AmazonGlobal FREE shipping to Singapore for June 2013. **joannely**

Hi Joanne,

Sorry for late transfer, price for item 2 has been reduced to US$27.31, therefore Total Amount now should be US$55.53 X 1.32 = S$73.30, transfer done and ref is 11145942399. Pls confirm payment. Thanks.

Hey adeline and chewty74, thx. Payment received with thanks!

Batch #9 placed for sleepymum, adeline and chewty74.
Hi Joanne.. pmed u
hi radiance,
all 4 items no free shipping to sg. will cost around $6 plus minus each for vpost shipping.
hi mandytmtm!
yes free shipping for tat item. but exchange rate is at 1.32 now. let me now if you r going ahead. thanks!
hi ds_mummy,
can u provide me the size and color u want? i think amazon only ships and sells the black one.
Hi babybubu, item 1 and 3 has free shipping. Item 2 estimate ard s$7 for vpost shipping. Pla note item 3 only left 1 in stock.
hi babybubu,
total will be 17.99 + 16.19 = USD34.18
34.18 x 1.32 = S$45.11

let me know when transferred. will be able to order for u soonest. thanks!
hi minnie_the_mouse,
your batch 7 items are here. (aerosoles shoes and little pony stuff) i'll be gg to tampines1 for dinner tmr. do u wanna collect there?
Hi, I would like to get these items.
Can you please let me know the total including shipping so that I can transfer you.

Vaseline Lip Therapy with Aloe Vera, Petroleum Jelly, Pocket Size, .7 oz (Pack of 2)
$9.14 X 1

VASELINE Lip Therapy ROSY LIPS with Rose and Almond Oil 20g
$5.97 X2 nos

I would like to collect at Bedok Point

Thank you
