Advise for Post Natal Massage

Hi all,

my gyn has discouraged me from taking any post natal massage... would like to know the benefits for having it...

Please share...


RS: Y did yr gynae discourage? Mayb u can chek with her/him & post here. I'm eager to know too. Cos when i deliver in 2005, my gynae recommend a maasager to me. A reputated massage lady is supposed to help yr uterus contract faster, expel blood clots, relax the body & slimming. But I didnt really enjoy the masasage, find it painful & oily. Feels so uncomfortable. Cant wait for 3 hrs to b over where i unbind myself. But was telling myself since its good for me, got to go for it even if its for 2nd bb. But if there reasons not to, I may opt out. (to save the discomfort & $). Thanx in advance
Hi Just wanna post feedback to share with others who intend to engage Susi. Agree with Rachiru and Cocoa, I can't stand her excuses after excuses experience anymore and decided to terminate my massage package with her.

Here is the summary of my experience with Susi:
1st session - on-time
2nd session - requested to change to earlier time slot
3rd session - last min postpone to next day due to stomachache
3rd session - late 20 min
4th session - 10 min after appt time postpone to next day due to something urgent
5th session - postponed due to daughter having fever
5th session - 15 min late.
6th session - postponed due to mother in law's brother pass away
7th session - late 30 mins , then sms later to change it to the next day.

May be her business is just too good........
Hi, me 2 regretted engaging Susi and paying upfront the $500. Initially i planned nicely the days she would come in alternate days so that it be finished 1-2 weeks b4 i started work but due to her constant delays, when i started working, still not finished.

For the 1st and 2nd session she made it but was late for half an hr.
From the 3rd session onwards, excuses like she's sick, her son having high fever, her daughter no school, sprained her ankle etc. She msg me say she can't make it each time but did not say she would make up for the next day, normally it be 2 days later then she will come or for that week she won't come at all when she told me she's sick.

the 6th session ended up in the last week b4 i started work the next week, she even suggested to come on 3 saturdays since i started working already. i told her i wanted it to be finished b4 i started work. she even say she cannot help it if she sprained her ankle and cannot walk! finally she offered to do continously for me the last 3 session on my working week mon, tue, wed b4 i started work on thursday.

alhough i was quite unhappy partly due to her irresponsibility and i knew dragging so long liao the massage won't be of much use. frankly speaking i din lose any weight but she keeps telling me my thighs and waist are slimmer which i don't feel so. i decided to give her another chance since left 3 sessions only...

who knows, on that day for 7th session she wanted to postpone the timing to late afternoon and later on msg say she cannot make it already. she offered to return me the last 3 sessions $ since she can't finish b4 i start work. i gave her my posb account no but till now no transfer was done.

called her, msg her many many times but no response.
its been nearing 3-4 weeks already since my last msg to her was my acct number and no transfer of $ done yet! so so angry.

*Hi Rachiru,
your 10sessions massage by her was finished in 1month but mine in 2months plus barely reaching the 6th session only! haiz.

*Hi FujiApple,
same same, she keep postponing till in 2 weeks she did for me barely 3 times.

*Hi Cocoa and FuijiApple,
why did she return both of u $ but din return to me?

did she gave u all a receipt stating her company name susanti beautycare?

*sorry for the long post, longwinded hor*
Hi enne,

u paid her by cash /cheq?? Try to get her again,if not msg her telling her tat u r going to complain to CASE or police.
I paid her by cheq and do keep her sms in my hp till the whole package completed;needs those evidence in case i need to complain her.
hey all tmr my last section wif Sadiah.. she's really gd, nice and friendly.. she'd been this this line for ten over yrs..

i'll recommend her to everybody here.. =)
Hi Rachiru,

i already sms her the week b4 that if she din return to me in another week grace,
i would make police report but she totally ignore me.

try calling her she also don't pick up...
Hi Berries, don't tink so ler.

see Oriel posted her message Posted on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 5:16 pm:

my last postnatal session with her was 2nd may and on the 7th i msg her my posb acct number to transfer $ to me.

i don't harbour any hopes of getting back my $ but just hope to feedback to other MTBs so all know who to take and who not to take.

just don't understand why she can return $350 to FujiApple yet $150 she won't return to me...
you should take the matter to the police. these people cant just con mommies and expect to get away scottfree. there was a mom whom paid $200 deposit to a CL on the forum and then the CL disappeared with the deposit! she made a police report and the police followed up on the matter and got the money back. At least you have a mobile number to hand in to police, they should be able to do something.
wonder does she surf motherhood forum?
she did ask me b4, i told her i surf but i don't post, but becoz of her i started my first posting here.
Maybe since u ans her that u din surf the forum, she happpily thought that the matter between u and her will not be brought to light and known by anyone. Hmmm... maybe u should try sms her telling her your possible actions like going to police and making the public forum known about this matter if she still dun refund. Feel that you should get back yr $$ since it is rightfully yours and can't just let the matter rest easily for her.
Hi Enne

Yes, perhaps you try to let her know again on your possible actions? I got my 3 sessions refund back via bank transfer le. There is no reason for her not to return your $$.
Hi Tots,

I thought so too. haiz.

Hi Oriel,

may i know when did she transfer the $ back to u??

Hi FujiApple,

sad to say.. no lo...
anyone has contacts for prenatal massage? my wife is 7.5months pregnant and her water retention is very bad ... budget $30-$35 .. thank you!
Anyone has got contacts of a good Chinese masseuse to recommend? Cos I tried to book Sadiah, but my dd is 2nd week of Sept, she's not taking booking in Sept. due to puasa.

guess what? i used my friend hp to msg her asking for massage and she replied! that means she is purposely ignoring my msgs and calls...

what shd be my next action?....
Hi All,

guesswhat? i used my frendhp to msg her and she replied! that means she is purposely ignoring my msgs and calls...

what shd be my next course of action?....
Hi enne,

What did u msg her using yr friend's hp that she replied? Asking to engage her services? If yes then it's so obvious. Then u really gotta be firm and make sure she give u back yr refund! So unethical of her to do that to you!
Hi Enne,
this is quite shocking... I do hope that others do not experience the same kind of bad service.. I strongly recommend my massage lady, Mdm Rokiah. She is responsible and turns up on time for her appointment. And she finished all my sessions at one shot without any breaks. She also helped me clear my blocked ducts in the early stages of the lactation (which helped a great deal when I am trying to establish the milk supply).
Hi Adeline

My masseus is a chinese, but i am doing pre natel massage now, she seem quite good. She was recommended by other mummies in this forum for post natal massage and slimming. I wonder are you interested? do pm me if you want her contact.
Hi Tots,

precisely and she even reply back asking when is my due date and where i stayed!
and my goodness, i msg her from my own hp ask her to pls have the courtesy to transfer $ back to me as it had been more than a month and she ignored me.

would i be able to get back my $ if I made a police report?
book appointment using ur friend's HP then you come to the appointment too. Bring a friend who is a police and make sure she refunds u on same day. Get her to sign an agreement to pay if she cannot pay u on same day, quoting her IC#, name, address and ask your police friend to sign as witness.
She may have conned some others..
Hi enne,

Beware that she might be watching this thread and knowing what is yr next course of action. I think Nining suggested well and u really gotta be firm to her. Dun let her get away scott free!
hi Tuffy, did you have to make any advance payment to Mdm Rokiah ?

sms her and she dropped me an email. mentioning that advance payment of $200 has to be paid. and if she can't make it during that period, her assistants will handle.

she is already slightly more pricey than others, plus asking for advance payment of 200 bucks. am not keen to pay a premium if her assistants gonna do the massage instead of her.
Hi enne, thanks for sharing your experience in the forum regarding Susi! Its good that you let other mothers know so we don't fall into the same trap!!! I hope you don't give up and make sure she pays you back!

Fyi before I read your post, I was trying to contact Susi last month to book her for my postnatal but she didn't respond to my calls or sms either.
Hi enne,

She refund me the very day i told her i want to cancel the last 5 sessions of massage. She didnt sound nice when she reply my sms regarding the refund. I'm surprised when i sms her to tell her i wan to terminate, she didnt even bother to find out the not v interested to earn my $$.
hi all,

finally i got back my $150. i called her using my office phone and she picked up.
she sound surprised to hear it was me.

me : can i speak to susi?
susi : yes.
me : me enne. it had been months and u haven't transfer $ back to me
susi : yes enne, since u say u going to report police, i waiting
me : you didn't transfer money back to me for a month and that's why i say if u not going to return, i might make a report. I had been very nice not to do so and still awaiting for ur transfer till now.
susi : enne, i am a very easygoing person, you don't need to warn me. i don't want to cheat you of your $150 enne.
me : if you say that, how come i sms u soo many times and called u so many times, u don't pick up or reply me?
susi : *quiet*
me : irregardless of whether did i make or nvr make a police report, you should return me the $ coz its mine $.
susi : i am busy today, nobody to take care of my daughter.
me : ok so how about tomorrow pls transfer back to me.
susi : ok (gives me attitude) and hanged up.

i sms her my acct number again as i suspected she might have deleted it. and yes she didn't sound nice in her sms.

hi angel,
thank goodness u don't else u will encounter bad services with her and most likely end up terminating her package halfway.
although i got back my $150 finally, i feel my $350 on the 7 sessions are wasted.

hi cocoa,
i think she is quite used to mummies cancelling her package already? in this thread alone, already got quite a number of us.
enne, I am happy for you that you got your $150 back!
But you're right...Susi can't compensate you for all the stress she's caused you!!!
hi enne, i'm still looking for one.....not due till end sep. I've tried the prenatal massage by some of the ladies recommended in the forum to test their massage skill and just to meet them before I decide who to engage for my postnatal.

Just to share with other MTBs who are looking for someone, here's my personal take on them:

- Naini - (charges $68 for 45 min session) massage is very good, but she talks alot during the massage and sell herself. And brags abt Zoe Tay liking her massage after her 1st baby. Quite irritating.

- Nora - (charges $35 for 1 hour session) massage was ok only. And her fingers got very sharp corns so when massaging it like scratched me until my skin red. But I was really irritated that she was on the phone practically the whole 1 hour, either talking on the phone arranging her appts or using sms! She mostly used one hand to massage me throughout coz the other hand holding the phone!!

Rose from Golden Wellness- (charges $75 for 45 min session) - Massage was very very good. Her strokes are powerful and precise, and after the session I felt so relaxed. She even massage breasts to unblock milk ducts. If you have the $ to spare, would recommend her.
hi all... i would like to recommend my massage lady.. not only she does good relaxing massage, she's now of a friend to me because of her advices... i strongly recommend her to all of you... her name is nadia...

wth yr massge wth sadiah - when did she start coming? after 8th day or 12th day or immed (for vaginal birth) & her sessions - were they consecutive days or alternate days? she told me she only do Mon, Wed, Fri & then wkends dun work! i dun even knw if tat will be effective @ all for me bec so erratic wth mssg & binding leh
Hi all.. I would recommend my massage lady. Lilian is a pleasant Chinese lady. She does not rush through her sessions and is consistent with her treatment. Her charges are reasonable. Anyone interested can message me for her contact number.
a mummy in the dec 05 thread is now using maya. she recommended her to me. she said that she used a lady who charges $40+ in her first pregnancy but didn't enjoy the session. this time round her towel is wet from the first few sessions because she has quite bad water retention. her charges is $70 per session for 10 session + 1 scrub. I find that a bit expensive. I am still looking around too.

thanks..I've tried her prenatal massage session twice... so far find it great n relaxing n her charges reasonable. I've booked her for my post natal sessions liao. =) thanks. friendly n pro... gives good advices. =)
