Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

Sgal i see. Then esplande korean bbq about same price as United square. But i think it is worth, cos got standard, usually full house. Me and hubby total bill $180plus, very full lor!

Who was the one talking about sq taiwan trip $700plus? where can i get more info please!

i dun nd to take circle line to wk la. hehehe.

tat station is opened le...

u can go sq website for more info....
jan, i tried the korean bbq at esplanade before...its nice lor
ohh, u can go look under local deals

val, yah, i kno...gonna try tonite!
let me know hows the train ride...if gd n convenient i may consider taking the train to bring D to class when hubby nt free to send us...then i dun need to take cab liao.
just came back from lunch @ HOUSE.

@ val - the spa packages are way too ex for me to blanjah my ah lao... so no Beauty Emporium for me...
val, the HK promo must fly by when ah?

shan, u shd eat more nutritious food la...cannot go back to ur mum's place for dinner since its also in yishun?

jntt, long lunch eh...hehe
sporty - must exit by June 2010. heehee... i was also eyeing on that initially. we go HOUSE for site inspection lah...
Sporty I been eatg nonsense..
My appetite weird weird.. U duno hw fat I'm now esp waist n bottom.. Even though weighing scale don tell much..

Jntt.. Yummy....enjoy enjoy wor...
Yishun Mummies,

Drop by to say 'Hi' after 1 month plus? or 2 months plus MIA..

i went back to Msia due to emergency, back my home Sg too, had ate those food..and back to Doha sick 4 days lying on bed 4 days immediately the day when touched down..cleared my luggage, my girl start school but still keep crying!

while i am counting down to 2 July!!n Will back Sg for 3 months to enjoy the food again..

if any outing, i can attend during my stay start 2 July..
Morning gals...

Hee airy u congrats me for which matter? Haa.. Ya saw on ya fb.. Sound like alot of activities..n delicious photos yummy.. Sure cya in sgp in jul

ya Val where did u all go ytr? Sound fun.. Saw jer again she in cab today.. Haa..
morning ladies.

ya, must fly before june. are u planning to go hk already?

we went for buffet dinner @ Merchant Court with a grp of close mummies as 1 of them flying off to States soon and wldnt be able to meet up as often =)

ya. dinner was great. the spread at merchant court was SO SO nia but its the company of friends that makes the diff =)
oic ..yaya Val..i went last xmas..really bo std liao..nt worthwhile hor... n they don replenish regularly.. quite a letdown.
tot who eh..Jan said u went Spa? tot u all so happening, took 1 day off to lead a taitai life for 1 day leh ..hee
.. Jer's #2 oso May08 eh? same as D eh?
morn all!

jntt, so u going to HK?

shan, u fat dun worry...sure can lose after u popped thru bfing one...

airy, u zoom to SG and went back liao...saw me in north pt also never call me! hehe

val, if must fly before june then diff la cuz we haven found my cover yet...even if found liao also need to train him/her...haiz!
aiyo..2 mths liao rite? still open vacancy eh.. u better find cover soon..don overwork.. i saw ya fb pics.. wow liao..u really skinny.. look at your ARMS!!
my last exp with merchant court was christmas too but 2-3yrs back! hshahhaa. i think their standard dropped le...for their dishses, nt all were labelled to indicate wat it is lo...

i quite like the spread at Corpthorne Waterfront.

true lo...the time to exit is quite short for u to plan anything esp ur cover nt in yet and like u say, even in also need time to train. I do realised that for this round of promo, the exit period is quite short....when i booked for the jap promo the exit period is longer....

u wait la! u already went HKK and BKK this yr liao. hahahah.
so did u took the circle line back yest??

i was looking at the map yest and it seems the journey between each station is longer than the usual station along the NS line.
shan, its more than 2 mths liao...she quitted few days i its coming to 6 mths le! hahah... my arms are always slim even preggy times! u can see my preggy pics to verify!haha

val, nvm la...i wait for the next promo hurry also... ohh circle line, good thing is there's seats and less crowded but the journey is abt 10 mins longer...
ya, i think there is always going to be promo just a matter of WHEN only. hehehe. hopefully the next time they have promo to destinations u are interested in, ur cover wld have came in and done with the training =) so when u clearing the rest of ur ML? its indeed longer. so do u plan to stay on the NS line or go to the Circle line?

hahahha. u have the next 1-2yrs to figure wat are the rest of the KK. hahahaha.
helo airy... helo ladies

sporty - i already waitlist for my flights to HK in dec... cause i using miles to claim. i very ks... haha.

i want to go holiday also.... i want i want i want. when will my next hols be???
so u planning to go HK this yr dec? wah! quite a long wait but at least there is something to look fwd to. hehehe.

hw many days u planning to go???
val, hahha...pls dun ask me WHEN cuz i dunno also...hahhaha... i will take circle line if i am lazy to walk to city hall mrt...hahha

jntt, in dec??!! alamak...u very ks leh! its not even JUNE!!
I very blur, don't know who and who going holiday. Had a very busy morning today, all thanks to K. He accidentally hurt my mum eyes last night, ask mum want go see doc, she said don't need. 3am, i tummy ache, go toilet, mum wake up and tell me her eyes feel funny and could hardly open. Brought her to GP this morning, going eye specialist to confirm her eye is ok, doc scare K nails scratch too hard. The stupid eye clinic don't allowed appointment thru phone. I told her my mum could barely open her eyes, i have to hold her while walking, and got 9 mth old son, havent cook his porridge and such. That damn nurse, die die don't want give me appointment. Very disappointed! 452 amk ave 10.

Ask brother drop by amk central eye clinic while on way to work, take queue number... Doc comes in at 230pm and clinic close at 4pm. OMG! I think eye specialist doc makes good money. But at least, i can have things arrange, put son and mum to nap, cook porridge, clean floor...etc.

Hubby be taking half day leave to take care K, while i bring mum. Pray hard, it is just minor injury!!! Exhausted now, never slept well on Tue night too. Panda eyes liao.
Sgal he have Friso crem but not those jar food, it don't keep him full. He refused the bottle lately again, i think he is teething again. No tooth yet! I gave him milk at home but not when out, he take ages to drink. Thx
val - yes in dec. gonna do about one week there. may pop by shenzhen thats why longer period... will spend 2 nights at disneyland hotel... any recommendation?

sporty - i am SINGAPOREAN!!! heehee... cause i using miles la, then i wanna take the A380 flights. so got to book early lor.... then at least commit to it.... in fact, now the A380 flights are also on waitlist. so i guess i am not that ks afterall...

jan - i agree with sgal - cereal and baby jar comes in handy when u got no time to prepare porridge. hope ur mum is ok...maybe when drinking milk outside, u push him to a corner where there is no distractions?
shan - yes, of course will bring O.. this trip is more like for her! of course also a business trip for me lah... heehee... 2 in 1!
shan - haha.... u veri naughty ah... btw, i got some used cloths that O wears, mostly is bought by me and my mum n sis. not sure if u want anot? all still in very good condition and i don wan to give to green bag for recycling... turn to tease u & Val mah... must make full use mah.. u oso mk full use of HK trip leh..

u mean O's clothings, of coz I will be glad to receive..but haaa i duno mine is gal gal or nt leh.. u don wan to keep meh? incase is mei mei or u got secret formula for didi? but too late for me.. haa ..share w Val eh... hee
hey good news, the SQ promo has been extended. the travel by date is now extended to 31 Jul. tickets to be booked by May 4...
jan, hope ur mum's ok!

jntt, A380 is a big plane and still need to be on waitlist?! ohh now its extended to july eh? maybe can consider...hehe
sporty - yes, just saw the website... been extended! u got hope to go hols liao... haha! i guess there is a limit to the no. of tickets that can be redeemed by miles lor.
jntt, very diff for me to book now also cuz my future is i think most likely i will give it a miss!! ohhh i didnt kno redemption by miles got quota one wor...
shan, i tot u promoted? had read those thread am i read correct? read 2am middle of the night..haha..

michelle, hor, tooooooooooo loud the sound cover my voice,2x i call and kepo jean stil asking me calling who...too hungry liao order liao rushing Ya Kun dnt go in front of you and stop time go ur house hor..
haaa ya i saw tat.. initially i tot of gg too hubby is considering... now no nid liao.. haaa
Actually i 'd prefer SAmmi de, but again I MISSED!! i went BKK tat day
then few years ago, i MISSED coz it's was on my bday!
not fated w Sammi....

hee Airy, yaya thanks darling..yup promoted..actually got a few happy events for me la.. haa this promotion is a open news..another one is still under wrapped..only the mummies here know..heee.. .so i dare not to ask u which in FB, in case u mean the other.. heee wait the whole world know liao..hehehee
U must be blur now .. :p
how's anytin at your side? got ash gg there bo?
u know tat time our side aft QBR our region office (EU) got such a hard time gg back..haa i heard one fly to IStanbul, then drive all the way back to GER...!! 600+ KM!!! OMG!
are u planning to take ur bal ML liek 1 day 1 week or 1 shot clear all? if clear 1 week 1 day still need to wait for cover to come in meh????

the other time i stayed in disneyland hotel...which we really love the exp. there is a kids waiting area to watch playhse disney while the parents go settle the chk in/chk out. also, they have arts n crafts in their function room for the kids to particpate in.
2 of my friends stayed at hollywood hotel and 1 of them likes the place the other dun. the one who likes it feels that the place has more personal they got goofy to go up to their room on her gal's actual bday. the other one who didnt have a gd exp feels that the place is abit old...
so depends on u la. u go to their website n see already??

no use making fun of me de. hahaha.
anyway, nw i am thinking mar baby nt gd coz mar is a busy mth for my hb so he is always outstationed in mar!!!! hmmm..anyway, will proceed with my plan...whether Mar baby or when baby i let God decides =)
morn all

airy, nvm la...nxt time rem to call me hor...hahha

shan, good for u...seems like alot of "hao" things happening for u

val, 1 week 1 day is not easy...i have to see 3 person's schedule before i can go for it also... anyways cover wun be coming in liao... some management LL lor

jntt, dun kill me hor...i saw u last nite near our hse...but i rushing to bring my son to didnt call u...hahha
faint. 1 week 1 day also so tough! wat u mean? u mean cfm will nt get a cover for u or the previous shortlisted one nt up to standard?

lit A sick again?
