I've tried to bring forward my appt but the best date they could give is this coming friday..So have to bear with it for few more days
Haiyo, even when im typing, my wound have the stinging feeling.. *Painful*
Dunno how am I gonna survive this..
Thats what happen to me too! Alamak..Think i also had also wound infection..There's swelling & out of a sudden it just 'burst' with pus & blood.. At 1st it's the middle part, den the right side, today, even the left side also..Started with swelling for days den burst out with pus & blood, now becomes another hole'..Each 'hole' about 1/2 to 1cm long.. So scared the whole thing give way den wound open up..It just happen last week, so im still trying to let them heal by themselves..
I wanted to go to my gynae but mine is govt hospital, wanna change to earlier appt abit difficult..Have arrange for this friday to see my gynae..Hopefully everything turns out fine..
Actually hor, come to think of it, it may be cuase by my itchy hand.. Cuz my stitches are those type which are suppose to dissolve by itself one..But last week, i saw something around my wound area which I thought it's a dirt (cuz it's a small back dot) or something so I wanted to 'pick' & throw..
Only to find out that it's connect to a white thread..I didnt realise that im pulling the stitch out of me! But when I use abit more strength to pull den I realise it is stuck to my wound & it's one of the stitches being pulled out.. Felt very uncomfortable with a thread hanging on my wound, I went to use a scissors to cut it..I thought the worst was over..Haiz, didnt know it's the beginning of my nightmare..