I m staying in cbd area & most of the tingkat services doesn't deliver to my place. Any mummies happened to know any catering deliver to cbd areas? Thanks
I use meihao99 for cny gathering 2014.
My family n relatives all say v good. Some asked about it.
Portions wise n food taste...Excellent!
So far, I only use 6 caterers:
1) YLS catering buffet (x1)
2) Ecreative mini buffet (x1)
3) House of catering mini buffet (x1)
4) Yum Cha Express set (x1)
5) Neo garden mini party set (x1)
6) Meihao99 buffet & mini buffet (x3)
I highly recommend http://www.ohsfarm.com.sg/ for any party or function. There are so many other options but all of them I like ohsfarm most. They are also good in wedding planning.