Spree - Free shipping for prime member - Prettycloud

Hi Pretty cloud,

can I add on?

Email:[email protected]
Hp:pM you
Collection point/method:smartpac

Item #1
Item Desc:
Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags With Convenient Pour Spout and Patented Double Zipper Seal, Ideal for Storing and Freezing Breastmilk, 100 Count, BPA and BPS Free
Url :

Quantity :2
Price in USD: 9.19 (count of 100)
I saw there is a add-on-item. Very new to amazon. would like to seek your advise

Your total no. of items:1
Your total in SGD$: (TOTAL USD X 1.40) = SGD$9.19x1.4 = 12.87

Item #3
Item Desc:
Tiny Bites Food Shears
Url :

Quantity :1
Price in USD: 9.42

Your total no. of items:1
Your total in SGD$: (TOTAL USD X 1.40) = SGD$9.42x1.4 = 13.19

Please advise estimated shipping cost too.


Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags With Convenient Pour Spout and Patented Double Zipper Seal, Ideal for Storing and Freezing Breastmilk, 100 Count, BPA and BPS Free
This is not available on Prime Now -- so need to pay shipping charge. Estimated about S$8 for each.

For this below, available at S$14.80.
Tiny Bites Food Shears
Tiny Bites

Can you advise if i can order this with free prime now shipping?


Download Amazon Prime Now app.

I am a Prime Member both on PRIME NOW and on for now.

To order: Select browsing from INTERNATIONAL. Please select EXACTLY what you wish to order and screenshot the product and upload the image to this forum. You may add additional details, such as color and sizes, as the product title may not capture these details. Please include the price you see as prices fluctuates on Amazon. Best to let me know if you are okay with the amount of increase in price so I can just go ahead to buy without checking and waiting for your reply again.

Products are sold by AMAZON United States. Delivery in about 2 weeks.

* 1st payment for items ordered.
* 2nd payment - before collection of items - for local postage (if any).
* Payment to : POSB Savings 065-27294-6
(Please use your NICK when transferring and pm me your hp no and email address after transfer)
Hi, may I confirm these can be shipped to sg with free shipping?
Havaianas men's sandal fit flop
43/44 BR (11/12 M US)
Steel grey/grey
Dockers men'should austin premium casual sandal fitflop
10 D (M)US
Spigen Ultra Hybrid iPhone 6 Plus Case with Air Cushion Technology and Hybrid Drop Protection for iPhone 6 Plus - Black
UH Black
understand that these are the price from prime now - singapore.

I got the price from amazon prime now - international. Can you buy from amazon prime now international, as it seems cheaper?

I had transfer $59.90 to you under ref :2018031501622482

As price may fluctuate, please proceed if code master does not exceed S$31 and forbidden desert does not exceed S$32. I would top up the difference. Thank you.
May i know the status of the above items?
Hi, may I confirm these can be shipped to sg with free shipping?
Havaianas men's sandal fit flop
43/44 BR (11/12 M US)
Steel grey/grey
Dockers men'should austin premium casual sandal fitflop
10 D (M)US
Spigen Ultra Hybrid iPhone 6 Plus Case with Air Cushion Technology and Hybrid Drop Protection for iPhone 6 Plus - Black
UH Black


Hi @ongwp

I only find #3 but in clear colour.

#1 and #2 not available.
Last edited:

Please place the following orders:

Item 1
Name: New Arrival Creative Colorful Cute Undertale FRISK & CHARA Plush Stuffed Doll Toys 2 pcs/set
Price: US$15.75

Item 2
Name: Undertale Sans Plush Stuffed Doll 22cm Toy Hugger Cushion Cosplay Toy Gifts
Price: US$15.11

Total: US$30.86 x 1.43 = S$44.13

Will advise on transfer soon.


Please place the following orders:

Item 1
Name: New Arrival Creative Colorful Cute Undertale FRISK & CHARA Plush Stuffed Doll Toys 2 pcs/set
Price: US$15.75

Item 2
Name: Undertale Sans Plush Stuffed Doll 22cm Toy Hugger Cushion Cosplay Toy Gifts
Price: US$15.11

Total: US$30.86 x 1.43 = S$44.13

Will advise on transfer soon.



Are you getting from the seller from China?
$15.75and above if from USA seller, on China.
New Arrival Creative Colorful Cute Undertale FRISK & CHARA Plush Stuffed Doll Toys 2 pcs/set
Price: $12.40 + $2.99 shipping

Undertale Sans Plush Stuffed Doll 22cm Toy Hugger Cushion Cosplay Toy Gifts
Price: $15.08

Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags With Convenient Pour Spout and Patented Double Zipper Seal, Ideal for Storing and Freezing Breastmilk, 100 Count, BPA and BPS Free
This is not available on Prime Now -- so need to pay shipping charge. Estimated about S$8 for each.

For this below, available at S$14.80.
Tiny Bites Food Shears
Tiny Bites

Hi Pretty_cloud,

Can i confirm the total amt to transfer for the breastmilk storage bag?
USD 9.19x1.4 = SGD 12.87

Add on shipping SGD 8?

Total = SGD 20.87.
Last edited:
I'm fine with any sellers as long as e prices are within e ones that I have mentioned.


Are you getting from the seller from China?
$15.75and above if from USA seller, on China.
New Arrival Creative Colorful Cute Undertale FRISK & CHARA Plush Stuffed Doll Toys 2 pcs/set
Price: $12.40 + $2.99 shipping

Undertale Sans Plush Stuffed Doll 22cm Toy Hugger Cushion Cosplay Toy Gifts
Price: $15.08

when are you orderin?

my order

Organic Rose Water Facial Toner 4 oz, USDA Certified Organic, Pure and Natural Facial Toner Spray by Mary Tylor Naturals

Price: $14.95 & FREE Shipping on orders over $25. Eve Hansen
ORGANIC ROSE WATER SPRAY 100% Pure & Natural Facial Toner with Uplifting Floral Scent

total USD27.9x 1.43=39.90

when are you orderin?

my order

Organic Rose Water Facial Toner 4 oz, USDA Certified Organic, Pure and Natural Facial Toner Spray by Mary Tylor Naturals

Price: $14.95 & FREE Shipping on orders over $25. Eve Hansen
ORGANIC ROSE WATER SPRAY 100% Pure & Natural Facial Toner with Uplifting Floral Scent

total USD27.9x 1.43=39.90


These do not have free shipping. Need pay ship charge.

Upon your confirmation and with payment. Thanks!
Which shipping charge are you refering to?
amazon has free shipping over $25 for my items and prime is also free.
paying for weightage via vpost only? how much?
Which shipping charge are you refering to?
amazon has free shipping over $25 for my items and prime is also free.
paying for weightage via vpost only? how much?

This refers to domestic shipping with USA only (free shipping over $25)

Yes vpost charges. Roughly S$8 each.

Organic Rose Water Facial Toner 4 oz, USDA Certified Organic, Pure and Natural Facial Toner Spray by Mary Tylor Naturals
seems to be in glass bottle. Do note there is a risk that it may be broken.

ORGANIC ROSE WATER SPRAY 100% Pure & Natural Facial Toner with Uplifting Floral Scent. A few sprays & your face feels amazingly fresh with tender smell of roses
Eve Hansen

Hi Pretty, please go ahead to order for me.

Fund trf detail:

Please note this transaction number for your records: 20143669703

Recipient Name
Pretty Cloud

Transfer Currency and Amount

For buyer, BLUECOAT BOOKS, the book may reach only mid may or later if it reaches to VPOSTUSA by 3rd May. Are you in a hurry to get this? If not, you may select the more expensive option.

I had yet to order. Will order when I get your reply. Thanks.

  • Arrives between April 12 - May 3. (TO VPOSTUSA)
  • Ships from United Kingdom.
How much is the fast option? Yes, urgent to get this book.

For buyer, BLUECOAT BOOKS, the book may reach only mid may or later if it reaches to VPOSTUSA by 3rd May. Are you in a hurry to get this? If not, you may select the more expensive option.

I had yet to order. Will order when I get your reply. Thanks.

  • Arrives between April 12 - May 3. (TO VPOSTUSA)
  • Ships from United Kingdom.

@babybud, sorry, din see your post.

These two have free shipping at the below SG$.
Spot It

Charades for Kids

Via VPOSTUSA only. Roughly S$10 to S$15 for shipping charge.
Kennedy Save Penguin Crashed Ice Puzzle table games Knock Ice Cubes Block Balance Board Game Puzzle Table Knock Block
