce which i like. hahahah
So what did you decide to do in the end? Did u get another helper?My maid was trying to get guys to have unprotected sex with her. She's from Philippines Escatron Janice Salvaloza. She's actually very good with our infant and the housework and all. We had a hard time deciding whether to send her back, but reckon she's gonna to get pregnant or some STD if she continues sleeping around with strangers she met through an app called "badoo". Apparently you can find alot of maids on badoo.
We terminated her already. Thinking if we should hire another maid or send our LO to school. Each decision will come with a different set of problems.
Hi chua88
Can I check is the agency fee for faith employment high?
Hi all, just wondering what time do maid agencies close during weekdays and weekends? I'm wondering if I need to take time off from work to visit them.
May I know which agency is Aileen from? Thanks.
Hi, I'm a working mum and so far had tried 4 different maid agency. The most recent one that I had from this agent Aileen is not bad. She is very patient listening to my request and now that I had got my helper for over 2 months, she is still whatappsing me to check if there is any issue with the helper. Her contact is 94594545
Hello SG moms! I have just read that most employers considered getting a good maid just a matter of luck. But it's also important that maids get good employers because the job is not easy and the pay may not be sufficient enough for her family's needs. Treat them well and they will serve you well. Trust them and they will respect you. Mutualism as they say. Golden rule.
For those who are looking for a reliable, fast learner, trustworthy maid that you can treat as a family, you might want to consider me. My last job was in Saudi Arabia (2014-2016) and I worked there as a household service worker, english tutor and part time designer of my host family. I have been to SG twice (january-february) on a social visit pass volunteering at MINDS Clementi TDC whenever possible. I cannot tell directly whether I was good or not but my previous host family insisted for me to stay, or come back if ever I will change my mind. Problem is, I dont want to go back to Saudi Arabia anymore no matter how great my host family have been. I can give reference info of my previous employer, I also have Singaporean friends at MINDS and you can ask them about me. If possible I would want to take care of children besides the house chores as I love kids in every way and they can definitely relieve stress. But I can also take care of elderly or people with special needs as it gives the job a better purpose.
You can reach me @ 9042 4822 (sms-roaming), +63 995 444 6697 (PH number) or email [email protected]
I'm currently planning to do another visit this May to volunteer at MINDS so maybe we can set a personal interview, build rapport, and agree on something.
Hi, how do we inform MOM if we wished to be tagged as referral? ThanksHi, you can inform MOM that you wish to tag yourself as a referral for this maid by giving your email address to potential employers. By doing this, when she is selected and when agency does an work permit application for her, it will be flagged out that this maid has a referral. Agency should then inform the potential employer. It is up to the potential employer whether they wish to contact you via email to get the details or not. However, this process will also be dependent on the integrity of maid agency to inform potential employer of this tagging.
I would encourage employers who had experienced maids that are risk to the security of our home and family to put yourself out as a referral to at lease help a little in preventing such maids of being recycled by maid agencies to other unsuspecting household.
Agency should then inform the potential employer. It is up to the potential employer whether they wish to contact you via email to get the details or not. However, this process will also be dependent on the integrity of maid agency to inform potential employer of this tagging.
I would encourage employers who had experienced maids that are risk to the security of our home and family to put yourself out as a referral to at lease help a little in preventing such maids of being recycled by maid agencies to other unsuspecting household.
Yes I agree...agency paid people to place an ad to recommend theirs maids agency .saying they got theirs gd maids from them or gd CL to recommend...All bull shits..ok...Goodness, this thread is filled with ads from agencies pretending to be referrals. My own experience overseas was that you should start with a "new" maid and train her up yourself. While experienced maids will require less time to train... they usually come with lots of "baggage".
Goodness, this thread is filled with ads from agencies pretending to be referrals. My own experience overseas was that you should start with a "new" maid and train her up yourself. While experienced maids will require less time to train... they usually come with lots of "baggage".
Still available?Was browsing the net when I chanced across this website.
I know like to recommend a maid from best maid(best maid.com.sg id: I3358).
she was with me from (2014-2015). I had 3 kids(9,10,11) and a granny (80yrs old, since passed on in 2015).
I was extremely happy with her. She spoke English and always patiently fed my granny (not easy granny as with all old plp, gets even on my nerves)in her last senile years.Somehow, I am not sure why, but she was the only one granny recognised and laughed with.
She always did her chores (I m not a easy boss, I have a whole list of stuff for her vto do), nv once she complained. I was appreciated when she told one time she couldn't do all as taking care of ah ma. So apologetic I felt sorry.
My kids love her to bits, always piggy back her. I guess also she is younger , abt 30, and speaks English so no communication barrier.
Lots of geninue care from her and we love her to bits. Unfortunately, my granny died , kids grown up, so I had to release her.
Great maid!! Only downside for me is , I think she is shy when talking to me and my wife, not sure why. Not an issue for me, as long my kids n granny (ex granny)loves her.
Wall of text, oops.
Hi, how do we inform MOM if we wished to be tagged as referral? Thanks