Amazon Spree (Dreamz) - CGW/Free Shipping (PP/Kovan/Bishan/TPY)

Hi dreamz
I hv transferred 47.37 sgd ( 35.88 x 1.32) to u for my 2 items order as listed above. Transaction no 11628618301. Pls let me know when u hv received it and the order captured, thanks!

Order has been placed for the following under spree 323 via FREE SHIPPING batch:
1) dorisong75
2) serenetsl
3) lexnchris
4) missydawn (ordered this item as replacement: Sharpie Ultra-Fine-Point Permanent Markers, 24-Pack Colored Markers (75847)
BILLED AT US$12.76. will refund excess when shipment arrives)
5) ang31s
6) albk
7) barbieboystar
8) bunnymummy82
9) rainbowhorse

remaining captured orders:
1) smile1 (via CGW)
2) ryesjozy (via CGW)
3) foxsox (via CGW)
4) vosiez (via CGW)
5) fuusha99 (via CGW)
6) jastan (via Free shipping)
hi lil_han_mummy
this item has no free shipping. cost price also v. high. via CGW, will be costly. may possibly incur GST as well. pls reconsider. thanks! :)
Order has been placed for the following under spree 234 via CGW shipping mode:
1) smile1 (note: item billed at US$12.10, will require you to top up when shipment arrives)
2) ryesjozy (note: item 1 billed at US$11.85, will use excess to offset shipping)
3) foxsox (note: sticker item has domestic shipping charge: US$1.35. will require you to top up when shipment arrives)
4) vosiez (note: item 2 billed at US$17.85 x 2, will require you to top up for shortfall when shipment arrives)
5) fuusha99 (note: item 1 billed at US$15.55, item 2 billed at US$15.99, will require you to top up for shortfall when shipment arrives)
6) sweetieminnie

remaining captured orders pending consolidation:
1)jastan82 (via FREE SHIPPING)

still taking in orders. :)
Hi Dreamz,

Okay I just read the amazonglobal and I hope all my items fall in the category for free shipping to singapore. :D

here it is:
Nick : redgreen
Email: [email protected]

Total no. of items = 21
Total Price in SGD = USD$225,32 x 1.32 = SGD$297.43

Collection mode: Bishan MRT or Pot pasir MRT

1. Philips Avent Manual Comfort Breast Pump
qty: 1

total price: usd 39.9
Philips AVENT Comfort Breast Pump Valves

qty: 8 pc
total price: usd 47.92

Philips AVENT Comfort Breast Pump Diaphragm for Double and Single Electric Pumps

qty: 3 pc
total price: usd 44.97

Philips AVENT Comfort Breast Pump Diaphragm for Manual Pumps

qty: 3 pc
total price: usd 44.97
note: this is currently out of stock, but they will send once it's available if we order now. May I request to order now and see when they will ship it?

Philips AVENT BPA Free Breastcare Essentials Set

qty: 2
total price: usd 17.14

Philips AVENT 4 Ounce BPA Free Breast Milk Storage Set, Clear, 4-Pack

qty: 1
price: 12.24

Philips AVENT Large Massage Cushion for Comfort Pumps, Clear, Large

qty: 3pc
total price: usd 18.18

for that amount, i hope no more charges for me (duty or whatever)
i will transfer the money (300 sgd) may be tonite. thanks...

for collection, I intend to pick up but only in December 22nd. When is the best time to order ? thanks....

hi poxchan
info as per below:
1) sold by external seller. no free shipping. weight listed: 3 pounds. via CGW, shipping charge: S$30-35. pls reconsider
2) item can only be shipped within USA. via CGW, shipping charge: S$5-8
3) item can only be shipped within USA. via CGW, shipping charge: S$8+/-
4) sold by external seller. no free shipping. weight listed: 5 pounds. via CGW, shipping charge: S$50-55. pls reconsider
5) sold by external seller. no free shipping. weight listed: 1.5 pounds. via CGW, shipping charge: S$15-20. pls reconsider
6) i) cost price: US$44.99 + free USA domestic shipping.
ii) cost price: US$32.95 + US$6.93 domestic shipping
both have no free shipping. weight listed: 2 pounds. via CGW, shipping charge: S$20-25. pls reconsider

thanks! :)

please see order. Thanks!

Item Name
Price Listed: $9.91

Item Name: My Little Pony Tattoos 16ct
Price Listed: $2.89

Item Name: Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Markers, 24 Colored Markers (75846)
Price Listed: $13.46

Item Name: Suction Cup Critters (Klutz)
Price Listed: $13.46
Hey dreamz,

thanks for the reply. Am still interested in getting 4 and 6ii. possible to help me with purchasing them? if so, pl let me know so i can transfer the funds to you.

p.s: let me know the total to transfer too?

hi kayliv
info as per below:
1) no free shipping. shipping charge: S$2+/-
2) same as 1)
3) no free shipping. shipping charge: S$4-6

pls advise again. thanks! :)
hi triciasum
sorry, no free shipping for this. too hefty to ship via air and sure to incur GST. too costly already. pls reconsider. thanks! :)
hi poxchan
Price: US$48.95
Price: US$32.95 + US$6.93 domestic shipping

i can order them for you but your order most prob will have to be standalone order, meaning you bear full shipping charges. reason being, they are too bulky and if combine as part of typical spree, other spreeists will also have to bear high shipping charges, not so fair for them. hope you understand.

do advise again. thanks! :)
hi dreamz,

yes, i understand. just transferred the funds. pl check.

trans ref:
trans amt: $117.26

thanks lots!
hi kayliv
you have excess from items that reached. you have yet to update me on collection mode. hence, i have factored in that excess below:

nick: kayliv


Item Name: MY LITTLE PONY BALLOON BOUQUET (5 PACK) little pony balloons
Price Listed: $9.91

Item Name: My Little Pony Tattoos 16ct
Price Listed: $2.89

Item Name: Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Markers, 24 Colored Markers (75846) FREE SHIPPING
Price Listed: $13.68

Item Name: Suction Cup Critters (Klutz) FREE SHIPPING cup critters
Price Listed: $13.46

Total: US$39.94 x 1.32 = S$52.72 – S$3.41 = S$49.31 to be transferred

pls check and proceed to transfer is above is correct. do remember to collect your items that are with me yah?

thanks! :)
hi meagain
the watch has no free shipping. via CGW, will take 4-6 weeks to arrive once orders are reached. shipping charge: S$10-12. may place order in a week's time or so, depending on how fast/slow orders and transfers come in. thanks! :)
hi meagain
not yet at spree cap. will take about a week or so but alot depends on how fast/slow orders come in. shipment takes about 4-6 weeks to reach once orders are placed. thanks! :)
hi badgal
item has no free shipping. via CGW, shipping charge: S$10-15. shipment takes about 4-6 weeks to arrive once orders are placed. thanks! :)
spree 323 spreeists
partial shipment arrived. have sent out emails to the following people:
1) missydawn
2) bunnymummy82
3) lexnchris
4) serenetsl

will email all once more packages reach me. thanks! :)
